2 Samuel 7 and Psalm 39
With a gapped tooth grin from ear to ear, I handed my mom an egg carton jewelry box on Mother’s Day, over thirty years ago. It was a soft yellow styrofoam carton, that was covered with paint, paper shapes and flower pipe cleaners. It was BEAUTIFUL! I had worked so diligently on her special gift, and she proudly displayed it on her dresser and put all of her treasures in it… I was so proud to give her something so beautiful that she could see and use every day.
David, he sure loved His God. In a similar way, we read in 2 Samuel 7, how he wanted to build something special for the Lord to dwell. It sure made sense to me – David’s living in a beautiful cedar home, and he wanted something even better for God. We know God cares about details, order, reverence, and respect, and this seemed right in line. But God’s ways are always above our ways, and while I believe David’s heart was in the right place, the Lord used it as an opportunity to reveal his future plans and make a covenant with him. Instead of David building a house for the Lord, the Lord outlines the eternal house (kingdom) that He will build through David and his heirs.
God later refers to this in Psalms 89:3 as:
“I have made a covenant
with my chosen one.”
God promises to raise up David’s offspring, establish their kingdom forever, and they will build a house for the Lord’s name. This promise, the foretelling of Jesus, is an early picture of God’s future plans for the Messiah.
God makes this covenant, with full knowledge of the future. He knows what David’s choices will be in the years to come. From times of obedience, to times of sin, God’s perfect ability to bring discipline and steadfast love is unmatched on this earth.
The second half of this chapter is David’s bewildered response to God’s promise to Him. He has been forgiven, protected, guided, changed, and God just told him He will do even MORE than that for David and his offspring! The soft heart of David, full of humility and love for the Lord, is one I want to emulate more consistently.
Thinking back to times when my heart was softest and focused on closeness with God, several instances come to mind:
- the ‘first love” feelings of Jesus overwhelmed me when I first became a Christian
- seasons of deep repentance, forgiveness, and gratitude
- God answered prayers with my newborn daughter’s spina bifida and surgeries
- discovering a new truth or lesson in the Word
I can go back to those moments and feelings that nothing else in the world mattered – God was with me and would be with me in the future, and I was firmly standing on that promise.
When I stumble across an old journal entry or something written down during those time, it is so faith affirming to see God’s work in my life. The book of Psalms often reads like David’s own journal entries of God’s promises, God’s deliverances, God’s protection. David loved proclaiming what God has done and will do in his life. He believed it, and he stood firm on those truths.
Are you standing firm in the promise God has given you? A promise of a life with him forever, filled with love and joy, where there will be no more tears and death. He is the perfect promise keeper. When the world around you fails, His promises never fail.