Breaking The Rules

Leviticus 14; Psalm 17; Proverbs 28; 2 Thessalonians 2

Don’t tell me what to think or do!

Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.-Proverbs 28:14

I was never one that could follow instructions very well. If I had to read them, forget it, I never did. From my earliest memories the way I went through life was to do as I pleased. If I had to figure something out, I just jumped in usually failing. One thing I was really good at was taking things apart. The putting back together part, not so much.

“How did that all work out?” You might ask. Honestly, in some ways very well. I learned self reliance, how to adapt and innovate. I was a creative type and received some attention for that too. But that’s where the story turns. You see for me, and perhaps all of us, despite my independent spirit, I needed something more. I was searching for truth. Within my heart was the need to worship God, but even in the absence of God I was still made to worship something.

Without God, my purposes were self directed. Born to be a rule breaker, the idea of law to me was more like a game or a puzzle than something to take seriously. Discipline was a disruption to the freedom of my rebellious spirit.

Since I didn’t really know God, I was missing the point of it all. Surprisingly life really wasn’t about me, it was about God and other people. When I came to this understanding I wanted to know who God really was, and in that exploration, I came to know that God was Holy. Everything about God was above us. He was set apart and pure — flawless in goodness and righteousness.

To have fellowship with a holy God I needed purification because of my unholiness. For the Israelites this sanctification came from ritual sacrifice. And all the ritual sacrifice prescribed in the law of the Old Testament demonstrated how far from God even His chosen people were. There was intentional and unintentional sin. Even the the need for purification from contact with anything or anyone that was “unclean.” God’s ways were above ours and it was impossible to earn the right to have fellowship with God. Stay with me now.

When I was introduced to the idea of grace through faith, things started to change. I came to see God’s law as a representation of who He was compared to who I was. It wasn’t possible to earn my way back to God. If I was to be restored to fellowship with God that existed before sin came into the world, I needed grace — the grace that God poured out on the world through the blood of Jesus. Reconciliation with God was offered to everyone by grace, through faith. The righteousness through faith that Abraham received (Romans 4:13) was the same thing offered to me and all creation through Jesus. This was the freedom I was looking for and it came from love, not from following rules.

Eventually I understood the law for what it was which wasn’t just following a bunch of rules (important as they are). We are called to pursue holiness in the power of God’s Holy Spirit. We are called to follow the righteous path which turned out to be the path back to the God who had already restored me in fellowship. It was the path of love. As God loved me I was supposed to love others as I loved myself. I was supposed to seek God first in all things. This was the actual path to God that I could walk in freedom and in truth.

The Bible is the story of how God in the flesh reconciled the judgement of the law with the power of grace. It was in His sacrifice that God demonstrated His love of the world and by which he perfected His creation. In this transaction, God for man, he allowed us to be united with God, by Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

God please make me whole. Restore me to your perfect will in the knowledge of your love and grace, by faith and through the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Scottish Granny

In 2003, I had the opportunity to spend several months on a business assignment in Edinburgh, Scotland. My wife Amy went with me (this was before kids) and since we were going to be settling in for several months, Amy went looking for some activities to engage in. To everyone’s surprise, and perhaps due to limited options, Amy signed up for a sewing class. In that class, Amy’s sewing partner was a woman named Isabel Burns who was 70+ years young.

Today’s reading: Exodus 36; John 15; Proverbs 12; Ephesians 5

This is my command: Love each other. (John 15:17)

Isabel and Amy became fast friends, I think merely for the reason that they are both so sweet, loving, kind, and giving. It isn’t typical in today’s society for a youngster (at the time, Amy was 27) to gain new close friends who are 40+ years older than us. A more typical response might be some initial kindness to the elderly but then go on our way to do our own thing, never looking back.

Amy didn’t have John 15:17 in mind when she met Isabel, but I believe no matter where we stand as far as our beliefs or closeness to God at the time, His truth and commands always stand firm and provide meaning in our lives. Meaning, when we are truly, selflessly loving each other we are obeying what we are called by Jesus to do; we are in some way connecting to him whether we know it or not. We were made to love people, and when we do that, beautiful things happen; we become light in the darkness, we find purpose and true joy.

When it was time to say goodbye (or see you later), these ladies knew they had a special friendship so they decided to stay in touch. They traded hand-written letters and made several phone calls over the years like good old dear friends do.

Fast forward to 2010. Amy knew in her heart that it was time to see Isabel again so she pooled some money together with her mom, and offered to help fund an American adventure for Isabel. Isabel delightfully accepted to fly across the pond, even though she had never flown or even left Scotland in her life.

Isabel stayed with us for a few weeks and became part of the family. The boys weren’t sure how to refer to her so we all agreed that Scottish Granny sounded like a perfect name. The boys had so much fun with her, except we couldn’t get her to stop playing the Wii!


Isabel opened up to us through our time together, sharing that when she was only 27 years old, her beloved husband Frank passed away suddenly, which left her to raise three young boys on her own. I cannot imagine the heartache and what that devastating loss must have been like. Isabel is this smiling, grateful, joyful spirited woman, and I’ve seen no bitterness in her. She further shared that even after all these years, she has never taken off her wedding ring as there would be no other man for her.

As part of this trip we brought her to Michigan to meet some of our friends and family members. Of course, everyone who met Isabel instantly fell in love with her. Don’t worry, they didn’t make her work too hard…


Soon it was time to say our teary goodbyes and again part with Scottish Granny as she made her journey back to Scotland.


We’ve been able to keep in touch with Isabel over the years, and while far away she has remained close in our hearts. During a phone call around Christmas 2015, Amy felt prompted that it was time to see Isabel again. Isabel’s vision was on the decline and she’s had trouble walking, so it was best for Amy to make plans to visit her in Scotland. Amy announced the journey through a video call, and Isabel went from somewhat lethargic to thrilled beyond belief; both ladies having tears of joy to know that they would soon be reunited. Young Peyton, a lifelong map-lover and world-travel-dreamer somehow worked his way onto the itinerary, and the plans were set. Amy and Peyton would arrive into Edinburgh on Thursday, March 24th 2016.

Then some concerning news came. Five days prior to their departure, we were made aware that Isabel had finally been scheduled to have some much needed surgery the day that Amy was to arrive. The surgery date could not be moved so Amy shifted her plans from an apartment visit to a hospital visit.

As I finalize this journal post on the day of Isabel’s surgery and Amy and Peyton’s arrival in Edinburgh, I have this faith that God is very much at work in this situation, and I have no idea as to what is to come. Our thoughts and prayers are with Isabel as we eagerly anticipate the results of her surgery. I am missing Amy and Peyton, but I know they are having a fantastic time and in good hands.

A worthy wife is a crown for her husband, (Proverbs 12:4a)

If you know Amy at all, you know she loves to travel, but she is on this trip giving her time and resources to give love to a friend. I learn so much from her in the way she selflessly loves, gives, and listens; she is a crown for her husband, and I’m so thankful to call her my wife. She is doing what she was designed to do, and prayerfully seeking God’s will to continue to be a witness to this woman Isabel.

Today we are observing Good Friday, reflecting on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He did this because he loves us. He performed the ultimate act of love by offering his life for those who will call him friend.

Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Leadership and Love

Today’s reading: Exodus 34; John 13; Proverbs 10; Ephesians 3

March 23rd, 2016


Whenever the topic of leadership comes up I like to pass on a simple truth I was taught. I call them the two things. They are simple to understand. Simple to remember. Simple to see why these two things are it. Still they are not so simple to enact without fail. They take sacrifice at the most fundamental level. Self. They take us out of ourselves. Away from us. Away from this world. They leave us with less self and more others. A good friend of mine taught me what leaders do. Leaders do two things:

  1. Leaders lead by example
  2. Leaders serve those they lead

Search your experiences and you will hopefully find a leader in your life who does these two things well. One thing to mention here is that anyone can lead. Power is not needed to lead. Authority is not needed to lead. Though power and authority will accrete to those who follow these two things. Do you want to be a leader? Are you doing these two things?

Leadership and Love

Love, the Fulfillment of the Law

Here I just want to share a collection of verses that point to the importance of love and close with a few verses I encourage everyone to memorize. They are verses you have likely heard several times, but please do not let that cause you to pass over this encouragement without prayerfully considering memorizing them. Once memorized you can meditate on them throughout the day and call them to service as the ultimate checklist against what Jesus has called you to do in any situation. Running late in the check out line; run through the list. In the throes of a tough conversation; run through the list. Frustrated, worried, concerned, angry, scared, upset… go through the list, one by one and make sure you align with God’s word. 

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. – Ecclesiastes 12:13

If ye love me, keep my commandments. – John 14:15

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. – John 13:34–35

Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans – 13:10

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

– 1 Corinthians 13:4–7

God would you give us understanding that we may keep your law and obey it with all our hearts? Would you turn our hearts toward Your statutes and not toward selfish gain? Would You turn our eyes away from worthless things and preserve our lives according to Your word? Thank you. Amen.