Psalm 95
It’s easy to harden our hearts towards God when we don’t see Him working in our lives like we expect. I remember praying for my youngest and making request after request for him to start talking, meeting milestones, and for us to find the right help. The more I asked, the more I focused on the problem. The problem almost became an idol as I was researching, reading blogs, and always looking for the answer. I spent most of my time asking why and blaming myself. Looking back I see how Satan can cause the difficulties in our life to be distractions from an opportunity to worship God in the midst of our struggle. The prayers made for help were not sinful. They were really important to help me express what I needed, but they didn’t result in peace or rest. We find peace and rest in difficult situations when we spend time focusing on who God is and the value it has in our lives. When our hearts are hardened, there is no peace. The beauty of worshipping God, the creator of the Universe, is that it has nothing to do with us or our circumstances and everything to do with Him. We have the opportunity to set our troubles aside, knowing that we have exhausted all of the questions, and focus on Him.
Psalm 95 is an invitation to worship God. Set aside the struggles and concerns of today and spend time worshipping. Hold your requests and fill your heart and mind with the truth of all that God is and has done. Psalm 95:3-7 “For the Lord is a great God, the great King above all gods. He owns the depths of the earth and even the mightiest mountains are his. The sea belongs to him, for he made it. His hands formed the dry land too. The Lord is our maker for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the sheep under his care.”
We can have peace in the midst of our struggles because we know the Prince of Peace. Come let us worship the king!