Majesty on High
The past couple of days we’ve been talking about majesty. BJ described the majestic glory of Jesus and Jon shared the power and majesty of God’s holiness. Today we come to Hebrews 1:3,
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
When I picture Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, as the Majesty on High, I can’t help but think of God as the righteous and perfect judge. Maybe the English words of “your majesty” as a royal title, conjure up thoughts of power and ruling over people. But God is the Majesty on High. The ruler over all the rulers. The most perfect judge. Mind-blowing wisdom.
The past few weeks have been especially heavy for our nation. For our world. What a testimony to our need for the most perfect ruler. The righteous judge with perspective, truth, and love. As we individually play judge and jury to things on this earth, we have a Majesty On High that can judge without bias. God approaches us without fear or prejudice. He doesn’t shy away from deep wounds. He provides a process of repentance and redemption through Jesus.
As I’ve been evaluating and reflecting on my own contributions to the real problem of racism and inequality, I definitely have gaps between my heart and my judgement, compared to the Lord’s perfect ways. I’m praying for more areas of my life to be brought to light that need cleansing, repentance, and healing. Where do I have callouses? What unfounded opinions and beliefs do I hold? What generational sin am I making my own? When have I been silent where words were needed? When I have I spoken out when my silence was needed? Cleanse me, Lord! I need you, the Majesty on High, to rule in every corner of my heart.