Deadly thoughts

Today’s reading: 1 Samuel 9; Romans 7; Jeremiah 46; Psalm 22

August 17th, 2016

In today’s reading Paul wrestles with his sin.

For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin. For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. – Romans 7:14-15

Sin starts on the inside

When Jesus came he blew the lid off of religious pretense. The word became flesh (John 1:14), the word was truth and the truth could separate peoples’ thoughts and hearts from what is seen on the outside (Hebrews 4:12). Jesus knew what was happening on the inside and He called people on it. And the people were amazed! He did not raise the standard, He helped people understand that their religious leaders were blind to it. The Sermon on the Mount is not about virtuous living, it is about the truth and salvation. It is a true look at salvation. Jesus helps us understand how important the state of our thoughts and our hearts are when it comes to building the house of our life on a foundation of solid rock.

Thoughts, sin, death

Some call the book of James a commentary of the Sermon on the Mount. In James 1:14-15, we are taught the origin point of death. We are taught that death begins with thoughts, specifically lustful thoughts; desiring things of this world; wanting things for ourselves. When one lets their mind fix on getting things of this world, their heart follows after. The lust then graduates to sin as their life turns and shapes to take hold and position itself to claim what it desires (James 1:14). Sin, then fully mature, becomes death as it realizes itself (James 1:15). 


Our thoughts are a spiritual battleground (Romans 12:2, 2Corinthians 10:3-5), on a realm of great importance (Proverbs 4:23). Thoughts mature into beliefs and beliefs shape our heart. The heart pursues itself with words(Luke 6:45) that then shape our lives (James 3:2-6). We must be aware of our thoughts and fight for the state of our hearts! Our hearts and our lives must belong to the LORD in truth. 

Foundation on the rock

As Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, wise people will build the house of their life on the truth. The truth is our weapon against deadly thoughts (John 8:32, Ephesians 6:17). As we sharpen our swords consider with me the truth in Psalms 23:1:

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

I have come to believe that this is not a verse about getting things. Instead, I believe this is a verse about giving our heart and thoughts to the LORD. Not a verse about us getting everything we want if we submit to the LORD as our Shepherd. Instead, a truth about not wanting anything because we trust in the LORD to provide us with everything. The rest of the chapter 23 goes on to help us understand what that state of perfect trust will look like in our lives.

So if sin and death have their beginnings in the desires of our heart and mind (James 1:14-15), and we know that trusting in the Shepherd will guard us from wanting improper things (Psalm 23:1), the question then becomes; what do you want? If someone asked you “if you could have anything, what would it be?”… What would it be? Would it be something to be realized in this world or in heaven? What are we trusting in, the promises of this world or God’s promises

God may we all trust in You with everything and not want anything this world promises. May our trust be wholly in Your promises. Amen.


Extra Credit.

  • Close your eyes and repeat Psalm 23:1 to yourself three times in a row:
    • The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    • First, I want to congratulate you on being able to read with your eyes closed. #Props
    • Now imagine how peaceful your life would be if you did not want. What would there be to stress about? 
  • I listened to this sermon from John MacArthur to prepare for this post. I highly recommend it: Sanctification and Sins of the Mind.

Godly Gleaning

Today’s Readings: Ruth 2; Acts 27; Jeremiah 37; Psalm 10

August 9, 2016 

glean: ɡlēn/ verb extract (information) from various sources.
synonyms: obtain, get, take, draw, derive, extract, cull, garner, gather; More
collect gradually and bit by bit.
historical definition: gather (leftover grain or other produce) after a harvest.

What an amazing story we heard yesterday from Jillian that brought tears to my eyes helping me to take a breath and reflect on our own marriage in the midst of a busy household preparing for the start of school.  I’m reminded to not take things for granted since we don’t know when God will call us home. Prayers for the McGriff’s and family throughout this week as they celebrate Elmer Newton.

The story of Ruth and the introduction of Boaz in today’s reading is a story I never really thought about until this time through. Ruth, through her genuine love stays with her mother-in-law Naomi and returns to the country of Bethlehem right at the beginning of harvest season. What love, honor, and dedication to another person.

Humbly, Ruth realizes she can’t remain idle at home and goes out to the field to glean for her family. (Ruth 2:2) Ruth’s example of diligence, humility, and love is an example for us today.  Diligently she goes off and takes on a job to provide for her family. Even though her previous lifestyle didn’t include gleaning fields she does it because it’s what she has to do.  Today, the desire by some to seek only glamorous high paying positions or that a job will come to them can leave many just waiting and jobless. Here is an example from Ruth that honest work is better than no work when you are trying to help yourself or others taking initiative makes a difference. Diligence promises well and there is nothing wrong with honest employment.

When Ruth goes to the field you hear an amazing work environment.  Imagine when your employer starts the day with, “The Lord be with you!” and you answer with, “The Lord bless you.”  Boaz came out to his field to greet his crew in a loving and praising way grateful for what they are doing. (What a great reminder for myself and others to praise all employees.)  We can bless them, even if for some reason you can’t say it out loud?!  Pray for this courage and follow through with the way you treat people.  This has allowed me to reflect on ways that I interact with those I work with.  Is there opportunity to share this love and blessing from our Lord? (Ruth 2:4) Boaz notices Ruth gleaning and inquires with his foreman. After hearing that she has been there since sun up and worked all day with minimal breaks Boaz takes heart and recognizes her work ethic and love for Naomi. Boaz has the crew watch out for her and remembers the story that has been shared with him about the loss of Ruth’s husband. (Ruth 2:17) How are we looking out for those we work with? Is it a kind word or recognition?  Boaz is sensitive to her needs and shows a genuine care for Ruth.

How often do we go beyond the accepted patterns of providing for those less fortunate? 

It’s amazing some of the stories I’ve heard at registration for school that include a very adverse circumstance.  Where parent, grandparent, or relative is trying to get their child signed up for school. School provides many students an opportunity to be surrounded by love and attention in the midst of many things going on in the current place they are calling home.  Pray for our students, families, and school staffs to get to know these stories and through the all the curriculum, first and always show love:)

Ruth gives Naomi her gleaning and what she had for left overs from earlier that day. Naomi is grateful and blesses Boaz and gives advice to Ruth to stay close with Boaz and his young women. Naomi recognizes in Boaz an honest loving person who is dedicated to the Lord.

“May he be blessed by the Lord, whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!” (Ruth 2:20)

Reflecting on this story is also an example of how God always provides for us. When Ruth goes to glean she ends up in Boaz’s field.  (All part of God’s plan that will continue tomorrow.)

So if you are in Ruth’s shoes where are you gleaning? Are you taking initiative looking out for others? 

If you are in the shoes of Boaz how are you treating others at work? How are you treating those less fortunate at this current moment? 

Dear Lord,

Help us to do what is right similar to the story with Ruth and Boaz today.  Help us to recognize those who need support and reach out to them.  When faced with challenges help us to make the right choice and not just the easy choice.  Thank you for our faith believing you are always directing our lives for your purpose.



Victory Plan

Today’s reading: Joshua 8; Psalm 139; Jeremiah 2; Matthew 16

July 6th, 2016

As I read Matthew 16: 21-28 I can not help but echo @BakerPastor’s sermon from this past Sunday. Victory is Christ changes everything! The sermon series; Victory, the sermon; Victory Plan. The key takeaway for me was a key question: Do I still love this world? It came by way of Pastor Baker referencing John 16:33. With this perspective of truth in mind he paraphrased a prayer that many may have prayed, “God let us stay in this place that hurts longer.” He prefaced it with a challenging rhetorical question, “Isn’t it weird to you? how much we want to stay in this world?”  

The key question above used the word still in it because in Christ’s victory, everything should be different. Before Christ I certainly loved this world. All my hope was of this world. I pursued its worthless promises and hurt more and more every time I realized them empty. Now though, through victory in Christ, my hope is restored and strengthened in truth, backed by the power of God’s word in His promises. Why then do I still struggle with trusting in this world (Romans 7:15)? God make us complete (James 1:4). God give us discernment to know truth from lies (Philippians 1:9-10). Empower us with Your Spirit LORD and light our paths (Psalm 199:105). Protect us from the evil one (Ephesians 6:12).

In Matthew chapter 16 just after Jesus established His identity with His disciples, He began to talk plainly with them about the victory plan. How He would suffer, be killed and raised in three days (Matthew 16:21). This was quite contrary to the the victory plan Peter (and presumably most of Jesus’s followers) had in mind. Their’s was one of the world. A great warrior king to overthrow the Roman empire, etc. Peter quickly begins to rebuke Christ upon hearing His non worldly victory plan. Christ then tells Satan in Peter to take his proper place, behind Him, as He gives clear instruction on how to live with an enlightened perspective in victory. He makes clear that the victory plan is above the world (Isaiah 55:8):

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. – Matthew 16:24–27

I often hear this scripture misused, in my estimation, due to a lack of context. I hear of a call to take up one’s cross, as if it were some sort of burden to bare. Instead consider it a release from the burden and bondage of this world and its downward spiral of empty promises (Galatians 5:1). Keep in mind that someone carrying a cross in this time was literally a dead man walking. Would they not be looking to things past this world? Christ tells us to live this way today. Run the race this way today. Where is your mind stayed today? What do you have your eye on? What are you hoping to accomplish today? … Do you love this world? 

God would you give us a single eye for Jesus’s Kingdom? Would You send Your Spirit to empower us to run this race to win and finish strong? God we ask this in Jesus Name. Thank you LORD. Praise Your Name! Amen.


Extra Credit.

If you missed it, consider reading this post: This way to happiness, trust me – Satan

What can man do to me?

Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 26; Psalms 117–118; Isaiah 53; Matthew 1

June 21, 2016

I’ve recently shared Psalm 118:6 with a few colleagues after we were discussing our upcoming evaluation at work. It says,

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.What can man do to me? 

I repeated the verse multiple times in the conversation and we shared a laugh as we both prepared.  It helped relax the moment but also recognized its truth. No matter the outcome of my future meeting, I was reminded about God’s plan for us.  Honestly, I share this verse more often now and it serves as a wake up call once I’ve got myself focused on others. Hebrews 13:6 also shares these words and is a shining light in the darkness of trying to always please others.

Growing up I displayed many insecurities through my poverty lifestyle, dysfunctional events, and lack of an earthly father struggle.  My connection with a heavenly father wasn’t present and it showed.  In my mind attempting to think, say, and act the way I thought others wanted was my number one priority. Many people can act this way, it helps people to fit in.  It was truly the opposite of Psalm 118:6-8.  I cared more what others wanted or thought of me and less about God.  I was truly blind. This was and is an emotional trap for people when you are always trying to please others.  The truth is this doesn’t change to often with years, status, or money.  The factor is our relationship with God.

Rick Warren says in the article, ” You Can’t Please Everybody” that “Even God can’t please everyone. Only a fool would try to do what even God can’t do.” Proverbs 29:25 connects with this statement by saying; The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.  Personally, I needed a lot of E.G.R. (extra grace required) when I made most of my decisions based on others and my own selfish desires. It’s important to remember these commands presently  in our day of age when we are quick to make decisions based on a desire to  please man.  We need to trust in the Lord for all things. We need to examine our heart.  How’s it looking? Am I currently seeking the favor of men, or of the Lord? 

In Does It Matter What Others Think by John Piper, the litmus test is whether Christ looks great in the way we live? Looking at Philippians 1:19-20  asks ourselves, “Is Christ magnified in our bodies whether by life or by death?”

Each day we must put our trust in something or someone.  Are you willing to put your trust in God to guide you in all your earthly decisions and to our eternal destination? psalms_118-6-1

Remembering Our Fathers

My journal today was originally written as a response to the hatred, in the violence, recently experienced in the Orlando Club Massacre. When I realized my post fell on Father’s Day; since I had already goofed up my Mother’s Day post, blogging about driving expensive sports cars in Las Vegas, I needed to focus on Father’s Day! Not only am I a father, but I know a bunch of ’em. Some are better than others, but we all have the privilege of profoundly impacting the lives of their children. What an AMAZING thing this is!

On a very personal note, I have had three Fathers. All of whom are deceased. Because of them, my life is rich with great memories. I deeply miss them all! With each one, I shared a special relationship. With each there was a bond of trust and loyalty. With my biological father, the bond was forged before I knew it; always there and never broken, despite separation, divorce, alcoholism and mental illness. I remember once, when I was eleven, calling him from a pay phone in Canada, at a park ranger station, after having almost drowned in a waterfall. I wanted to come home from camp so badly, yet he encouraged me to tough it out. It’s only another forty five days. You’ll be glad you stayed. And he was right.

The bond of loyalty with my two step fathers was forged in time. With John, my first stepfather, just when our relationship was at its best, he died unexpectedly. He was in his thirties, and I was fourteen, just returning from summer camp in Canada, after winning all the awards he had encouraged me to compete for.

In honor to all the fathers who cannot be with us, I wanted to share part of that story. Partly because he helped define me, and also as a cautionary tale, because, in my grief, instead of turning to God, I turned away. This was the begining of a long journey to restore my faith and trust in God. Something I never should have doubted.

“To say I was stunned to discover that my thirty-eight year old superhero had suffered a major coronary and was in a coma, would be an understatement. This had to be some weird dream that I kept trying to awaken from. I was in shock.

My grandmother took me to her house and told me which room I would be staying in. She asked me if I wanted something to eat.

Can we go to the hospital? I asked.

Not just yet. I can take you later. You should wash up and have something to eat.

I had lost my appetite, so went upstairs to take a shower. As the warm water poured over me I cried out to God in anguish, please God, don’t let him die! I’ll do anything. Take me instead of him! We are all so happy, everything is so perfect. Please, please, please let him be ok. God please let him live!

When I saw him at the Intensive Care Unit, he was on a respirator along with the usual web of tubes and wires for comatose patients. That was the last time I saw him, barely alive, supposedly brain dead, perhaps already beyond this world. His discolored form lay on that hospital bed, pretending to breathe with the help of a machine.

After he passed my mother returned home, weary and broken down. She was thirty six. We finally had time to talk, amidst the planning and the calls. He knew about it you know, all your awards at camp, he knew what you did, she said.

How? I asked, mixed with skepticism and grief, still in utter shock.
I told him. I kneeled down and whispered in his ear and told him how well you did. She reached out and pulled me close. When I told him, he cried. He knew Ricky, he heard me. And as she hugged me, we sobbed together, sharing each other’s pain and grief. I cried because I was grateful, because I was sad, and because I knew this man that had made everyone in my life so happy, if only for a brief chapter, was gone and he wasn’t coming back.

My sadness was shared by many on the day he was buried, at the Pioneer Cemetery. He had been a descendent of the first settlers and his final resting place was the historic Fuller family grave yard, at the end of a road in the middle of Hinsdale. An hour earlier at Grace Episcopal, our old Tudor style Anglican Church, for the first time ever I saw my stoic German grandfather cry like a baby. John’s body, in its casket, was ceremoniously born down the magenta runner, out of the big carved doors, towards its final rest, as we sang the “Battle Hymn of the Republic:” My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of The Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on:
Glory, glory hallelujah …..

The cradle of mourners at the wake eventually thinned out, later that day and over the weeks and months. My grief was my own, not understanding how to reconcile the sadness and devastation, that had suddenly broken my world. Nothing that had come before had prepared me for this. If anything, I had felt set up, to be torn down. God was there for me, but in my grief I held Him responsible.”

Looking back now, I finally realized that God was always faithful and present. It was in the struggles of life, in its hardships, that we are offered opportunities to grow spiritually. Having a Heavenly Father that can be trusted is a gift beyond measure, but it is one that must be received. It is the most valuable relationship we will ever have, and it is one that must be pursued if it is to become what it is meant to be, in all its power and blessing.

May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. -Psalm 115:14-15

Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 24; Psalms 114–115; Isaiah 51; Revelation 21

May your Father’s Day be filled with grace, and gratitude for your earthly father and awe and reverence for your Father in Heaven. Amen.

How to prepare for battle

Today’s reading: Deuteronomy 20; Psalm 107; Isaiah 47; Revelation 17

June 15th, 2016

Deuteronomy 20 contains laws pertaining to warfare. Today we will dive into those focused on the army (verses 1-9) but instead of closing with a question, here is one for your consideration as you read; if you knew a battle was coming soon that you were going to fight in, what would you do today?  

When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people, And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them; For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. – Deuteronomy 20:1–4

Like everything else, the Israelite conception of war centered on trust in God. This meant they did things different than most nations. For example, God’s law discouraged them from keeping a standing army. Back in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 we see the restrictions placed on the king. You might think things pertaining to the king would list off rights and privileges, instead we find a list of restrictions and obligations. The restrictions and obligations all pointed to trust in God. The law restricted the king from amassing power; no amassing horses for a cavalry, nor wives, nor wealth for paying an army. He and the people were not to build up trust in things of this world. The obligations pointed to where the king’s power actually comes from and where he and his people should place their trust. The king’s obligation upon taking the throne was to write a copy of the law, to keep it by him and read it every day he lives that he may learn to fear the LORD his God; to keep the law and do it that his heart not be lifted up among his brethren nor turn from the commandments. With this in mind the verses above were to a civilian population formed in to a militia only when needed. The law regarding the army continues.


And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man is there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man dedicate it. And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten of it? let him also go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man eat of it. And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her. – Deuteronomy 20:5–7

Here we have another oddity when compared to other nations. In the time of war a nation will often call up the young men from among the people to fight for her. Here is the opposite. We see here a list of able bodied men who were told in a sense ‘we don’t need you to fight for us, get out of here.’ Let me explain my presumption at them being able bodied. They either just built a house, planted a vineyard, or married. Interesting. Again clearly we see a different idea of battle plans; trusting in things of this world are dismissed and replaced with trust in the LORD.


And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren’s heart faint as well as his heart. And it shall be, when the officers have made an end of speaking unto the people, that they shall make captains of the armies to lead the people. – Deuteronomy 20:8–9

The last law pertaining to the army is quite clear. The first two sections we looked at apply to who we trust in and who we do not trust in. This law deals with those we do not subscribe to the truth. Go home. God’s got this. The dismissal of the faithless protects the faithful.

Extra credit:

  • Exodus 17:8-15 – Moses trusts in the LORD in battle
  • Joshua 6 – Joshua trusts in the LORD in battle
  • Judges 7– Gideon trusts in the LORD in battle



Today’s reading:Deuteronomy 5; Psalm 88; Isaiah 33; Revelation 3 

June 1st, 2016

Last Wednesday we studied Satan’s promises and wrestled with whether or not we were trusting in them. Today’s reading brings us to Christ promises in Revelation chapter 3, where we find the last of seven letters to the seven churches. Each letter follows a general outline; a greeting, an ‘I know’ statement, a praise, a rebuke, a command, a warning, and a promise to the one who conquers. The last letter is to the Laodiceans. Their letter is different from all the rest in that it includes no praise. Here is the letter, see if you can pick out the other elements:

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. – Revelation 3:14–22

The ‘I know’ statement indicted them as neither cold nor hot. The consequence? Being spued out. Translated as vomited. A violent rejection and most fearful woe, to be utterly rejected by Christ as loathsome. A pretty serious consequence in my estimation. Certainly then worth consideration and meditation. Why did this happen? Luckily we have clear answers. They had placed their trust in things of this world (v17). They were deceived (v17b). They had fallen for Satan’s lies. I wonder, if there was one letter that American churches (that is you and me) should mind, which it would be?

While Satan’s promises are empty lies that leave us alone and destitute our LORD’s promises are full of the truth and they lead to our being adopted into His family (Revelation 21:7). After the rebuke they are then counseled to buy true riches that they may begin to see. Take one step and see it true. That their eyes may be opened to their deception (18). Then the way is laid out for us to repent. Restoration to relation with Christ. Believe and abide in Jesus. Let thine eye be single (Matthew 6:22). Trust in Him and Him alone. Reject the world and remain in Christ. Live simply (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Put God at the top of your list of one.

I’ll conclude this entry with an excerpt from Believer’s Rewards by John MacArthur. I Highly encourage you to listen to it in its entirety, perhaps on your way to work this morning;

Did you know the Bible talks about five crowns: the incorruptible crown, crown of righteousness, the crown of rejoicing, the crown of glory, the crown of life. Each a separate reward for faithfulness. There’s going to be wonderful rewards. The incorruptible crown, that’s for the one who obeyed the Lord’s command and made self-sacrifice and disciplined his life to live for God. The crown of righteousness, that’s to all who love His appearing. That means everybody who is so in love with Jesus Christ that the looking for His coming dominates their life. The crown of rejoicing, the soul winner’s crown, the crown of glory, the shepherd’s crown, that’s for the elders, the pastor teachers. The crown of life, that’s for the guy who went through the persecution and martyrdom for Jesus’ sake.


Extra Credit: a quick history lesson as we consider another why from verse 16

Verse 16 tells how lukewarm people will be spued out. In considering why such a violent rejection if the state of the gaze of the follower is not fixed on Christ, consider a bit of history. Why such a harsh consequence? After all why wouldn’t lukewarm be better than cold?


After Jesus died the New Testament outlines the persecution of the early church. All the apostles were martyred except John who was exiled to the Island of Patmos by Emperor Domitian who demanded his subjects worship him as lord and god. He and John didn’t get on. The persecutions that followed through the second, third and fourth centuries were horrific to say the least. Christians were heretics, believing in a religion not ordained by the state. In these times that meant death. Thousands upon thousands of Christians were killed as the state invented new ways to torture people into renouncing Jesus. Yet people continued to choose death. This continued on through the third century until Emperor Constantine installed the Edict of Milan in 313. Emperor Constantine claimed that while in battle he saw a cross in the sky and heard the words “by this symbol conquer.” After he won the battle he converted to Christianity. The Edict of Milan reversed the role of religion in the Roman Empire. Now the pagans were heretics. At first glance you might think this a ‘win’ for the church. However as history played out we see that it was horrendous. Instead of the state going around killing Christians who would not convert to the religion of the state, they now went round killing pagans who would not convert to Christianity. Christianity then became the new tool used by the state to unite the kingdom. This powerful tool then began to attract all the wrong sorts of people. People seeking popular status even power and riches.

Those seeking power and riches sought new found titles in the Catholic Church. Papal power was out of control and trumped the Emperor. In fact, in 800 Pope Leo the third crowned Charles’ Martel’s grandson also called Charles who became Charles the Great or as we know him Charlemagne, as the Holy Roman Emperor. So now we have Pope’s making Emperors. One more quick example on this, and there are several. Pope Gregory VII who lived from 1073-1085 produced the Dictates Papae which was a compilation of 27 statements of powers arrogated to the Pope. So basically he created authority for himself. Here’s a sample of one of them for you to consider; “Only the feet of the Pope shall be kissed by all Princes. His name alone shall be spoken in the churches and this is the only name in the world. The Pope’s judgement may be retracted by no one and he himself cannot be judged. The Roman church has never erred nor will it err throughout eternity.” The current Emperor Henry IV was not too pleased with this and threatened to remove Pope Gregory VII. So Greg exiled Henry and absolved all Greg’s subjects from having to obey him. Henry was eventually reinstated by Greg, but only after performing the penance assigned; walking across the Alps barefoot and waiting outside Greg’s door for three days in sackcloth.

Commoners gave up worshiping several gods for a more convenient single god, not to mention the not dying part, that seemed to swing some folks too. People ‘converted to Christianity’ for seemingly every reason but the love of Christ. A lukewarm Christian state indeed.

While the Christian state was becoming lukewarm and Papal power was raging out of control. There was a man named Mohammed who lived from 570-632 AD. It is my understanding that, in the early 600’s he was in Mecca looking for religion, he had tried Judaism and Christianity but found that neither lived up to what they promised. He found Christians in his hometown to be worldly and didn’t live according to their gospel which meant to him that it was faulty. He was sickened by this and retreated to a cave. He came out of the cave with the book of reservations, the Quran. He then founded the first Muslim community and by the time he died most of Arabia had been converted. He was a warrior king. His successors also took the message by way of massive armies starting in Mecca, conquering Jerusalem in 638, the Persian Empire in 651, Carthage in 695, all of India to North Africa defeating the Vandals 711, the Visigoths and Spain with it in 750.


This way to happiness, trust me – Satan

Today’s reading: Numbers 34; Psalm 78:38–72; Isaiah 26; 1 John 4

May 25th, 2016

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on thee: Because he trusteth in thee. – Isaiah 26:3

Trust is a fundamental emotion. Here we see its link to perfect peace. Certainly a desirable state of soul and so I would conclude trust is important. I will suggest that everyone trusts. If this is true the key question then becomes, what are we trusting in?

The deceiver would have us trade perfect peace for an endless pursuit of lies. The deceiver promises perfect peace and happiness but they seem to always be just round the bend. Work a little harder now and it will be better later, focus on the future a little more, the present will be there tomorrow. The deceiver needs it this way; his promises always just out of reach. For if they were to be within grasp we would realize, when we went to take hold; there is nothing. We would realize the pursuit of his lies were empty and we might look past them, past this world. At a moment of clarity such as this beware of the next thing (1 John 4:1). Trust in yourself, trust in others, the deceiver would have you trust in anything of this world so long as it is not in Christ. One after another, lies of promise realized empty after years of toil until hope is lost that this longing in our souls for something we call happiness will never become. What do you long to do each day? What do you look forward to when you wake up each morning?

The truth: the pursuit of happiness by way of trusting in the promises of this world are destitute, they are empty lies. The Good News: there is a way. One true way. All you need do is trust in Jesus. Put God in that place of what you long for in the morning. Have a single eye for Him. Take a step towards Him on Thee path and it will prove sure. The light will shine brighter and brighter. It will become clearer and clearer, this is the true way.

Know this. Trust is linked to worship and there is a battle for your worship. The deceiver is prepared to give you things of this world to trust in so that he can steal your worship from God.  

We know the deceiver’s battle tactics. We’ve seen the war for worship play out through the pages of scripture. One of the largest battles was when Jesus was tempted by the deceiver in the desert. After many failed attacks the deceiver goes in with everything he has. His last assault of this battle. He takes Jesus to an exceeding high place and shows him everything.

Perfect Peace

It is a simple proposition that he still uses today: if you will worship me instead of God I will give you things of this world. The proposition’s underpinning value lies solely in trust. In my estimation, the key question when considering this proposition: where should we place our trust, the promises of this world or the promises of God? We must choose. How often is Satan proposing this to you? Are you aware of it? Of your choice?

Jesus showed us the truth. He was tempted with it all. All the kingdoms of the world in all their glory. His response:

Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. – Matthew 4:10

At the end of Matthew chapter 16, just after Jesus tells Satan in Peter to get behind Him, He goes on to talk about taking up your cross daily and losing your life. In my estimation, this is all about looking past this world. The best I can tell from my studies, taking up your cross daily has nothing to do with bearing a burden. It is all about letting go of this world. All about not trusting in this world. If you had taken up your cross in the first century in the Roman Empire it was clear what was about to happen. You were a dead man walking. Literally carrying your cross. At this point thinking on, and trusting in things of this world were over. I believe Jesus is instructing his disciples to trust in him and not in this world by giving them a clear mental picture of the sort of mindset that is needed to stay on the path and not be deceived. Here Satan interjects again to have Peter trust in this world. Peter receives a sharp rebuke and a clear correction with instruction in righteousness. I encourage you to read it now Matthew 16:21–28 and then reflect on these questions from today’s journal entry, talk about them with your friends and family, wrestle with them:

  • Why is Satan proposing things of this world in return for your worship?
  • Are things of this world worthy of your trust? 
  • What do you trust, things of this world or God? 
    • What do you long to do each day? 
    • What do you look forward to when you wake up each morning?
  • How often is Satan proposing that you trust in this world?
    • Where, when, how?
    • Are you aware of it?
    • Of your choice?

May thine eye be single and thy body full of light.  


Extra Credit: 5 min video on simplicity and having a single eye for God.

Scripture references:
Trust in yourself (Genesis 3:4–5, Luke 12:18, Galatians 6:3)
Trust in others (Psalm 118:8, Jeremiah 17:5)

In the Day of Trouble I Seek the Lord

Dear Readers,

It is Monday which means this post is supposed to come from Jillian however, her son Ollie is still in the hospital, and still in severe pain. The McGriff family is now seeking answers after Ollie’s recent surgery.

Numbers 32; Psalm 77; Isaiah 24; 1 John 2

The world might see these struggles as a reason for a decrease in faith, but what we’re observing from Jillian’s Facebook posts is that their faith has remained strong, and seems to be growing stronger. Jillian referenced the following verse as Ollie’s verse, and this speaks volumes as to where they are choosing to put their trust.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

If you’re not following Jillian’s story, this Facebook update sums up much of what is going on. It is post from a mother who yearns for relief for her son, for healing, and for answers.

I’ve been with Ollie all day until this evening. Today was hard as post op pain came in a big way. I tried about everything I could to help him today but the feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. Overall he looks worse than when this started….mostly because he’s weaker, in more pain and is so malnourished. He cried a lot today and then would sleep. Mercy came at the end of the day with some better pain meds and some news that maybe the antibiotic they are trying is helping a bit. Lynden was able to get tomorrow off so I came home alone with the girls tonight. The house is so empty without O. I laid in his bed and shed a few tears. My heart is so torn as I miss the girls so much and now feel so badly leaving the hospital. I want him home. His Star Wars backpack is still sitting by the back door…his shoes kicked off on the rug. He needs intentional prayer that this fever will not come back. That his biopsy will yield answers soon and that his pain will subside. We need an end to his pain. We know in our hearts that God has a plan for us. Pray it’s revealed gently and soon. ~Jillian McGriff 5/21/16

Psalm 77 is part of today’s reading and the more I read it, the more it just feels like a McGriff family Psalm in their current situation, and somewhat mirrors Jillian’s FB post. There is despair, crying out, faith, and memories of better times.

The McGriffs have asked for nothing but intentional prayer. With that, can I ask that you read Psalm 77, and consider it the “McGriff family prayer”, and please pray with, and for them? Psalm 77

To donate a meal, time, and/or finances, please go to: McGriff Family Meal Train

In God We Trust

Today’s Reading: Numbers 19; Psalms 56–57; Isaiah 8–9:7; James 2

May 10, 2016

Who can you trust? Many people put their trust in a variety of things or people. People trust in diets, oils, knowledge, jobs, money, and organizations or individuals. People often trust in others and are upset and angry when they get let down. I want to share that this initial pain and suffering we go through isn’t the “end all be all” or a reason you can talk bad about a person, but a reminder where our trust needs to be. Our life is too short and fleeting for us to become angry at someone for breaking our trust causing a period of time where you reject that person.  (I’ve selfishly made this mistake many times in my life including with my family.)

Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. what can flesh do to me? – Amen

My prayer is that in our fleeting lives we are putting all our trust in God in all things. Understanding that by His grace and love we are here.  The more trust you put in God with your life, the less afraid you will be.  Share this faith with your family, children, and others. What an amazing and priceless gift to say I give it  All to Him. Even in our deepest fear, pain, and sorrow, God cares! God understands. Like Jill referenced yesterday the testing of our faith (trust) produces steadfastness. (James 1:2-4) He knows everything about us including the number of hairs on our head and the plans he has for us. (Matthew 10:30 & Jeremiah 29:11)

There is a rare but serious condition in which an infant or child doesn’t establish a healthy attachment with parents or caregivers.  This condition is called Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). This disorder may develop if a child’s basic needs of love and care are not met. This disorder reminds me of a life without God. The symptoms are withdrawal, fear, sadness, or irritability that is not readily explained. Sounds familiar. The treatment includes positive child and caregiver interactions as well as a stable and nurturing environment. To me, the treatment is God.

Psalm 56:11 In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?

God is here! He is with us and he goes before us. For some he is just waiting for you to put all your trust in him. I know I still selfishly try to do things on my own and God reminds me that in all we do we should trust in Him.

  • So what keeps you up at night?
  • When do you replace your faith in God with worry?
  • How do you live so others plainly see your trust in God? 

Dear God,

Thank You for everything You do for us. Reminding us that it’s not about me, but You. Give us the courage and heart to be willing to surrender all aspects of our life to You. The true joy in our life comes when we surrender it all to you.

Here is a song to start off your day.  Eye of the Storm

While listening look over some of these verses on

John 3:18

Matthew 6:34

Psalms 125:1

Psalms 9:10