Examine thyself

September 6, 2016

The last few weeks at church we have been reading in John and discussing the many many events that happened hours before the death of Jesus.  Using figures of speech and talking plainly Jesus spoke so we can read today and have hope, faith, love for Him, ourselves, and others John 16:25. In these hours before a betrayal Jesus sat down with his disciples first showing how we should serve others John 13:16 , take heart in tribulations, be not of the world, and that God loves us with the same depth as His only son John 17:26.

Today’s Readings: 1 Samuel 31; 1 Corinthians 11; Ezekiel 9; Psalm 48

In the second half of 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 we read about the Lord’s Supper. This is a part that Christians have read and listened to every time we take communion. Starting at 1 Corinthians 11:24, Paul writes how the bread and the cup represents the body and blood is taken in the remembrance of Jesus. Verse 1 Corinthians 11:26 is that reminder to us that we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

In 1 Corinthians 11:28 Paul talks about us examining ourselves. Yesterday, as Brandon Grant read and preached from John 17:20-26 he talked about  The Oneness that Wins the World .This Oneness challenged me to be reflective in my desires and the oneness I have with others.  I felt this examination run through my mind and in my heart. As I reflected on my prayers, engagement in others, and the sacrifices that I should make for God and His kingdom. These thoughts continued through the night as I read through this part of 1 Corinthians 11:28 into now.  I asked myself how many times I have had the Lord’s Supper and not examined myself.  Remembering that it is the Lord who truly knows our hearts and will judge us. In our time of communion, eating the bread and drinking the cup shows that we are remembering Christ’s death for us and renewing our commitment to serve Him.  In this time of communion,  instead of thinking of what plans I have that will follow that service I need to be thinking about what Jesus did and Why He did it! Taking the Lord’s Supper should be a time when I can examine myself for any unconfessed sin or resentful attitudes. What barriers am I hiding that affect my relationship with Him and with other believers. 



Dear Lord, by Your grace do we get to be part of this special time where we can take this sacrament given by Christ to help strengthen our faith.  Jesus, thank you for this time where we are at oneness with each other and completely focused on You. Thank you for the reminder that the Lord’s Supper is not to be taken lightly and this new covenant came at the cost of Your life. Amen

Imitators of me

August 30, 2016

noun plural noun: imitators 1. a person who copies the behavior or actions of another.  2. To use or follow as a model: Your brother imitates you because he admires you. 
People imitate for many reasons. Some good, and, …some bad. Imitators of words, actions, and lifestyles. Currently, I will see this all the time with my two sons. Jackson the 5 year old will do something, anything, and Marshall our 19 month son will do his best impression of it.(good or bad)  Likewise,  I see these same actions carried out by both boys through my actions as well. (again, good or bad)
In today’s readings, 1 Corinthians 4 shares a message from Paul telling Timothy to be an imitator of him. (1 Corinthians 4:16) Paul was sent for Timothy as a model like a father with their child.  Paul was sent for us to remind us of the ways of Christ that we need to model.
Each day God presents us with needs and opportunities to challenge us to do what is right. Is my “Christian conduct” that which Paul modeled for Timothy? My prayer is to grow in this desire and my behaviors daily until His will calls me elsewhere. As a husband, father, son, brother, and friend I know as I list some of these examples of Christ there is vast opportunity to grow. I can talk about faith, but if my actions don’t follow or I’m saying sorry all the time then I need to make some changes. This is the time where I can reflect on another reading from today Psalm 38:18.
I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin.
2The days are long but the years are short.  Let’s set our best example of Jesus for others.  In my study bible it shares some great verses to help us along this path.
  • Matthew 11:29 – Jesus told his followers to learn from his example of gentleness and humility.
  • Philippians 3:17 – Paul urged believers to follow his example of enthusiasm, perseverance, and maturity.
  • 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 – The new Christians in Thessalonica received training in discipleship from Paul.
  • 1 Timothy 1:16 – Paul used his unworthiness to receive Christ as an example of grace so that no one would hold back from coming to Christ.
  • 1 Peter 5:3 – Peter taught Christians leaders to lead by example, not by commands.

Dear Father, We pray that we are examples of Christ. That we are examples of Christ in our children and in the world. That nonbelievers will be able to see the belief of Christ in us and be drawn to this salvation through our examples.  Thank you God, we know this is only possible through you. Amen


Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people and animals. How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. -Psalm 36: 5-7

God’s love was hard to miss and yet sometimes people missed it or turned away — sometimes I did too. But why? I knew God was sovereign and would do as He pleased, but did he use affliction and sin to draw us closer? That was sure how it had worked for me, but still I wondered, did He ever cause it? Perhaps affliction and sin were not only the natural consequences of turning away from God, but also the way God drew close to us. This was starting to make sense.

The History of the Jewish nation and the story of David both offer examples of God’s love and power. They are examples of how people respond to God and how God responds to people. These stories are historical treasures and lessons in both faithfulness and spiritual transformation, lessons that still speak truth and power into the lives of people today!

Israel cried out to God:

Remember, Lord, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers, our homes to foreigners. We have become fatherless, our mothers are widows. We must buy the water we drink; our wood can be had only at a price. Those who pursue us are at our heels; we are weary and find no rest. We submitted to Egypt and Assyria to get enough bread. Our ancestors sinned and are no more, and we bear their punishment. Slaves rule over us, and there is no one to free us from their hands. -Lamentations 5:1-8

Despite being chosen by God to be a holy nation and despite God’s frequent demonstration of his love, Israel turned away from God over and over. Their sin of disobedience resulted in affliction that many times led to repentance and reconciliation. When the Israelites were “on track” with God, His grace came in the blessings of provision and remarkable victories over powerful foes.

The stories of God’s anointing of Saul and Saul’s disobedience, when compared to David and his adulatory and act of murder, are in stark contrast to each other. Despite David’s transgressions, because he never stops trusting and loving God, he has a different outcome than Saul who turns away from God, eventually in arrogance and self righteousness as God’s Holy Spirit retreats along with His blessings. On the other hand, David’s faithfulness leads to his forgiveness by God who “washes him white as snow” and separates him from his sin, “as far as the East is from the West.”

The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” -1 Samuel 16:1

In the examples of David and Saul, it sure looks like, if we remain faithful, God remains with us, despite our shortcomings. But our permanent separation from God appeared to be a possible consequence if we turned our backs on God. This was true with Pharaoh, and Saul, and even Israel. God in His sovereignty reserves the right to take back the gift of “free will”, which could allow our hearts to harden. I certainly didn’t want that to happen to me, but what if in my hesitancy it was possible?

Today’s reading: 1 Samuel 20; 1 Corinthians 2; Lamentations 5; Psalm 36

I often wondered how God’s wisdom was revealed? And how could I know God’s spirit? Often this seemed beyond my understanding. And then there were times when I felt God’s presence so powerfully I couldn’t believe I ever favored my prescription for happiness over God’s. But without the stark contrasts in my life, would I have been able to understand my relationship to God? The list of thoughts and words and deeds that I had chosen that “grieved” the Holy Spirit were too long to list, and yet God still poured His Holy Spirit into me when I turned to Him, when I asked. I was so moved by God’s Grace it literally brought me to my knees.

However, as it was written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”—the things God has prepared for those who love him— these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. -1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Somehow I knew, if I sought God’s will above my own, it would be revealed. I would never know the depth of God’s love and wisdom if I continued to pursue my own understanding and worldly wisdom. I knew I had to change. I was changing.

Somehow I learned that life was so much more than being cool and having fun. As cool and fun as that was, it often became the “honey pot” that distracted me from finding real treasure, a treasure more vast and magnificent than any I ever imagined.

This is what I hungered for. This is what I found. Thank you Jesus.

Who Won?

If I wanted to win the ultimate war, the war for my soul, where would I begin? The world was so confusing and God was so mysterious, but there had to be someway to figure it all out, so I tried. This is what I found.

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
“Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
“Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay them?”
For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.
-Romans 11: 33-36

In my freedom I became a slave, in my obedience I became free.

By faith, through grace I received the call. Was my choice predestined? Was the outcome? I understood victory in spiritual warfare for the hearts and souls of humanity had already been won, but the battle for my soul raged on.

I was armed to the teeth and knew I could claim victory in Jesus, but still I had to fight!

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 13; Romans 11; Jeremiah 50; Psalms 28–29

The world is filled with intrigues, conflicts and wars, propelled and justified by self righteousness, self pity and lust for worldly things like personal power which is perhaps the most intoxicating thing over all. Even religion, at times, is used to justify a whole host of heinous activities. If we search our hearts we will discover the true battle ground is within us, it is there we either choose to surrender our lives to the greater glory of God, or refuse.

In a world like ours, I find it impossible to ignore the Bible, it’s the best selling book of all time and the spiritual history of the world. Finding truth in God’s word is an absolute joy. Discovering the source of its power is life changing. It has helped me to see how Jesus is the center of everything, even as the weight of our culture and the wiring of my flesh pulls me in the opposite direction.

In the text for Thursday I read about predestination in Romans 8: 28-30. While I’m not exactly sure what it means to be predestined, if I was or wasn’t isn’t the point. And while I hope that I was predestined to live in the grace and power of God, this is something I believe we all have the freedom to chose at some point in our lives. But this choice doesn’t take me out of my daily battle for truth and righteousness, it puts me in the center of it. That is where I choose to live, that is where I choose to fight.

Faith and Righteousness

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. -Psalm 18:28

After wrestling with the idea of righteousness, it turns out it wasn’t exactly what I thought. Mostly I believed righteousness was what God required from us to be worthy of His fellowship and our salvation. But how righteous did we need to be? Holiness was impossible and if the standard was anything less, how would anyone determine where that line was drawn?

I believed we were all called to pursue righteousness, but there was a different kind of righteousness, the one that Jennifer clearly described in yesterday’s Bible Journal. It wasn’t the kind that came from discipline or hard work, though they both offered rewards. It was the kind that came from faith, something that comes easy for a child; from the kind of faith that we discover in moments of helplessness, when we surrender to One far greater. This was the righteousness that came from our belief in the existence of a God who loved us so much he took on flesh and allowed himself to be murdered for our un-righteousness. This was the righteousness that came by the grace.

Today’s reading: 1 Samuel 4; Romans 4; Jeremiah 42; Psalm 18

In today’s text (Romans 4:6-8) Paul talks about grace, quoting scripture: “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness” (Genesis 15:6). He also shares David’s proclamation from Psalm 32:1-2 about the blessing from receiving undeserved righteousness. Abraham received this blessing and was credited righteousness by faith, not only Abraham but his descendants, and not only his biological descendants, but his spiritual descendants, for “….He is the father of us all” (Romans 4:16).

I find it fascinating that the message of the gospel, this “new covenant,” was anticipated from the beginning of time. It is mentioned throughout scripture, and offered to all humanity. Jesus’s disciples shared this message of grace and hope to both the Jews and Gentiles of their day, and to us. They offered compelling evidence found in the teachings of the Old Testament and from their personal experience with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And thier message is still alive today: Jesus lives, God is real and through Jesus, God’s Holy Spirit manifests in millions of lives that are remarkably transformed each day throughout the world.

If an old man with a barren wife, to whom God appears and blesses with children is credited righteousness for his faith, What does that mean for us? A little faith goes a long way with God, faith that He is even willing to provide to us if we ask!

Contrast and Choice

Life leads to death, but from death comes life.

Contrast is how we evaluate things. Usually this is on a relative basis. We compare one thing to another and it is easy to tell the difference. If we try to compare too many things we are easily confused. The bigger the contrast between things the easier it is to choose one thing over another — but not always.

Everyday we make choices. By comparison deciding between one thing or another and by contrast we are able to make our clearest choices. Sometimes the contrast between two things is so stark that it seems impossible to miss the importance of the distinction.

Comparison and contrast is usually easier if we consider things in pairs. Sort of like having our eyes examined. Discerning something clearly from a large group can be very difficult, but when we can get two things side by side it is much easier to select our preferences, even between things with subtle variation. By comparison, starker contrast make our choices even more certain, harder to miss.

Having recently been away from home for a couple of weeks, living in a big city for most of that time, I was amazed at the sharp contrast as I drove back to Bloomington from O’Hare Airport. imageWe had been living in a rooftop apartment in Paris, undoubtably one of the most magnificent cities in the world. Still, it was good to be heading home. Past the Chicago Metro fringe, at that perfect time in the early evening when the stark contrast of the green fields under the big blue sky seemed unreal.image

We had been living in grey’s and brown’s of limestone and marble. Now I was bathed in the beams of new light that opened my tired eyes. As we drove southbound Interstate-55, I looked toward the expanse of the heavens, to clouds painted by the fluttering of the wings of angels. Majestic thunderheads building before patterns of scattered cirrus, shaded with the pastels of the setting sun and twilight shadows. I’m not sure I have ever seen more beauty in that prarie I’ve called home for the last twenty one years.    image

In today’s reading, what stood out for me was Sampson’s riddle.“Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet.” Eating honey from a lion’s rotting carcass certainly represents an extreme contrast. It made me think of how Jesus was born from a rebellious nation, one that rejected God’s prophets and incredible blessings, often turning towards their own understanding. The savior of the world reflected the contrast of God among us, in the midst of people so confused and broken that they rejected and crucified the very source of love and creation. But this didn’t stop Jesus from transforming the lives of believers and He is still doing it today.

The contrast of a changed life is extraordinary. A life filled with love, patience and peace, once filled with strife, anxiety and self seeking is hard to ignore. The contrast of sin and its destructive emptiness when considered against the healing power of God’s grace shows us who we are, with and without God. It shows us who God is. It opens our hearts making us long for perfection.

For me it wasn’t until the latter stages of my life that the light of truth began to shine and despite my imperfection and brokenness it continues to get brighter.

I thank God for His truth everyday. In His grace I am bathed in forgiveness and the power to continue to change. Jesus I praise your holy name. You are the way, the truth and the life.

Judges 14; Acts 18; Jeremiah 27; Mark 13

Truth in Love

Today’s Reading: 7/26/2016 Judges 9; Acts 13; Jeremiah 22; Mark 8

Acts 13:38-39 “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses

Good Morning,

Acts 13 helped me reflect on the wonderful love from our Lord. What a timely and wonderful reminder that no matter our selfish driven mistakes, the true forgiveness comes from our Lord.  Now,  I understand you still may have those who may hold a grudge against you, or you can struggle with anger, but continue to show God’s truth in grace and love. I know, it’s hard at times to always show this love because of a past or present situation. But persevere with this love so these tribulations if not addressed with God can result in hurtful actions or negative words. I know easier said then done, I get it but allow yourself to have a growth mindset knowing with God He can do all things. With Jesus and prayer we have the strength to not give into these temptations. While in the midst of our own walk with the Lord,  we have to remember that God wants us to make a difference in others.  Those who know you are a Christ follower will see your relationship with the Lord. This includes in our words and actions.  Do I act in a way that I would in the presence of the Lord? Or can I fall into the hypocrite category by what I say and how I act. To others who I’ve just met I may be the only example of a Christian they know? Am I saying, doing, believing what God has asked? At small group the this last week we said what if Jesus was a guest at your house? – Literally sitting on the coach with you. We challenged each other to go into the next week thinking this. Would you be watching the same shows? Would you be saying the same words? Would you be thinking the same thoughts?  Would you be doing the same things? All along, the truth is that He is. Maybe not in the physical sense like we discussed, but in our hearts and soul. Applying this to your day will change all aspects of your life.

Acts 13:47 I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.

This earth is huge and we encounter many people daily.  Am I bringing salvation in my Acts? Am I providing light to others?

Acts 13:26 Fellow children of Abraham and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.

What we share is the wonderful message that God loves us, cares for us, and wants us to be with him all the days of our lives and eternally.

Acts 13:32 We tell you the good news: what God promised our ancestors he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising Jesus.

So no matter where you are at, who you are with, and how your day is going….Jesus is with you. He will listen, comfort, and heal if you ask Him. I encourage you today and everyday to share this wonderful command and Love given by our Father.

Acts 13:29 O land, land, land, hear the word of the Lord!

Dear God,

Thank you for who you are. I pray for us to share Your light with others and in our own week moments of flickering in the midst of darkness, share Your love to remind us to turn to you for the guidance we need.  Give us the reminder that our words and actions are representation of you. You love us more than we can ever imagine, please continue to be with us as we live out your Word.  Lord we need you. Amen

Jesus Heals!

Today’s Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 

I love stories about our Lord’s healing.  It encourages and builds my faith when I need it most. Stories upon stories have been shared and lived out about Jesus healing. How awesome is He! What are the ways in which he has healed you?

Today’s ReadingJudges 2; Acts 6; Jeremiah 15; Mark 1

As we read through Mark you will hear some of these healing stories.  Jesus healed and continues to heal.  Are you in need of some healing?

Last week you heard an amazing story from Jennifer Armstrong and the healing that Jesus provided to her in Great is Thy Faithfulness.  Truly, when it comes down to healing we will need to examine our faithfulness. Let’s look at a few of these amazing stories in Mark 1 and grow together in believing that when our faith is strong our Lord is near and can heal anyone at any moment spiritually, mentally, and physically. (1 Corinthians 1:18, Luke 6:9-10, Mark 10:52, Luke 7:47-50).

Once Jesus heals the man with an Unclean Spirit in Mark 1:24-26 everyone is amazed and realize his authority over all. Jesus then heals Simon’s Mother-In-Law bringing the whole city to allow Jesus to heal many who were sick.

 33 And the whole city was gathered together at the door. 34 And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.

We recognize and receive God’s healing through our faith.  Many times Jesus would heal those who had faith (ex. Mark 5:34, Luke 8:48) and got frustrated when others would want some kind of sign to show he could heal others. (ex. John 4:48, Luke 24:25 ) Keep the faith!

We also get the opportunity to share God’s grace of healing to others through our faith or confidence in God’s Word. This is an active faith not passive faith. We must share our faith with others. This could be through our prayers with others who are in the middle of tribulations. Mark 11:24

Jesus is our healer. His calendar is never too full for any of us.  No situation is too big or small when you ask. His treatment is gentle and results are wonderful. The way a believer receives God’s healing power is through faith. God’s healing power is available to us through the grace of Jesus Christ. We are Living in God’s Grace. Viv Anba Gras Bon Dieu.

So where do you need healing? Is it physically, mentally, or spiritually? It’s hard to do anything when you are in pain. Life is not filled with JOY. What about those you interact with throughout your day? God heals!  He is the great physician and He can heal anyone of any affliction, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. There are going to be times in your life when you’ll need God to heal you or a loved one, so pray to God for the healing that you need.

Dear God,  You are our healer. Let us call on you when we are in need and recognize that you alone are the one who we need to have faith in. Thank you for your love, grace, and healing you have already provided and for being there when we fail to remember. Amen


Listening Pleasure: Kari Jobe ~ Healer


The Road Less Traveled

“……I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

By Robert Frost from “The Road Not Taken.”

Today’s reading: Deuteronomy 9; Psalms 92–93; Isaiah 37; Revelation 7

Driving through the familiar Appalachian Mountains last week gave me a chance to reflect. Returning from a short trip to visit my two oldest boys, I took a new route that not only saved me an hour, but surrounded me with great scenery and wilderness that reminded me of the struggles most of us face; sometimes raising children. The road that led through the years, to the joy of family in the restoration of relationships, through the power of love and perseverance.

Yes, there were still those moments I longed for the time when my children were younger; the sweet, innocent years, moving away fast in the rearview mirror. As I thought about the challenges we had all faced, how we had survived, tears of gratitude filled my eyes. My children were healthy, happy and productive, but it hadn’t always been this way. As much as I wanted to protect them and love them, it wasn’t always possible. Things often got in the way. Sometimes it was the things I couldn’t control; and sometimes it was me!

My trip to North Carolina began with nearly twelve hours of driving, arriving in Raleigh just in time for dinner. I had picked up Brendan, my twenty six year old, in Hendersonville, continuing on to Raleigh meeting up with Travor (my twenty eight year old), and his awesome wife Samantha. I can’t begin to describe the joy of celebrating life, breaking bread with these three extraordinary people who have found productive paths by overcoming personal challenges.image

After our feast at the legendary Angus Barn, and a good night’s sleep in Chapel Hill, Brendan and I drove back up the mountain, another four and a half hours to Hendersonville. There I was privileged to enter Brendan’s world, which included a short trip to the home of Carl Sandburg; the hobo poet who won the heart of the country in the early 1900’s. I had visited this special place with my two sons in 1995; now it was one of Brendan’s sanctuaries. A place he went to find God who had revealed love for His children and for the human race through nature; and by kindness expressed in the lives of others. I believed God’s love was also revealed in the Bible, the story of His disappointment at our reluctance to receive His blessing and keep his commandments; and the story of redemption.

Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. ‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them,’ nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’ ” -Revelation 7:15-17

Yes, it was true that God loved us enough to reconcile us back to Himself, whether we thought we deserved it or not. This was the amazing love that I wanted to emulate and yet fell short of every day.

How much can a parent love a child? You can answer this for yourself, but I think most of us would say “a lot.” How much would we sacrifice for them? Would we die for them? Many parents defer their dreams and pleasures (and more) for their children. Carl Sandburg had written that “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” Truly our children are miracles to whom we pass the eternal torch. My hope was to pass the story of the Messiah on to mine by demonstrating love and leading a life that pointed to the truth.

As I drove through Pikeville, KY, the ghosts of the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s roamed the hills, shooting memories of how fast relationships can go bad from harboring resentments, and from acts of vengeance. People who were once close, even family, can become hostile to the point of no return; or so “the enemy” would have us believe. The truth, was that by God’s power and love, restoration was always possible in the grace of forgiveness. image

Now I drove a new route from Asheville to Ashland, one that I hadn’t considered before. It made me think that the restoration of our relationships was similar. Sometimes we needed to try a different way. Sandburg said, “Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed.” The power of love over anger and indifference is a gift from God. One so powerful it is able to restore goodwill between parents; between parents and children; between people; and between people and God.

We are all God’s children and to reconcile us back to Him, and in a sense to each other, he demonstrated amazing love by becoming human and dying for the sins of all humanity. By becoming the sacrifice of atonement, he redeemed each and every person. So by accepting this propitiation, by faith, we can receive God’s grace along with His Holy Spirit, which gives us the supernatural power of sacrificial love and restoration. Loving our children in the difficult things, and one another when it makes no sense, demonstrates God’s love; this is how we help inspire loving children, and so on. It is for me, my road less traveled, “and that has made all the difference.”

Don’t Forget

A string tied around an index finger

Numbers 28; Psalm 72; Isaiah 19–20; 2 Peter 1

Have you ever paid attention to the collection of things in our lives designed to be reminders? As I look around my room, I see all sorts of things. I have a clock that keeps me mindful of what time it is. I have a bulletin board that holds invitations, famous quotations, and certificates, reminding me of good things. I have pictures of my family and friends. They remind me of who they are, how much I love them and really great experiences that we have enjoyed. Unfortunately, these things have failed to become reminders. Instead, I pass by them every day, mesmerized and tranquilized by my busy life. As I flop on the couch at the end of a long day, they cannot compete with my television, as it blurts and blasts [seemingly] innocuous messages.

This random busyness separates us from our hearts causing them to stagnate and lie dormant. This is not at all what God planned for us. Sure, we have faith that we are saved and will live with God eternally, yet we fail to break through and experience him today. Why not? Peter explains that we have failed to grow in our knowledge.  When we do, he says, we will gain self-control, with continuous dedication, resulting in brotherly affection and, finally, above all, love (2 Peter 1:5-7). Did you hear it? Love. It is the thing that we are chasing so endlessly, it is reconnection with our hearts.  Sadly, like the song says, we are Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places. Or, perhaps you are not looking for it at all, being content to live the busy and distracted life I described earlier.

Is there any hope? According to 2 Peter, the answer is yes.  It says, “those who fail to develop, shortsighted or blind.  They forget that they have been cleansed from their old sins” (2 Peter 1:9 NLTse). You see, when we don’t engage God and grow with him, we quickly revert back to our old lives. Wasn’t it these old behaviors that led us to the Cross in the first place? We are, in fact, living our old lives. If you are like me, that is a disappointing and shocking realization. This does not, however, lead me to despair.  Instead, it is a reminder.

Today, I am reminded of my failure to achieve the life he calls me to and also, of his abundant mercy. Thankfully, His mercy is new every morning and will never end (Lamentations 3:22-23). I am reminded that no matter how hard I try, I cannot change myself. Instead, I must put on the clothing of Christ, which is love (Colossians 3:14-17). All of this brings me to one last reminder, that the fullness I seek is made possible by a single, great sacrifice. Today, I am drawn, again, to the cross. This time, I come not so much for what it will do for me, but for what it can do through me.