
Today’s Reading: Acts 11

Acts 11 is a powerful chapter that highlights key themes of inclusion, divine guidance, and the spread of the Gospel. Here are some of the most meaningful messages from this chapter:

1. God’s Salvation is for All People (Acts 11:1-18)

  • Peter explains his vision and encounter with Cornelius, a Gentile, emphasizing that God does not show favoritism.
  • Key verse: “So if God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?” (Acts 11:17)
  • Meaning: This passage teaches that the Gospel is for all people, not just Jews. It marks a turning point in Christianity’s expansion to Gentiles.

2. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Leading the Church (Acts 11:12)

  • Peter recounts how the Holy Spirit instructed him to go with Cornelius’ men.
  • Meaning: The early church was guided by the Spirit, and believers were called to follow God’s direction, even when it challenged their traditions.

3. The Importance of Testimony in Strengthening Faith (Acts 11:4-17)

  • Peter carefully explains his actions, and the other believers accept his testimony.
  • Meaning: Sharing personal experiences of God’s work helps others understand His will and strengthens the unity of the Church.

4. The Growth of the Church in Antioch (Acts 11:19-26)

  • Persecuted believers spread the Gospel to Gentiles in Antioch, leading to the birth of a diverse Christian community.
  • Key verse: “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)
  • Meaning: This shows the church expanding beyond Jewish roots, fulfilling Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

5. Generosity and Caring for One Another (Acts 11:27-30)

  • A prophecy foretells a famine, and the church in Antioch responds by sending help to Judean believers.
  • Meaning: True faith is demonstrated through love and generosity, showing that Christian communities are called to support one another.

Acts 11 teaches that God’s salvation is for all, that the Holy Spirit guides His people, and that the Church is called to be united in mission, testimony, and generosity.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT

The Launch of Christianity

Acts 1 is foundational to the launch of Christianity, marking the transition from Jesus’ earthly ministry to the apostle’s mission empowered by the Holy Spirit. It establishes the Church’s purpose, leadership, and reliance on divine power.

Jesus’ final instructions in Acts 1:8 provide the blueprint for Christian mission: the gospel must spread from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. This verse underscores the Church’s role as witnesses of Christ, emphasizing evangelism and discipleship. However, Jesus commands them to wait for the Holy Spirit, highlighting the necessity of divine empowerment rather than human effort alone.

The ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:9-11) signifies His enthronement as King and High Priest, affirming His ongoing spiritual presence and future return. The angelic promise that Christ will come again fuels Christian hope and faith.

The disciples prayerful unity (Acts 1:14) demonstrates the importance of spiritual preparation, community, and dependence on God. This sets a model for believers to seek God’s guidance in times of transition and uncertainty.

Finally, the selection of Matthias to replace Judas (Acts 1:15-26) reinforces the importance of God-ordained leadership in the Church. The apostles reliance on prayer and Scripture in decision-making establishes a pattern for spiritual discernment.

Overall, Acts 1 bridges Jesus’ ministry and the Church’s mission, demonstrating that Christianity is not built on human effort but on God’s power, leadership, and the unifying presence of the Holy Spirit. It lays the foundation for a faith that is global, Spirit-led, and centered on Christ’s return.

Fishers of Men: Answering Jesus’ Call

When Jesus first called His disciples, He found them as fishermen, casting their nets into the sea. Yet, He saw something greater in them. “Follow Me,” He said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19). With this simple yet profound invitation, He transformed their purpose from gathering fish to gathering souls for the kingdom of God.

In John 21, after His resurrection, Jesus once again meets His disciples by the sea. They had returned to their old ways, fishing through the night but catching nothing. At dawn, Jesus appears and tells them to cast their net on the right side. In obedience, they pull in a miraculous catch of 153 fish, more than they could handle. This was no coincidence. Jesus was reminding them of their true mission: to trust in Him and bring people into His kingdom.

Just as fishing requires patience, skill, and perseverance, so does sharing the gospel. Sometimes we cast our nets and see no immediate results. At times, we may feel like failures. But Jesus shows us that success in His work comes not from our own efforts but from obedience to His voice. When we follow His guidance, He provides the increase.

Jesus’ final words to Peter were, “Follow Me” (John 21:19). This command echoes through time to all who believe. To be a fisher of men is not just a call for the disciples, it is a call for us. We are to go where He leads, casting the net of His love, truth, and salvation into the world.

If we trust Him, if we obey, He will fill the net. The harvest is ready. The call remains. Will you follow?


The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11 offers a profound parallel to life today, highlighting human resistance to truth and change, even in the face of undeniable evidence. Despite witnessing a miraculous act that affirmed Jesus’ divine authority, the religious leaders still chose to reject Him and plotted His death.  They lacked the COURAGE to change their beliefs and see the living God before their eyes. Their response reflects a broader human tendency: the refusal to embrace inconvenient truths that challenge personal power, beliefs, or agendas.

In today’s world, we often see similar patterns. Scientific breakthroughs, social movements, or transformative ideas frequently meet opposition—not because they lack merit, but because they threaten established norms, authority, or personal interests. Just as the Jewish leaders feared losing their influence and the stability of their political environment, people today sometimes resist change to maintain control or avoid discomfort, even when that change could bring life and hope to others.

The leaders’ actions also reflect the dangers of pride and fear. Rather than celebrating the miracle of Lazarus’ resurrection and exploring its implications, they saw it as a threat. This mindset persists in modern life when individuals or institutions focus more on preserving their status than on recognizing and responding to truth.

However, the story also offers a powerful lesson in courage and faith. Jesus, knowing the cost, performed the miracle out of love and obedience to God’s purpose. It reminds us that standing for truth and bringing life to others often comes with challenges, but the impact can be transformative.

Ultimately, John 11 invites us to consider how we respond to truth today. Do we, like the Jewish leaders, resist out of fear and self-preservation, or do we, like those who believed after seeing Lazarus’ resurrection, embrace it with faith, courage, and hope?

It takes courage to step away from the “herd” and follow our own beliefs.  I am thankful every day for the prophets, evangelists, and apologists that stood for their beliefs and prophesied their faith rather than cave to the pressure of popular opinion.  In our daily walk, I pray that each of have the courage to do the same.

Inauguration Day – Who is in charge?

Today is the inauguration of Donald Trump as our 47th President of the United States.  For some, today is a day of celebration and relief.  For some, today is a day of heartache and duress.

John 1 reminds us that God is sovereign, eternal, and the source of all life and light. Verse 3 declares, “Through Him all things were made; without Him, nothing was made that has been made.” This foundational truth encourages us to see every event in human history through the lens of God’s ultimate authority and divine purpose.

When reflecting on the inauguration of Donald Trump—or any leader—it’s vital to remember that leadership is ultimately under God’s control. Romans 13:1 echoes this, stating, “There is no authority except that which God has established.” Leaders come and go, but God’s sovereignty remains constant. John 1:5 further assures us, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” No matter who is in power, God’s light and purpose will prevail. Donald Trump is not in charge.  God is.

Rather than focusing on the individual, we are called to place our trust in God’s plan. Leadership can serve as a tool in His hands to bring about His will, whether through blessings or through challenges that refine and strengthen His people. This perspective allows us to approach moments like presidential inaugurations with faith, not fear; prayer, not partisanship.

John 1 also reminds us of our role as believers. As children of God (John 1:12), we are called to be witnesses to His light. Regardless of political changes, our mission is to reflect God’s truth, love, and hope in a divided world. Let the inauguration serve as a reminder not of human power, but of God’s ultimate authority and our responsibility to trust Him, pray for our leaders, and shine His light.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT

A Comparison of Job and a Modern-Day Fallen Leader

Job, a wealthy and respected man in ancient times, was known for his righteousness, generosity, and deep reverence for God. He was revered in his community, cared for the poor, acted as a judge for justice, and lived a life of abundance. However, his life took a drastic turn when he lost his wealth, family, health, and social status. Despite his innocence, Job faced humiliation, physical suffering, and emotional torment, while also grappling with the silence of God in his distress.

Even though Job did nearly everything in his life right, by God, he was not immune to suffering.

In a modern context, Job’s story mirrors that of many public figures—CEOs, celebrities, or political leaders—who rise to great heights of wealth, influence, and admiration, only to experience a dramatic fall from grace. Consider a once-beloved CEO who built a thriving empire, was celebrated in the media, and was admired for philanthropy and leadership, only to lose it all due to scandal, poor decisions, or unforeseen catastrophe. Or, a financial mogul caught in a scandal may face public disgrace, legal consequences, and abandonment by former allies and friends.

While the causes of their downfalls differ—Job’s suffering was not due to personal failure, whereas modern figures often contribute to their own downfall—the emotional and social consequences are strikingly similar. Both experience a loss of identity, deep loneliness, and the scorn of those who once admired them. Job’s friends judged him unfairly, assuming his suffering was due to hidden sin, much like how society often turns on fallen public figures, assuming guilt or failure without full understanding.

Yet, Job’s response set him apart. Despite his despair, he never fully abandoned his faith in God. In contrast, modern figures often place their trust in wealth, reputation, or personal strength, which may leave them without hope when those pillars crumble. Job’s story serves as both a mirror and a lesson: wealth and status are fleeting, but integrity and faith endure beyond misfortune.

Pastor Gary Hamrick speaks of “suffering well.”  No matter the tribulation, the trauma, or the challenge, “God will take care of us and we need to trust Him.”  This seems nearly impossible during the worst of times, but scripture tells us time and time again that God has not abandoned us.  My prayer is that in times of turmoil, and trouble, and they will come, we “run into the word” of God and embrace His promise to see is through our trials.

Lessons from Nehemiah 13 for 21st-Century Christians

Today’s Reading:  Nehemiah 10-13; Revelations 8

Nehemiah 13 provides valuable insights for us today, emphasizing the importance of spiritual vigilance, commitment to God’s standards, and the need for courageous leadership in addressing compromise within the faith community. Despite the Israelites’ earlier covenant renewal, Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to find spiritual neglect, corruption, and a disregard for God’s commands. This serves as a reminder that spiritual drift can occur subtly and must be actively confronted.

One key lesson is the importance of prioritizing worship and holiness. Nehemiah discovered that temple rooms, meant for offerings and worship supplies, had been repurposed for personal gain. Similarly, Christians today must guard against allowing worldly priorities to displace spiritual devotion. Our lives, like the temple, must remain dedicated spaces for God’s presence and purposes.

The chapter also emphasizes the importance of Sabbath observance, a principle that transcends time. In a culture driven by constant busyness and productivity, Christians are reminded to honor rest and set aside time for worship and renewal. The Sabbath principle underscores trust in God’s provision and a willingness to prioritize spiritual well-being over worldly success.

Additionally, Nehemiah’s boldness in confronting sin and compromise highlights the need for courageous leadership in the church today. Whether addressing moral failures, spiritual complacency, or cultural conformity, Christian leaders and believers must stand firm in upholding God’s standards with love and integrity.

Finally, Nehemiah’s reliance on prayer throughout his reforms reminds us that spiritual transformation begins with dependence on God. We are called to remain prayerful, asking God for wisdom, strength, and perseverance.

In a world where compromise is often celebrated, Nehemiah 13 should challenge us to remain vigilant, prioritize holiness, and courageously address spiritual drift both in their personal lives and within the faith community.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT

The Middle East

Today’s Readings: Zechariah 9-11; 1 John 5

Zechariah 9–11 contains prophecies that address themes of judgment, deliverance, and the role of leadership. These chapters speak of God’s sovereignty over nations, His protection of His people, and the consequences of rejecting His divine leadership. These themes resonate deeply with the turmoil in the Middle East today.

In Zechariah 9, God declares judgment on oppressive nations and promises deliverance for His people. Verses 9-10 foretell the coming of a King who will bring peace, a prophecy foretelling the coming of Jesus. Amid the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, this points to the need for a true, lasting peace—one that transcends political negotiations and stems from spiritual reconciliation.

Zechariah 10 emphasizes God’s restoration of His people. It highlights the failure of human leaders (“shepherds”) and God’s intervention to regather and strengthen His people. In today’s context, the instability and leadership crises across the region echo the need for divine intervention. It reminds believers to pray for God’s guidance and restoration for all who are affected.

Zechariah 11 warns of rejecting the true shepherd. It speaks of betrayal and the consequences of rejecting God’s chosen leader. This resonates with the ongoing rejection of Christ by many and the broader struggles for spiritual truth in a region marked by religious conflict.

These chapters remind us that human solutions to the Middle East’s strife will fall short without God’s peace. They call for prayer, a return to God’s sovereignty, and the hope of restoration through Christ, the ultimate Shepherd and King.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT

God’s Covenant with Israel

Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 46-48; John 16

Ezekiel 48 provides a compelling theological basis for Israel’s right to the West Bank, a region historically and biblically central to the Jewish people. This chapter outlines the division of the Promised Land among the twelve tribes of Israel, reaffirming God’s covenantal promise of specific geographic territories to His chosen people. Ezekiel 48’s prophecy directly supports Israel’s right to the land, including the West Bank.

The West Bank, referred to in the Bible as Judea and Samaria, is at the heart of Israel’s biblical heritage. Ezekiel 48’s detailed land allocations connect these areas to tribes such as Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim, demonstrating that the West Bank is not only part of Israel’s prophetic inheritance but also a vital part of its historical and spiritual identity. The chapter’s vision ties Israel’s future restoration to the re-establishment of these territories under Jewish sovereignty.

Ezekiel’s prophecy also underscores the permanency of God’s covenant. The land was promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, a promise repeated throughout Scripture and reaffirmed in Ezekiel’s vision of restoration. This divine guarantee transcends political disputes, emphasizing that the land, including the West Bank, is integral to Israel’s God-ordained destiny.

Moreover, Ezekiel 48 envisions a time of unity and peace when the tribes are restored to their rightful inheritance. The Jewish return to the West Bank, which began with their re-establishment in 1948, reflects the unfolding of this prophecy, signaling a return to God’s original design for the land.

In conclusion, Ezekiel 48 supports Israel’s claim to the West Bank by affirming its status as part of the divinely allocated land. The chapter underscores the spiritual and historical legitimacy of Israel’s presence in this contested region, framing it not as a matter of politics, but as the fulfillment of God’s eternal promise.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT

Jesus: Boldness and Humility

Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 16-18; John 6

In John 6, Jesus demonstrates a powerful balance of boldness and humility. His boldness is clear as He proclaims Himself the “bread of life” (John 6:35), inviting people to believe in Him for eternal life. This was a radical claim, challenging the religious leaders and followers who expected a political Messiah, not one who addressed deeper spiritual needs. By teaching that His followers must “eat [His] flesh and drink [His] blood” (John 6:53), Jesus boldly shifts expectations, emphasizing that true life and fulfillment come only through a profound connection to Him. Many were offended or confused, yet Jesus did not alter His message to gain approval.

However, alongside this boldness, Jesus exemplifies humility. He does not boast about His divine authority but consistently points back to God the Father as the source of His mission and strength. When performing miracles, like the feeding of the 5,000, He gives thanks to God, acknowledging dependence on the Father even though He Himself possesses divine power (John 6:11). Jesus’s humility is also evident in His willingness to let people freely respond to His words. When many turn away, He lets them go without resistance, respecting their choice.

Through John 6, we see that Jesus’s humility does not contradict His boldness. Instead, it strengthens it; His confidence in His purpose comes from His deep alignment with God’s will, not personal pride. This example calls us to be both courageous and humble in our own faith, grounded in God’s truth and motivated by a sincere love for others.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT