Self Image

Today’s reading is Hosea 11-13 and Matthew 19.

How do you view yourself? Do you view yourself as someone who makes many mistakes? Or do you view yourself as a “good person” who may not be perfect but is “better than most people?” Some may even view so highly of themselves that they think they do no wrong.

Some friends of ours used to work for a Christian camp. They shared with us about a boy whose parents sent him there basically against his will. He didn’t really think he needed God because he thought he didn’t do bad things. Then, they read James 4:17 (or a similar verse) which says, “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” This young man’s mind was blown. He finally realized he needed Jesus because he could not say he had done everything he “should do.” There are sins of commission…what we do…and then there are sins of omission…sins for what we don’t do. This young man had to admit that even he had not done everything he “should do.”

Most of us read Matthew 19:16-25 about the rich young ruler and take away the challenges with money and being willing to give to God. While this is all true, I also think of the sins of pride and omission. The sin of pride can be defined of “an excessive love of one’s own excellence” as stated by This man thought highly of himself and that he could be saved because he didn’t think he had broken the Ten Commandments. But, Jesus reminded him of his sin of omission…what he wouldn’t do which was give it all to God.

These verses are a good reminder for all of us about our sins of pride and omission and that none of us are “good” and worthy of standing before God’s throne when we leave this Earth without Jesus. Let us become more aware of what we aren’t doing so that we take action and become more aware of how thankful we should be that we have become righteous and worthy to face our Creator because our sins have been washed white as snow through His blood (Isaiah 1:18).