Cut to the Heart II

This week a good friend of mine “Michael” was updating me about some of his life struggles. I said (based on my own experiences over the last couple years), “I hope you find the emotional space to just break down and cry out;  sometimes it is all we can do.” He responded by saying, “I think I’ve cried so much over the last few years my tears are gone…“

His reply struck me deeply. I was cut to the heart. What else could I do to help someone who has no more tears left to cry?

The following is a post I wrote a few years ago with verses from Acts 2 where the response to Peter’s sermon resulted in people being “cut to the heart”.

Pocket Sermon from Peter
Peter gives us what I refer to as a “pocket sermon” (something to keep closely with us for reuse at any given moment) as he summarizes the Gospels in Acts 2:22-24.

22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— 23 this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. 24 God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.

The Gospel summary:

  1. God endorses Jesus through his ability to perform miracles
  2. Jesus is crucified
  3. Jesus conquers death, thus proving his deity

These are the kinds of verses that succinctly tell the story of Jesus as the Messiah from his many miracles through death, burial, and resurrection.  Memorizing verses like this is a great way to be ready to share Biblical truth with those who do not yet believe, as well as a great reminder as to why we follow this man Jesus, God in the flesh.

After Peter’s sermon, we’re told that those who heard it were “cut to the heart” and they asked “What shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). Why were they cut to the heart? Because that’s what God’s word does:

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

When we hear the word of God through the Bible something supernatural occurs and God is literally speaking to us.  How great it is that our creator cares enough to communicate with us today!

As for Peter’s audience and me as well, sin deems us “guilty” for crucifying Jesus. What shall we do then?

“Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

Would you consider praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel story with someone today so that they too may be forgiven, and their souls saved for an eternity?

As for my friend Michael (and for the “Michaels” in all of our lives) this is a continued opportunity to pray for him and share the love and grace of our Lord Jesus.

Today’s reading: Judges 19-21; Acts 2

Journeying from Skepticism to Faith: Reflections on Jerusalem and the Rich Man’s Gate

A Christian friend of mine “Bart”, recently recounted his trip to Jerusalem several years ago. One of the people with Bart was admittedly a skeptic regarding the Christian faith.

What struck me from Bart’s story was when he talked about the tour where they followed the steps of Jesus as he carried the cross. They observed what is believed to be the exact gate where Jesus left the city. Bart said believers and non-believers literally burst into tears as the mental images came to light. Bart said, “There we were, grown men, sobbing like babies”.

Even the skeptic was moved and I believe that’s an example of the power of the Holy Spirit when we let him work on our hearts. The evidence is all around as to God’s love for us but we have to take a leap of faith to receive it.

Today’s reading (Joshua 9-13; Luke 16) includes Luke 16:19-31 where we read about a rich man and Lazarus. The rich man lived lavishly (19), and Lazarus was a poor man covered with sores (20). Lazarus begged for the food that fell from the rich man’s table, and even dogs licked his sores (21).

We then find their roles reversed in death: Lazarus beside Abraham at the heavenly banquet (22 NLT) and the rich man in Hades in torment (23) with thirst and anguish (24).

Given that Lazarus was at the rich man’s gate, we can presume the rich man often saw Lazarus, and while in torment, at a minimum the rich man knew Lazarus’ name and appearance. Lazarus in life was a broken man in great need and presumably, the rich man did little to nothing to help him.

As the rich man begs for relief and receives nothing, he changes his approach to ask Abraham to at least warn his brothers so they do not end up in Hades like him (28). And further, the rich man suggests that if someone goes to them from the dead, they’ll repent (30).

The closing verse of the chapter tells it all. There are signs all around us and we either ignore them by hanging onto our selfish and sinful ways or we fall at the feet of Jesus, dying to self.

He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”

The story sounds familiar, especially on this Good Friday. Jesus “gentle and lowly in heart” (Mat 11:29), while found innocent through a sham trial was sentenced to a brutal and undeserving death. Three days later he rose from the dead and is now in Heaven at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19).

What will it take (or what did it take) for you to take a leap of faith and believe?

Who is the “Lazarus” in your life and what are you going to do for her or him today?

Matthew 27 provides an account of Jesus being brought to trial, the crucifixion, and his death. Can I ask you to read this today aloud with friends and/or family to reflect on who Jesus was and the price he paid to set us free from the bondage, death, and separation of sin so that we may live forever with him in eternity?

Choosing Wisely: Selecting Your Allies and Colleagues with Purpose

Who have you surrounded yourself with? Who are your closest allies, colleagues, and friends and why did you choose them? And why do you continue to invest time with them?

Have you ever been part of a bad team? How about a great team?

In business, the most important thing I’ve done is choosing and building the best team possible. Each of my five direct reports was very carefully, slowly, patiently, and thoughtfully hand-picked by me based on their skills, personality, passion, experience, and most importantly their fit with our core values. Over the years, my biggest investment of time and energy has been related to their growth and success. The better they perform individually and as a team, the more likely we will achieve our objectives. Conversely, if these leaders perform poorly, it would make my job miserable!

These leaders are all very different. For example, four out of five were born in different countries. One is an information security genius, one is a project management ninja, one is highly skilled and experienced in structuring service organizations, one is like a war general who relentlessly achieves the mission, and one is a deep thinker and very strategic. Combined, this team of five speaks eight different languages and has more than 75 years of IT and leadership experience.

In reference to the cover photo, in the following verse after Jesus prayed all night he chose his apostles:

 And when day came, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles: (Luke 6:13)

Unlike me, Jesus spent all night in prayer before choosing his closest allies. And unlike me, Jesus was (and is) a perfect leader. Even at my best, I still fail with my amazing team. I am prone to being impatient, dismissive, and a bad listener.

Jesus put everything in God’s hands. He chose these people even though he knew each one of them would eventually let him down. He invested in them, day and night. He taught them, was patient with them, and even though he was God in the flesh, he knelt to wash their feet. He ultimately died for these people, and for you and me, sinners saved by the blood of Jesus.

Just as Jesus diligently prayed before selecting his disciples, we can and should seek God’s wisdom in all of our choices in relationships. Jesus’ example reminds us that even in our imperfections, we can emulate his grace, patience, and sacrificial love toward those we surround ourselves with. Let us strive to mirror the humility and compassion of our Savior, for eternity’s sake.

Today’s reading: Deuteronomy 4-5; Luke 6

How Faith Grows: Lessons from Muscle Hypertrophy

Did you know that when people do strength training it actually tears the muscles? This is intentional. This is how our muscles grow and get stronger. In summary (from Medical News Today):

Muscle size increases when a person continually challenges the muscles to deal with higher levels of resistance or weight. This process is known as muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy occurs when the fibers of the muscles sustain damage or injury. The body repairs damaged fibers by fusing them, which increases the mass and size of the muscles.

Consider the metaphor for life and faith. We grow (smarter, stronger, wiser, and even closer to God) when we challenge ourselves out of our comfort zone so this is a challenge to embrace discomfort!

Recently I was given the task of interviewing leaders from nine different Christian mission organizations. While preparing for these meetings I was feeling overwhelmed by the commitment I’ve made to the church. It felt like too big of a task, I felt ill-equipped, not ready, and that someone else would do a better job. I also had fear that these organizations would ask too much of me and I’d let them down. Do you see the theme? It was all about me.

And then I turned it all over to God. My fears, my attitude, my insecurity, my time, my will. And he answered so beautifully, so peacefully, so joyfully.

These missions have been around for many years and serve Jesus Christ with passion, love, and great commitment. The ministries included the following and much more:

  • Bible translation
  • Providing higher education to pastors from India and elsewhere
  • A women’s prison ministry
  • Caring for people at leper colonies
  • Community centers in a Muslim nation
  • Mentoring young people in their faith journey
  • Rescuing women from sex trafficking
  • Teaching English to (and sharing the Gospel with) street children in under-developed nations
  • A local church that was originally founded as a safe haven for prostitutes to leave prostitution
  • A car, computer, food, and clothing missionary supply agency

As I met with each of the ministries I was in awe of what they were doing. How kind, humble, and loving they were, and the impact they are having as they win hearts and souls for Jesus. As we prayed together I felt peace beyond understanding. I felt my heart change to be filled with the desire to take action to support the missions. As I sought to bless these ministries, it was humbling to feel God blessing me through this experience. Just like BJ eloquently shared yesterday, the difference in my life came from living by faith, as opposed to living with faith.

Will you join me in stepping out of your comfort zone today? Whatever you’re uncomfortable with, could perhaps be related to your calling, to live by faith, for His glory. With this, I leave you with a blessing and encouragement to go forward:

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant,equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20-21)

Today’s reading: Numbers 6-7; Hebrews 13

Faith in Action: Learning to Listen and Believe

A work colleague and friend (we’ll call him Matt) and I were having a good conversation before a nice meal on a business trip. Matt tried to call me a few days prior while I was at church. I declined the call and later sent a quick message asking if he was alright (since it was strange that he was calling me on Sunday morning). I also conveyed that I was at church so I couldn’t answer.

We’d not seen each other in a while so it was great to catch up in person. Matt openly states that he is “not religious”; as part of this, he has felt wounded by people who have referred to themselves as Christians who have behaved with rules and/or judgment first as opposed to Christ’s love first.

Matt wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations. He said, “I didn’t know you were religious”. When I asked him what he meant, he mentioned the text message. The door was opened so I shared some of my faith journey and also made it a point to apologize to him for the wounds that he’s felt. I also admitted some of my failures as a Christian and shared that only Jesus was perfect in the way he loved people.

Later that evening I received a disturbing work-related email and I immediately became upset, worried, and even a bit angry. Then it hit me. Here I am being given the opportunity to share the reasons for my faith, yet I so easily went into panic over one email. Where was my faith in that moment?

I felt God convicting me and reminding me what was going on and that this was another example for me to trust Him alone. It opened the door again for me to confess to Matt: This is the kind of thing that I’m prone to worry about, but then my faith reshapes my attitude and pulls me through. My faith didn’t solve the problem, it merely transformed my fear into peace.

We all have a “Matt” in our lives. Don’t stop praying for opportunities to share!

I was inspired to share this story today based on one line from Hebrews 3 verses 15-19 in The Message (MSG) version as the chapter closes out:

They never got there because they never listened, never believed.

The Israelites, even though God had done so much for them, didn’t make it to the promised land based on one simple statement. Never listened, never believed. That was my conviction because even with all the prayer, studying, attending church, and other great stuff, if I don’t listen or believe, what’s it all for? It is a reminder that the world is watching and in difficult situations, will our responses show worry and unbelief, or peace and belief?

Pray for doors to open today to share your faith and the reasons you believe. This is a prayer God is ready to answer.

Let the joy return!

How do you find joy in difficult times?

One year ago, I was in the eye of a hurricane. Trouble and sorrow surrounded me personally and professionally. Friends and family had severe illnesses and catastrophic circumstances. During this time, I wrote: 

Never in my life have I seen so much trouble around me, and in turn, never in my life have I prayed so much. God is absolutely using this season of sorrow and challenges to teach and mold me to be more like his son.  

I don’t think a day has passed in the last year that I’ve not reflected on those tumultuous times. When various painful memories come back, I find joy in pausing to be thankful that those events are in the past. It was as though I was trapped or in a prison but now set free. God heard and answered my prayers, he rescued me, and he was faithful throughout. He revealed himself in mighty ways and continues to do so. May I never forget.

God has always been in the rescue business. In today’s reading (Exodus 13-15; Psalm 114; Ephesians 3), not only were the Israelites freed from slavery, they witnessed incredible miracles. As they experienced their exit, they were led by God via a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night.

Just when things were looking great, God hardened Pharoah’s heart. The enemy is relentless and will not stop until the final day.

And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.” And they did so. (Exodus 14:4)

Why did God harden Pharoah’s heart? Hadn’t the Israelites been through enough already? Just like the trials and tribulations in our lives, God allowed this to happen for HIS glory. God was preparing for the crecendo, the grand finale in this story. God always has a plan and his plans are always perfect. In the very same verse we are assured that God will be victorious. He won the battle before it even started, and that’s the same with his handiwork in our lives. All we need to do is trust and obey.

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” (Exodus 14:14)

And then it happened. Death to the enemy and salvation for God’s people.

28 The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen; of all the host of Pharaoh that had followed them into the sea, not one of them remained. 29 But the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the sea, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. (Exodus 14:28-29)

All the Israelites had to do was be silent. Isn’t that how we should face our own troubles? What’s your “Red Sea” and what doubts do you have? Be silent. Pray. Listen. Trust. He’s got this. He goes before us and he stands by us. Death has already been defeated through Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection so what do we have to fear?

Whatever you’re worried about today, let it go. Bring it to the altar, watch it burn, and let the joy return. 

Reference from January 2023: Perfect Peace

Jealousy’s Counter-Effect

There was a recent conflict where on the surface, one person seemed to be in the wrong, and the other person was upset. Upon getting some more facts, the truth was that there were hidden motives. The accuser made it seem like he was the victim and he fought viciously and relentlessly to point out the faults (in front of others) in the other person and took no ownership in the dispute.

The real problem is that the accuser was jealous. He didn’t get his way in a prior dispute, and ever since, things have spiraled out of control for him. He wanted what the other person had: Power, authority, success, and influence. As in most jealousy situations, the more the accuser became jealous, the more he lost. He began to lose all of the things he had so bitterly sought after. The thing is that he could have had all of those things if he’d only gone about it the honest and loving way, yielding to the decisions that had been made, and owning up to his own mistakes and insecurities.

It is easy to write this story about another person but if we’re honest, we’ve all been jealous and the hard part is that we usually don’t see it, we are in denial, or try to justify our feelings. We can be prone to jealousy when we are insecure, comparing ourselves to others, wanting more no matter how much we have, or when we fear some kind of loss.

In Mark 15, Jesus is delivered to Pilate and “accused of many things” (v. 3). Pilate knew Jesus was innocent and eventually asked the priests what evil Jesus had done (v. 15). Pilate also knew their motive: Jealousy.

For he perceived that it was out of envy that the chief priests had delivered him up. (Mark 15:10)

The priests “stirred up the crowd” (v. 11) in order to gain momentum for their selfish desires. They wanted Jesus brought down so they could gain power, yet through their sin, they lost, and it is the same for us as we choose our way over God’s way. In jealousy and other sins, what we think we’ll gain, we lose. Fortunately, through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, sin has lost its power. The enemy lost so that we will be victorious as we are forgiven through the grace and mercy of Jesus.

Pray today for God to reveal any jealousy in your heart. I was convicted this week while focusing on these scriptures and I think if we’re all honest, jealousy is at the root of much of our frustration or anger.

Fear not though friends. In this chapter of false accusations, torture, mocking, pain, and death we can look forward to the next chapter: Sunday is coming. The stone will be rolled away. There is life, hope, and victory over death.

Promises made, promises kept.

Do you get a thrill from finding the perfect gift for someone? For me, it is a fun challenge and exhilarating when I have an idea as to what to get the person. I think about how they will be surprised, how much I love them, that they’ll know I know them well, and how they will enjoy the gift. It is not about the amount of money spent; the joy comes from the thought and act of giving.

My wife and I love to cook which means there are endless gift options in the realm of food preparation and serving. On a recent shopping excursion, I was on a high with excitement while browsing a pan that she had been wanting for a long time. It was the best color, heavy-duty, and had a classic and timeless appearance. I knew she’d love it and I couldn’t wait to use it as well.

Then I experienced something unexpected: A reminder of my mortality. The sales representative said, “This pan will last at least forty to fifty years”. While that’s a great selling point as to the quality, it hit me that the pan will outlive us, or at least outlive our capacity to whip up a clever and delicious meal. Do I really want this pan in my home, this reminder of my mortality? I thought, “Great, I’m jealous of an inanimate object.”

Knowing that God is in every life circumstance I took a deep breath and turned it over to him and this brought me peace. He’s in control. All of our days are numbered by him. Why waste another moment with morbid thoughts? Be grateful for this day. God didn’t promise an easy or even a long life. He did promise to give us peace beyond understanding:

“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

Instead of a morbid symbol of mortality, the pan now sits in our home as a reminder of God’s peace, the gift of each new day, a reminder of the pleasure of the smell of food, and the joy that comes with breaking bread with loved ones.

In today’s reading, God makes several promises to Abram and Abram’s response was faithful and honorable to God:

And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith. (Genesis 15:6)

Consider the promises of God and his plans for you. Ultimately, all of God’s promises from the Old Testament are fulfilled in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray you find peace and joy in the best promise of all, salvation through Jesus Christ.

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Each day brings a new opportunity, usually unexpected, for all of us to face our fears and lean on the promises of God. He loves you, he has a plan for you, and he will never let you down.

Today’s reading: Genesis 12-15; Psalm 148; Mark 5

A Glimpse into Hell

There was a lot of excitement and anticipation for our family vacation to a favorite destination. I had a good night’s sleep the night before our journey to a distant land and I even managed to get some exercise the morning of our departure. We had two eight-hour flights as well as a two-hour layover. We booked the least expensive economy seats so it was going to be a really long trip. There would be a meal on the flight so I tried to consume healthy, smart, and not too many calories before the journey. I was energized and ready!

The meal was quite good for airplane food and shortly after dinner I was feeling a bit drowsy so I adjusted my seat and arranged my belongings for maximum sleep comfort. I fell asleep almost immediately, then about thirty minutes later I awoke in a panic with a feeling I hadn’t had in a very long time: I was going to vomit. On an airplane.

Feeling delirious, I grabbed the motion sickness bag and tried to open it. The cabin lights were dimmed and I couldn’t find the opening, so I jumped out of my seat as quickly as possible and darted toward the lavatory. The look of panic and horror on my face must have scared everyone nearby as they quickly got out of the way.

Fortunately, I was able to enter the lavatory, lock the door and “hit the target” without making a mess of the restroom or myself. All I could think as the contents of my stomach were violently emptied was “when will this be over” and “one moment at a time”. I was all alone on the dirty floor of a very small bathroom (a germophobe’s nightmare), feeling miserable and scared. Was it something I ate? Will my family also get sick? Will I get worse? When will it end?

The long journey became a really long journey as I vomited throughout both flights. My main prayers were that I’d make it to the toilet (and not have to vomit in a bag from my seat) and that none of my family would get sick.

Reflecting on those dark hours, I think I caught a glimpse into what Hell might be like. Emptiness, pain, loneliness, darkness, sorrow, and hopelessness. I felt those emotions with a huge magnitude. I wanted to cry out and while I knew God was with me, those feelings were real because we live in a fallen world, full of diseases of the physical and emotional kind.

This all leads me to the cross where Jesus hung. He was mocked, tortured, rejected, betrayed, and alone. I suffered involuntarily and only with a brief illness. Jesus voluntarily suffered and gave his life. He died so that you and I could live a life abundant, without fear of eternal punishment. His cross was unimaginable. He was perfect. I am a sinner but saved so I do not have to endure the eternal suffering because Jesus already paid the price.

Wherever you are today, whether high on the mountain or down in the depths, Jesus knows your name, he died for you, he knows your suffering, and he loves you more than you can comprehend. Rest and be glad today in his love, mercy, and grace.

Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
    he took the humble position of a slave
    and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form, (Philippians 2:7) 

Religion *

While populating the electronic form for a tourist visa there was a field labeled Religion * with the asterisk indicating a required field. It is a strange and even uncomfortable thing to consider that to go to this place, you absoutely must indicate your religious beliefs. This caused me to pause for a moment as we are traveling to a communist nation that is not very tolerant of Christians. The pause brought me to reflection as to the importance of the answer, an eternal answer not to be taken lightly.

While I wanted to be smarty and say “I am not religious, I am a follower of Jesus Christ”, I typed “Christian”. So many thoughts went through my mind while I responded. Just one word with so much meaning and power. Follower of Jesus Christ. Forgiven. Chosen. Child of God. No power on this earth or beyond, no government, no one can take this away. The application was submitted without shame or fear as our God is eternal and all-powerful and he will be there with us.

And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. (Revelation 17:6)

There have been Christian martyrs before and there will be many to come. They all typed “Christian” and are (or will be) washed clean and deemed innocent on judgment day which is one day closer today than it was yesterday.

They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.” (Revelation 17:14)

Will you be with him and be called chosen and faithful?

Today’s reading: Job 24-27, Revelation 17