1 Samuel 11 / Psalm 12

1 Samuel 11 / Psalm 12– “OK, so my choices are you kill us now…or each of us has our right eye gouged out to be disgraced the rest of our lives. Say, could we have seven days to see if someone will help us first?” King Nahash of Ammon: “OK”.

In our world today, we can’t imagine what it would be like to be given those two choices. Then, once you’re in that position, it’s not like you can pick up your cell phone and call the police or the pentagon. It amazes me that they thought of asking for seven days. It amazes me even more that King Nahash allowed it. My study Bible addresses that issue saying that King Nahash probably thought there was no way an army could be assembled in that period of time…and it would allow him to take the city without a fight. It is amazing how God used Saul to spread the word and the “invitation card” (cut up pieces of oxen) that Saul used to assemble his army.

Toward the end of this chapter, the men of Jabesh tell King Nahash that they’ll be out later and “you can do to us as you wish”. However, the morning before they are to arrive, Saul does a sneak attack and slaughters the Ammonites. All of this violence and nastiness…then the final sentence of the chapter: “Then they offered peace offerings to the Lord, and Saul and all the Israelites were very happy.”

Through God, anything is possible. How can He help you overcome your King Nahash today?

Mike Thomas

Second Chances

Today’s reading: Jonah 3, Proverbs 27

The God of second chances.  This third chapter of Jonah is the epitome of the second chance. God tells Jonah (for a second time) to “get up and go to the great city of Ninevah, and deliver the message of judgement I have given you”. Jonah was still feeling like he didn’t want to, but after witnessing the power of God through the storm and the giant fish he couldn’t attempt another trip to Tarshish. The second chance was not to fulfill Jonah’s plan. It was the chance for God to fulfill His plan through Jonah.  Again, Jonah had the choice. In his mind the people of Ninevah didn’t deserve God after all their violence and evil. But God, in his mercy and grace had plans for Ninevah beyond what Jonah could comprehend. God asking the same request of Jonah a second time is so powerful. He didn’t give up on Jonah. He pursued Him with a storm and a giant fish until he realized the power he was running away from. Jonah finally submitted to the authority of the Almighty God.  He didn’t understand but he said “yes”. And because of his submission to a plan he didn’t understand, the people of Ninevah repented. They didn’t just say they were sorry, they expressed their repentance by turning from their evil ways immediately. Submission. They got a second chance too.

Do you have a Ninevah you are running from? Is God pursuing you with obstacles and struggle as you run towards Tarshish? Stop running. Rest, pray, submit. God will give a second chance to His people. And His plan is always bigger and better than ours.

Thank you Father for the gift of forgiveness and second chances.

Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend”

Joshua 15 Proverbs 15

Chapter 15 of Joshua is divided into three parts: the land given to the tribe of Judah first, the towns Judah inherited last, with the land given to Caleb sandwiched between the two. Full disclosure: I get a little overwhelmed trying soak in the description of how big this land was…or the names of the towns. However, my study bible makes a good point: “Notice that these boundaries and descriptions of the Promised Land are very specific. God was telling Israel exactly what to do, and he was giving them exactly what they needed. There was no excuse for disobedience.”

In regards to Caleb and his receiving of land, who is he and how does he rate to get some special land? I’m sure many of you recall a song from your childhood: “Twelve men went to spy on Canaan, ten (all ten fingers in the air) were bad (thumbs down) and two (two index fingers in the air) were good (thumbs up).” Well, the two “good” ones were Joshua and Caleb. This story can be found in the book of Numbers. Numbers chapter 14 verse 24 reads: “But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went and his descendants shall possess it.”

There is also one little last tidbit provided at the end of chapter 15 in Joshua. It tells of how the tribe of Judah could not drive out the Jebusites…”so the Jebusites live there among the people of Judah to this day.” This piece of information is repeated in Judges 1:21. However, the rest of the story is played out in 2 Samuel 5:6. The Jebusites mess with the wrong Marine in the form of King David.

Proverbs 15 is full of wise sayings, but it starts off with one that hits home with me: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger.” While I have an incredibly large amount of room for growth in this area, I have to praise my wife…as this is a tremendous gift of hers. I truly thank God each day for her kindness and gift of a gentle answer.

Where do you have room for growth? Pray that God will help you with that, today.

Mike Thomas

Faith and trust = miracles

Today’s reading: Joshua 3, Proverbs 3

Joshua 3 is the marking of the days before the miracle of crossing the Jordan River into Jericho. The people have camped and Joshua moves through the crowds telling them “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you” (Joshua 3:5).

There’s a lot of them! 2-3 million men, women, and children traveling together. Hauling their animals, tents and possessions. Have you ever travelled with extended family? There’s typically a few squabbles or disagreements along the way right? This trip is extended family on steroids! I’m sure there were lots of distractions and commotion along the way. Millions of imperfect people following the arc of the covenant representing the presence of God. Trusting, waiting, watching. Joshua reminds them to spend time setting themselves apart from all the distraction in anticipation of what God is doing.

Joshua gives Gods instruction to the priests to start moving the arc towards the Jordan River. I’m trying to imagine the priests dipping their toes into the shores of the water. Taking the first steps of faith before they could see the miracle. Trusting that Joshua knew what he was doing and moving forward. Carrying the presence of God in the ark to the shores of the Jordan with millions of people behind them waiting and trusting that the thing they were doing was not crazy. How wet did their feet get before they noticed a change in the tide? At what point did they realize what was happening and feel the surge of adrenaline as their trust materialized in the miracle before them. The flow of water was stopped by the mighty hand of God when they faithfully stepped to the shore. The people of God were allowed to walk on dry ground to the other side. Miracle!

How am I consecrating or sanctifying myself today for the miracle that will come tomorrow? Do I have faith and trust the miracle will come or am I anxious about the future?

Today, because of Jesus, we have the presence of God with us all the time. We have personal access to the creator of the universe who has miracles in store.  Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. From a full night of sleep for this worrier of a mother to her nonverbal toddler finding his words. The common denominator is miracles point us towards Gods plan.  As I spend time with God (consecrating, sanctifying myself) my mind is transformed to His ways and I can get my toes wet to see the miracle.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).