
A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome - ancient Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus quote printed on grunge vintage cardboard

1 Kings 16; Colossians 3; Ezekiel 46; Psalm 102

Much of our behavior is not intentional, it is the result of habits. Habits are patterns of behavior that we have acquired over time. Consider, for example, my routine when I get home from work. First I drop my bag into kitchen table chair. Second, I remove my shoes underneath the chair and yes, I lay my coat over it as well. I don’t think it through, it is my habit. Is it good or bad? In order to determine that, I look to my wife, Jennifer.  She starts with a gentle reminder, saying, “hey, your shoes are in here.” As time passes, her irritation escalates to anger.  I’m sure you can figure out the rest of the story. The bottom line is that our habits affect other people and they have a significant impact our relationships.

Once I recognize that a particular habit is straining our relationship, there is a choice to make. Do I continue on, knowing that they anger my wife, or do I change? I know what you are thinking, “Hey, idiot, pick up your shoes!” Right? Yes, that is the obvious answer. Yet, each of us makes similar choices, every day. Consider, now your habits relative to God. Today in Colossians 3, Paul reminds us that because we have chosen to be in a relationship with God, we must alter our behavior. Just like our spouses, our routines and habits affect our relationship with God.

How are we to do change our habits? The recipe is simple. It starts with our focus. Paul encourages us in Colossians 3:2 to “think about the things of heaven not of earth.” Now, I don’t think he’s telling us to think about streets paved in gold. Instead, he wants us to be reminded of the pure and perfect love in heaven because of God’s presence. The result magnifies God in a way that stirs our desire to please him. Our attempts to please Him will reveal conflicts with our natural behavior. In fact, just as in my marriage, it is impossible to attain a healthy relationship without removing old behaviors and replacing them with new behaviors that are pleasing and uplifting.  Paul says to put them to “death.”

If you are like me, thinking of all the habits I need to change is paralyzing.  For now, I’m going to focus on one small thing. What is ONE action that you can take today that will allow God’s love to flow more freely in  your life?  Don’t over think it.  It might be as simple as moving your shoes.

What kind of inheritance will you leave?

Today’s readings in 1 Kings reminded me of a verse in Exodus 20 that helps us realize the importance of loving the LORD with all our heart for our family’s sake (a/k/a following God’s commands, 1John 5:3, John 14:15 ). How what we do now affects our family in the future. 

Here was the scripture that reminded me of this important truth in leaving an inheritance:

He committed all the sins his father had done before him; his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his forefather had been. Nevertheless, for David’s sake the Lord his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by raising up a son to succeed him and by making Jerusalem strong. – 1 Kings 15:3-4

Here is the scripture in Exodus 20 that it reminded me of:

“You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. – Exodus 20:3-6

Proverbs tells us a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s, children (Proverbs 13:22). In a world that may try to have us think money is the best form of inheritance, would believing so be putting money before God and actually undermining a true inheritance of lasting wealth? Is there anything that we could leave more precious than God’s Word that calls us and restores us to Him? Anything more precious than loving God and keeping His commandments? Do we need to reevaluate, in truth, our inheritance plan?

May God’s inheritance be rich in love toward Him. May the parents have wisdom (right living, James 2:13) to disciple the children of God’s inheritance. 

Today’s reading: 1 Kings 15; Colossians 2; Ezekiel 45; Psalms 99–101


Faithful Prayers

Today’s Readings: 1 Kings 14; Colossians 1; Ezekiel 44; Psalms 97–98

As Paul faithfully writes his letter to the church of Colosse I’m reminded of the power of prayer.  The impact Christians can have on your neighborhood, community and around the world through prayer is limitless.  Our love for God should be mirrored for other Christians so we can lift up others everywhere. Paul’s timely prayer was meant to influence the Colossians to be wise and remind them to use their knowledge to learn more about Him and put what they learned into action by helping others. These words of love can influence us into action today.

I can often pray for the day, family, small group requests, and other situations that influence my heart or thoughts throughout the day. Paul teaches us how to pray for other Christians. This intentional letter and prayer is important as we pray for missionaries, pastors, and leaders around the world who influence hearts through the Holy Spirit. There is much pain around the US and around the world and our prayers to God are necessary to give thanks, wisdom,and love to others.The Tyndale Life Application Study Bible shares a study pattern by Paul for prayers to other Christians that I thought was simple and God filled.

  1. Be thankful for their faith and changed lives (Col. 1:3).
  2. Ask God to help them know his will (Col. 1:9).
  3. Ask God to give them spiritual wisdom and understanding (Col. 1:9).
  4. Ask God to help them live to honor and please him (Col. 1:10).
  5. Ask God to give them more knowledge of himself (Col. 1:10).
  6. Ask God to give them strength for endurance and patience (Col. 1:11).
  7. Ask God to fill them with joy and thankfulness (Col. 1:12).

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. (Col. 1:9-10)

As believers we all have these same basic needs.  These seven steps can help other Christians grow spiritually in order to make a difference in those they influence.

How many people in your life could be touched if you prayed in this way? 

Dear God,  Thank you for who you are,  and the grace you have given us in order to continue to go out into the world and share your love.  We pray for all Christians here and around the world to keep you Lord at the center of all we do.  Give our leaders, missionaries, and pastors the wisdom to be able to share your story with others.  Give them the patience and endurance to withstand the enemy and continue to build your kingdom until you return.  Thank you for the joy we have because of who you are.  Amen


Christian cross with bright sun and clouds background
Christian cross with bright sun and clouds background

Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, REJOICE !!

Today’s Readings: 1 Kings 13, Philippians 4, Ezekiel 43, Psalms 95-96

It is truly a pleasure to be able to contribute to this community in this capacity. My name is Lynden McGriff, I am the husband of Jillian. It is a blessing today to be the guest writer because it is my birthday. I am truly excited to have been asked to write the entry today.

As I read through the readings for today, I was perplexed in which section to examine and then the Spirit led me to Philippians. This letter that Paul wrote is one of the warmest and most personal letters that is contained in the bible. He is in his first imprisonment in Rome and he is writing to his first European church that he planted. This is significant in so many ways. This is a first time to be not free in his home, Rome. This is the first time that he has received a message from his first church outside Asia or the Israel. This is the first time that he has received gifts in a magnitude that overwhelms him.

Many of you know that this past year has been a challenging year for my family. Our son, Oliver has been through so much that it is hard to convey the feelings of hope, desperation, emptiness, joy, sadness, and love. In the beginning of the year he was in and out of doctors offices with digestive issues. Jillian and I were going to the doctors’ offices at least one time per week. The children : Oliver, Ruby, and Nadya were constantly in and out of the van and the offices that they were accustomed to seeing all the physicians and nurse, so much so that they knew us by face and name. In May, Oliver was hospitalized for 3 consecutive weeks and then we had the diagnosis of Crohns. This was and is still a point that makes Jillian and I pause often and let God speak to us. For me, it is one of the most challenging things to continue to be positive in the midst of it all.

The opportunity arose for Oliver to go to the best place on earth, Disney World. It was a sacrifice and journey to orchestrate the logistics and finances. But this one hope that continued to keep him going was the hope of something big and exciting, to one day be able to return to Disney World. The trip was a surprise and was suppose to start on this past Friday. Then hurricane Matthew came, which postponed the trip again. Then yesterday afternoon, he has the first flare of Crohns and this threatens to derail the journey yet again. But God purpose was to make Ollie smile and know that only God has the final word of what will happen. Through God’s grace Ollie is currently experiencing the Magic Kingdom.

So one of the most known verses in Philippians is 4:13

” 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

But I have been overjoyed with these additional verses

Philippians 4:6-8

“6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

Philipians 4:11-13

“11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

The main message that has been resounding in me this year has been, “God can not protect you from what He will perfect you through.”   I have been more in the Word and praying this year than I have in the resent past. I have found it comforting to be in His presence and knowing that He will allow His Will to be done. I have found myself at a peace that cannot be understood by many. Many times this year Jillian and I talk among ourselves and then the air of hesitation and disbelief comes and I would say “Its going to be ok”, His peace surpasses all understanding.   I have recently looked at my kids with awe and see them not only as my kids, my cherished little one, but I have been able to see them through Christ eyes: true, honorable, just, pure, commendable, and excellent.   Oliver is our first child, he is the first grandchild of his grandparents, he is our only son, this is the first time that he actually understands and actually is aware of all that he is going though. I can relate with Paul and Philippi. This is something that cannot be explained, the emotions and longing to have your heart in one place.

I cannot but rejoice daily in the awesomeness of God. He has truly shown me that all is possible, all is excellent and all is at peace through Christ.

Be Blessed


Take notice, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise? Does he who fashioned the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? Does he who disciplines nations not punish? Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge? The Lord knows all human plans; he knows that they are futile. Psalm 94:8-11

While flying to Los Angeles last week I met a Jewish electrical engineer going to visit his son at UCLA. My new freind had battled obesity, depression and the unexpected loss of the love of his life. He had overcome much. We spoke of God, eternity, the nation of Isreal and God’s promises for almost three hours. When we were saying our fairwell he asked me if I knew the term beshert. I had not, so he told me it meant; something that was meant to be, like the remarkable coincidences we shared and the fact that we, by some unusual circumstances ended up across the isle from each other.

When I was returning home on Friday, at the airport I was approached by a young man near my gate introducing himself as a good Jewish boy who needed help. He claimed to be a chemical engineering student who had flown west for an interview. He was without a credit card and had discovered his trip back east was canceled for weather and couldn’t get out until tomorrow. He couldn’t get lodging vouchers from the airline and had slept in the airport. He needed some cash for a hotel. This complicated story seemed possible, so regardless of my cynicism I gave him the cash, telling him to get a credit card. He said I was one of only two people that would even talk with him and thanked me profusely, called me an angel, while offering to send me my money back, and also pay it forward.

I looked at him and said “shalom;” then asked if he knew the Hebrew term for something that was meant to be. He said it was beshert. So I told him about how I had just learned this term on Wednesday, and it seemed fitting. He thanked me again and wandered off leaving me with my thoughts. Had I been I conned or was I merely taking a chance to help a desperate soul? I hoped it was the latter. Either way I believed I had made the right choice. It was beshert!

My life continues to be filled with surprises and blessing beyond any reasonable explanation. I deserved nothing but had been given the desires of my heart. I believed this was the result of the unquenchable desire placed in my heart to know God. There are five questions that have persisted as I searched for truth in a complicated world. The appearance of these five questions and my pursuit of their answers was beshert.

  • What were the prime sources of revelation and truth?
  • Why do we want to know God?
  • How can we know God?
  • What are our narratives about God and their source?
  • What is my relationship with God?

Trying to answer these questions for many years I came to the conclusion that the requirement for finding God was faith. This began with the proverbial “leap of faith.” I had to suspend my disbelief to open my mind.

Because of this I have come to know a loving God, who in grace offered me redemption through the blood of Christ and transformation in the power off His Holy Spirit. I wish I could say that this was always the case. It wasn’t. There was a time when I believed God was angry and expected perfection from me. The punishment for my lack of perfection wasn’t just the loss of God’s love but the terror of the threat of burning forever in a lake of fire. The worst part of this narrative was that it was foisted upon me by people I didn’t trust or respect; and sometimes even those I cared for who seemed to be trying to trick or manipulate me for the sake of their personal satisfaction.

But God was constantly revealing Himself in the splendor of His creation and through the examples of love in the lives of those who had discovered the power of a covenant relationship (Psalm 19). We all owe it to ourselves to determine the truth about God. It is a personal journey that first requires faith and then intent.

Surprisingly, for me, and perhaps this is true for others, a meaningful relationship with God was harder and easier than I ever thought. The biggest surprise was that getting closer to God wasn’t so much the result of my actions, or that I stormed the gates of Heaven by the sheer force of my will. It was in the understanding of my failures and shortcomings. So in my selfishness and pride I amazingly came to see that by surrendering my will and desires to God, I was finally able to connect as I was meant to. When I did, I saw that God had been there all along, loving me, calling me, shaping me and welcoming me to receive my salvation in His incredible Grace.

Instead of expecting perfection in me He offered me perfection in Him. This was when my narrative shifted. It was meant to be. This was beshert.

1 Kings 12; Philippians 3; Ezekiel 42; Psalm 94

Wisdom Comes with Age?

An owl animal with glasses is reading a book in the woods for an education or school concept.

Today’s reading:  1 Kings 11; Philippians 2; Ezekiel 41; Psalms 92–93

Remember last Saturday when we studied 1 Kings 3? Young Solomon had just taken over the throne from his father David.  God offered to grant Solomon whatever he wished, and Solomon asked for wisdom.  God gave him wisdom, riches, honor, and promised he would be the greatest King ever.  What a fairytale story!

Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you. I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that no other king shall compare with you, all your days (1 Kings 3:11-13).

Unfortunately, today’s scripture in 1 Kings 11 brought me crashing back to reality. Is this really the same Solomon?  You know the old saying – wisdom comes with age?  Well apparently not in this case.  God granted Solomon a wise and discerning mind as a twelve-year-old boy, but over the next forty years or so, he didn’t always make wise choices.  By the time we get to 1 Kings 11, we find God angry with Solomon because he had turned away and was following after other gods.

And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods. But he did not keep what the Lord commanded. Therefore the Lord said to Solomon, “Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant (1 Kings 11:9-11).

In both 1 Kings 3 and 1 Kings 9, God told Solomon that if he kept his commandments and walked in the way of the Lord the rest of his days, God would continue to bless him. This sounds pretty straightforward.  Why didn’t he just do it?  While the Bible doesn’t provide a full account of Solomon’s choices, the root cause of Solomon’s struggle is pretty clear.  In fact, the problem was not unique to Solomon, God’s people throughout history struggled with it.  We struggle with it today.  The problem is sin.  Sin ruined, and continues to ruin, God’s perfect plan.  It separates us from God.

But we are not without hope. Fortunately Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled with God.  Let’s review God’s plan of salvation:

  • God’s invitation is open to all – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
  • We all need it – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).
  • We can’t earn it – For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • Jesus paid the price for us – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

While I don’t have a lot in common with King Solomon, we are alike in one way – I haven’t always made wise choices. I’m getting ready to celebrate my birthday next week.  When I reflect over the last 40+ years of my life, I’m definitely not as wise as I’d like to be.  I still do some pretty dumb things.  I’m so thankful God’s grace that is greater than all my sin.  Thank you Jesus for making a way for me.

What’s your purpose?

We were all made unique and we were all made for a special purpose. Today’s reading had a few examples where “purpose” stood out:

  1. It was God who set King Solomon on the throne of Israel, and he did this so that Solomon would execute justice and righteousness. “Blessed be the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and set you on the throne of Israel! Because the Lord loved Israel forever, he has made you king, that you may execute justice and righteousness.” (1 Kings 10:9)
  2. Our purposes given by God and he will bring our good work to completion: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)
  3. Paul refers to himself as being “put here for the defense of the gospel”. (Philippians 1:16b). Paul knew his purpose very well, and in knowing that he gave everything he had in order to serve that purpose.
  4. Paul is encouraging the believers to live accordingly: “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27a)

As an exercise, I thought about these questions to challenge my line of thinking and behavior. Will you join me in considering these as well?

  1. What is my purpose and what am I doing to achieve it?
  2. What would others say my purpose is?
  3. Am I using my unique gifts and talents, and my time more for the benefit of me or to serve others and God’s kingdom? Would the people who know me best say the same about me?
  4. How can I help others find and achieve their purpose?
  5. Who do I know who is firmly rooted in their purpose, and what can I learn from this person?

In closing for today I wanted to share a beautiful, succinct prayer with each word carefully chosen. It is a powerful example of encouragement, love, and wisdom. Is there a more worthy purpose than what Paul articulates below? What a glorious example of God’s living, breathing word!

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11)

What if this was everyone’s prayer at the start of each day? What a different world this would be.

1 Kings 10; Philippians 1; Ezekiel 40; Psalm 91

Daily Grind

Business People Commuting Rush Hour Concept

1 Kings 9; Ephesians 6; Ezekiel 39; Psalm 90

What does your relationship with work look like?  Do you love going to the office  every day, or do you arrive moaning and complaining about the daily grind?  If you don’t know, listen carefully to the words in your thoughts and  prayers.   Your attitude about work comes out through them.  When we are focused on our surroundings and situations, we besiege God with questions about why we are here.  Rather than listen for answers, we pester God for intervention, assuming that His blessing will fully eradicate our problems.  God doesn’t  work that way for me.  In fact, when I focus and concentrate on my problems, cursing my work, I am generally spiraling downward.

How do we avoid this spiral?  According to Ephesians 6:7 (ESV)  we are to, “render service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man.”  In short, stop looking to work for what it will gain you.  Instead, start thinking about work as an opportunity to serve and praise God.  To be honest, I have to be careful not to dismiss those answers as simplistic and trite.  Instead, if I stop and look carefully, my heart reveals that I really do want to serve and praise God through my work.  To do so, I must first replace the adverse effects of discouragement with life and energy, which require that we adopt new behaviors.  Let’s start today with the shape of our prayer.  Instead of asking God to resolve specific problems at the office, ask Him to fix your inner world.  Specifically, ask Him:

  • Reveal to me where you are working today
  • Reveal to me how my words and actions at work are affecting others
  • Reveal to me how my words and actions are affecting my psyche
  • When you show me these things, Father, will you also present me with alternatives that will bring you glory?

Remember, God is not asking us to endure our days. He created us so that we can embrace them, joyfully. It is only possible when He is the center and subject of our work.

Marriage and Family Advice

Ephesians 5 is rich with advice on relationships. At the center of all relationships are the marriage and the family. God established them in the beginning for good reason and in good and perfect design. I have heard them referred to as ‘just another place to walk your Christian faith’ and in the same breath ‘thee most important and challenging place to do so,’ which gives them the familiar simple but challenging label. Praise God for His Word that reveals the truth and guides us! Here is the simple recipe for a blessed family:

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. – Ephesians 5:18-21

So that is it, a simple four point checklist. There is a lot out there written on how to have a successful marriage and family. Let us quite all the noise for a moment and remember God’s recipe. Here’s a four point checklist that we use in our family. It is labeled the real issues to remind us that God’s word is the authority in our lives and our relationships. These are instructions on what each family member has in Christ.

The real issues of blessed family:

  1. Spirit filled; under the obedience of God’s Word
  2. Singing hearts of joy; speaking in psalms/spiritual songs to one another
  3. Saying thanks; ever thankful, ever grateful
  4. Submitting our will to the others’; going last, putting others first  

The image I used for this post is a heart that Jamie made to remind us of these real issues of a blessed family. It is placed on our fridge right next to handle, a little in the way but never out of place.

Today’s reading: 1 Kings 8; Ephesians 5; Ezekiel 38; Psalm 89

Extra Credit: free ~11 hour study resource marriage, parenting, and family: The Fulfilled Family

Grow Up

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 7; Ephesians 4; Ezekiel 37; Psalms 87–88

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.  Ephesians 4:15-16

In both a “loving” and “non-loving” manner I have heard the phrase “grow up” on many occasions. I’m sure I deserved them all and if I had a quarter for each time I was told this my student loans would have been paid off by now. To those who shared these spontaneous heartfelt words with me I understand now and in most cases I’m sure you were right.  I had a lot of “growing up” to do in Christ.  Prayerfully, I continue this journey to put on a new self, created in a likeness of Him. Ephesians 4:24

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and to us is to strengthen and encourage all believers. Ephesians 4:1 urges us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called. Ephesians 4:4-6 There is only one body and one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and Father of all.

God has chosen us to be his representative on Earth. He wants us to live worthy of the name “Christian” meaning Christ’s one. For me, I know there has been plenty of times I fell and fall short of doing this.  But, the phrase “grow up” in the the sense of speaking the truth in love is what I needed.  In all my situations, faith based words didn’t always follow the word “Grow up David” but, I realize now their frustration with me.  We can all make mistakes and need a little “truth in love” from others.  In striving to be more mature Christians we need to also speak truth in love with others. This doesn’t come easy.  Some people are good at telling the truth and some are good at being loving but can we do both.  Speak the truth in  loving manner.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up…. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:29-32

Dear God,  Thank you for our unity into your family. We pray that as examples of Christ we model truth and love to others. That we put away our evil desires and submit to your perfect will.  help us to always continue to grow up to be more like you.  Amen

Song for start of day.  Resurrecting