God’s Grace Is Enough

Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 11-13; 2 Corinthians 12

The quote from Jesus, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9), provides profound encouragement and a new perspective on strength. It teaches us that true strength does not come from self-reliance or the absence of hardship, but from relying on God’s grace in the midst of our struggles. This truth can deeply transform how we face challenges and lead to spiritual growth.

It is only natural for us to ask questions about the presence of God during our worst hardships.  I have heard people ask emotional questions like “Why would God let this happen?”  “If there is a God, then why would I want to have faith in a God that does not fix or stop awful things.”

First, Jesus’ words remind us that grace—His unearned favor and help—is enough to sustain us, no matter the situation. We often look for strength in our abilities, resources, or circumstances, but Jesus shifts our focus away from self-sufficiency to dependence on His grace. This means that when we feel inadequate or overwhelmed, we can stop striving to do everything on our own. Instead, we can lean on God’s grace, which is available to us in every moment of weakness, doubt, or fear.

The Bible is the voice of God.  God does not promise ease in our lives.  God never indicated in any verse in the Bible that life on earth would be simple or easy because he would remove all pain and hardship.  In fact, scripture tells us quite the opposite.  I think this is a very important facet to remember when we witness to non-believers.  Non-believers simply have a different expectation of who and what God is, and candidly, He will never meet it.

Second, this passage teaches that God’s power is most evident when we recognize our own limitations. The world often equates strength with independence or self-reliance, but Jesus flips this concept on its head by saying that His power works best in our weakness. This doesn’t mean we should seek out suffering or challenges, but when they come, we don’t have to be defeated by them. In fact, acknowledging our need for God opens the door for His power to work more fully in our lives. When we stop trying to be self-sufficient, we experience more of God’s strength.

This truth can be incredibly freeing. It means we don’t have to be perfect, have all the answers, or live without difficulties to experience God’s power. Our weaknesses—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual—can become opportunities for God to demonstrate His strength and love in our lives. By humbling ourselves and admitting that we need help, we position ourselves to receive more of God’s grace and power.

We can gain strength from Jesus’ promise by embracing our weaknesses, trusting in His grace, and depending on His power rather than our own. This shifts our perspective on difficulties, showing us that God is at work even in our most vulnerable moments. His grace is always enough, and His power is most clearly seen when we admit that we need Him. This truth brings both peace and strength, allowing us to face life’s challenges with confidence and hope.  We will never be able explain or rationalize the sins and pain we experience in this life, but God’s grace will be the profound love that carries us to our next life in Heaven, where all the pain and suffering will be worth it.  Oh, I cannot wait to see that day, but not today.

This is my second time writing on this chapter.  Here’s was my post from 2023.  Enjoy!

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT

Published by

Chad Bandy

I am a Jesus follower, husband, and father. I am a work in progress who tries to be better each and every day, with the help of Christ.