Bringing everyone together 

Today’s Reading : John 6

The entire chapter John 6 can be summed up in one word: companionship.

The true meaning of the word companionship comes from Latin. Com- with or together AND panis- bread.  Coming together over bread or a meal.  

When you read and reflect on this entire chapter, Jesus is bringing everyone together. He’s bringing them together with bread and the promise of fulfillment and provision.

The very interesting aspect of this account of the gospel is that it is from an eyewitness. John is the only gospel that has an eyewitness account of the miracles and life of Jesus Christ. 

In chapter 6, we start with the feeding of the 5000. This is the miracle of the 5 loaves of barley and 2 fish.  This miracle happens and  coordinates with the Passover. It connects the current people with the past. It connects the deliverance from Egypt and into the wilderness.  It connects the desperation of basic needs… food and nourishment.  It connects the Mana and the loaves. It connects the past, present, and future of the people with Christ.  Manna from heaven to the part of Christ that he gives us: his body (bread) and blood(wine).  Jesus is foretelling the future of his crucifixion and the deliverance he will give. 

As I reflect on this passage I made a new connection.  Every night and morning,  I say prayers with my children.  We do the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles Creed and then we have a personalized prayer. 

The kids asked about the Lord’s Prayer and I told them in detail each part. The daily bread is how God provides us with all we need.  

But now I have the full realization that God gives us all that we need in the daily bread that is Christ.  Christ was referring to himself in the prayer. It is through him and his sacrifice of his blood that we have reunited with God.  

He has brought us together through him. 

He continues to bring us together with companionship with the Father. 


Be Blessed