A New Heaven and New Earth

Today’s readings are Job 37-39, Psalm 103, and Revelation 21.

If you have been a believer most of your life, what were your thoughts when reading in science class that the world and everything in it was created by a big bang and that dinosaurs lived millions of years before man compared to what the Bible tells us that it was made in 6 days and that man was created the same day as animals which must also include dinosaurs? Or whether you’ve been a believer since childhood or not, what are your thoughts of what the Bible says compared to mainstream “science?” Growing up and  reading things in science textbooks didn’t shake my faith, but definitely left me wondering if a day in Genesis was really a day as we know it now, but even then animals, which would include dinosaurs, and man being created on the same day had me stumped. It was not a deterrent to my faith though because I knew I believed Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins and rose on Easter and that was all that mattered the most in the end. I would let the other details affect my faith and what was necessary to be right with God and go to Heaven. The problem is though, if one part of the Bible is misinterpreted or has been mistranslated, how can one then be confident in the truth of Jesus’, death, burial, and Resurrection?

What does this have to do with our readings today? Well, Job 37-39 has Elihu and then God Himself speaking of God’s majesty and making the universe and everything in it work properly. If we read on beyond today’s chapters, we find in Job 40:15-18 where God mentions and describes “Behemoth” which could only fit the description of a dinosaur if you read it closely and then God speaks of “Leviathan” in Job 41 which seems to describe dinosaurs of the sea. In these chapters and in our chapters for today he describes other animals like goats, donkeys, and cattle to name a few right along side Behemoth. This does not sound like God and the Bible describing they lived millions of years apart. The word dinosaur was not created until the 1800s.

Here’s my encouragement, if you do some research there are many creation scientists who are disproving past science and the inaccuracies of carbon dating and evolution and proving the what the Bible says. Their science proves a younger Earth that is roughly 6,000 years old, a global flood as we know from the Bible, and that the flood, not millions of years or time, created the different layers of rock found on Earth. They’ve even found soft tissue in dinosaur bones proving they can’t be millions of years old. They were likely on the Ark like other animals (no one said all the animals had to be adults either) and went extinct sometime after like other animals have throughout history.

You don’t have to ignore or turn your head to what science says as a Christian and be scared to answer questions from a non-believer or even your kids about the difference between what mainstream science says and the Bible. Science is now proving what we already knew, the Bible is true!

If you are interested in learning more from creation scientist who are proving science aligns with the Bible and doesn’t conflict with it, check out such resources as http://answersingenesis.org, Creation Today podcast or website, Biblical Creation page on Facebook, or visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Kentucky to name a few.

Revelation 21 tells us God in the “Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 21:6), and that not only did God create the Earth as we know it and that He still makes the universe operate properly today, but He will create a new Heaven and new Earth when Jesus comes again (Revelation 21:1). And above all things, God’s greatest miracle is that He forgives our sins (Psalm 103:12). And when He comes again to create a new Heaven and Earth, there will be no more crying and no more pain (Revelation 21:4). This is something all believers can look forward to!