
Today’s Verses:

Psalm 84:3-4 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King, and my God. 4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.

Psalm 90:1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.


What do you think of when you think of home? Is it the current house you have been in now for our “stay at home” order? Do you think back to your hometown? What does home look like when you think of Jesus? Do you consider the visible church a home? What about your heart?

For me, I have thought of all these places in the last week.  Growing up, we attended church on occasion.  (North Darien Bible Church – very old photo)It was a safe place to be, and it allowed me to interact with others. Be around people that weren’t fighting.  We never went as a whole family though.  I went to my first Christian camp!  (Circle C Ranch)  Still, what was going on at home and what I heard at church were two different things. (thank you for my memory lane moment) Do you remember the church you grew up in? Is it the same one you still attend?

Thirty-plus years later and in our house now, we have been together daily without the distractions of the worldly race for over a month.  When asked how we are doing, I will say that “I’m trusting in God and His purpose for this time”. Honestly, 90% of the time has been great to be together so much.  The other 10% I’m still dealing with my selfishness and parenting skills. Most of the time has been a blessing.  Devotionals, meals, prayers, life lessons and skills are being discussed and shared. With the fair share of prayers for grace in our parenting.

Together as we grow closer to God through this pandemic I pray we remember the plans Jesus has through this time.

Ephesians 2:10 
10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Proverbs 16:9 
9We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.

Just this last week at our small group, we discussed devotionals being implemented and shared, family members listening to multiple services in a day, children talking with their parents about getting baptized. Impressive work that God had already planned.

This time has allowed me to notice how much I miss the face-to-face fellowship and praise.  For some reason, my singing doesn’t sound the same?  God is giving us this time home to truly make our houses the church for ourselves and family. In the Bible, the church is always a reference to people, not a place. The church is a body of believers that live out the Gospel in their words and actions. Are we doing that? The church is at its best when people inside the building take Jesus’ message outside the building and serve those they meet. It’s incredible to see how God provides a platform that allowed over 25K watch Easter service.  Amen!

Lastly, think of home and its connection to our Lord, its not a town, house, or building we attend.  The home I pray for is in our hearts.

Has the Lord found a home in your heart?  Jesus left his home in Heaven to make a home in our hearts.  This was Paul’s prayer for the church in Ephesians 3, will it be yours today.

Dear Heavenly Father,

1For this reason, I bow my knees and pray to You. 15 It is from You that every family in heaven and on earth has its name. 16 I pray that because of the riches of His shining-greatness, He will make you strong with power in your hearts through the Holy Spirit. 17 I pray that Christ may live in your hearts by faith. I pray that you will be filled with love. 18 I pray that you will be able to understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep His love is. 19 I pray that you will know the love of Christ. His love goes beyond anything we can understand. I pray that you will be filled with God Himself. Amen 

See you at home.