Today’s Reading: Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:20-21, and Psalm 107
Matthew 33 He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”
Luke 20 Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? 21 It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”
Influence. Have you ever really thought about the influence you have throughout the day? Your family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, community? These influences can come in the shape of a simple hug, smile, phone call, or word of encouragement. All small gestures can have great influences. You see we never know what may be going on that day with the other person you give this gesture to. A Christ-like gesture can make a difference like Jesus’s parable about yeast to dough, you can change a persons day.
As I look at this picture of making dough I’m reminded of how God is shaping us, kneading us, and watching as we rise to a closer and more intimate relationship with Him. I think about small kingdom words or expressions I could use in my everyday moments. Maybe the gesture of praying with someone, praising God in song, or maybe recognizing fruits of the spirit being acted out by others. These positive moments that model our Father can influence like the yeast that starts out small in dough, but spreads throughout.
Our Father is building His Kingdom always. We always have influence. I was reminded by a friend this morning that we are called to influence. That in Romans 8:12 we have an obligation not to the flesh, but to the spirit.
Yeast is used in both good and bad contexts in the bible. Yeast can spread corruption as we are reminded in Galatians 5:9 or 1 Corinthians 5:6 or it can also be for building His Kingdom. The kingdom is promised to those rich in faith and who love Him. James 2:5,
What will you do with the yeast you provide today?
Colossians 4-5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Dear Father,
Thank you for your parables that you speak into us through your living word. Just like we have had others speak into us, help us today to be an ambassador for you. Let our grace, kindness, encouragement, and love for others point back to you God. We are grateful for each day we get to praise you and pray for us all to continue to draw closer to you each day. Amen
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His love endures forever. Psalm 107:1