Bad Day

Today’s readings are Psalms 5 and 6.

For whatever reason our 12-year-old has been listening to and likes the popular 2005 song by Daniel Powter, Bad Day. As I read today’s Psalms, it made me reflect on what we do when we have a bad day. Sometimes we may say “I need a drink..” and take refuge in that or mindless social media scrolling or binging on a Netflix series.  While drinking alcohol can be a polarizing topic among some Christians, one could argue that Jesus drank wine and unless you have an addiction problem, having a drink isn’t necessarily inherently bad. I’m not trying to make any readers feel guilty in that. But even without an addiction problem, just like social media or binging on a series, it’s not good for us if that’s where we consistently take “refuge” when things don’t go well. They are not the solution. Those things sometimes may make us feel worse or even if it makes us feel better and forget our problems temporarily, they will not solve them or give us the greater and long-term peace and comfort we are looking for.

Psalm 5:17 reads, “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice.” If we read on Psalm 6:8-9 says,”….for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping. The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer.”

Isn’t it amazing? The Lord of the entire Universe hears us. The Lord of the entire Universe accepts our prayer. And we are told it’s in Him that we will then be able to rejoice.

It is common to hear the verse Jeremiah 29:11 referenced…

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

This is a great verse and though I think the verses around it give us more context and tie closely with our Psalms reading today.

Let’s check out Jeremiah 29:12..

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.”

Then in the following verse Jeremiah 29:13…

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

We will find Him and He will hear us; we will be able to have comfort in Him and rejoice in His saving and loving grace when we seek Him with all our heart.

So, the next time we have a bad day (or a series of them), let us remember this and turn to Him in prayer and through reading His Word, rather than other vices.  Those other vices are temporary. Only in Him will we truly be able to rejoice and find a peace that passes understanding.


Today’s readings are Job 37-39, Psalm 103, and Revelation 21.


Control is something we all want all the time..especially around Christmas. We want everything to be perfect… the travel, the outfit, the meal, the service, the gift, the time with family. The list could go on and on. We also want control of other areas of our lives…our careers, our relationships, our health, the actions of others, finances.

The saying goes..”control is an illusion.” If we think of some of the greatest leaders the world is ever known, it is very apparent even they were not fully in control. They were not in control before and after their lifetime and not even during their lifetime. God reminds us in Job 38 and 39 that He is fully in control of everything..including creation and nature. He laid the foundations of the earth (Job 38:4-7). He controls day and night (Job 38:12) and the rains (Job 38:34) just to name a few. He reminds us that we need to humble ourselves and be without conceit because even the most powerful human being’s control is extremely minute.

Psalm 103:19 reads…

The Lord has established his

throne in the heavens,

and His kingdom rules over all.

Did you catch that? He “rules over all” which means Earth. He is in control. Let us trust Him with all that is going on and with our lives and those we love.

Most importantly, He does not deal with us according to our sins. Psalm 103:8-12 tells us some characteristics about Him.

He is…..

  • merciful
  • gracious
  • slow to anger
  • abounding in steadfast love

He also…

  • does not deal with us according to our iniquities (sins)
  • does not repay us for our sins (see Romans 8:1 as well)
  • has steadfast love towards those who fear Him
  • removes our sins as far as the east is from the west

Reading these just makes me simply say, “WOW!” If we truly believe these things to be true, and we remind ourselves of these on a regular basis, this should bring us peace and joy.

How do we know these things to be true?

We will celebrate in just a few more days the birth of His Son just over 2,000 years ago who was God in the flesh. Jesus’ actions while here on Earth showed us firsthand that this is who God is….taking it so far as humble himself and die on the cross for you and for me where He left no question that He forgives our sins as Psalm 103:12 states. He then conquered death through His Resurrection so that we will someday do the same.

Let us consider reading Psalm 103 and Revelation 21:4 on a regular basis in 2024 as a source of comfort, peace, strength, and hope.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Revelation 21:4

Have a blessed Christmas and 2024.