
The one hundred and thirty fifth Psalm was written by an author that is not identified. This unknown person contrasts the greatness of God with the powerlessness of idols.  Verses fifteen to eighteen say the following:

15 The idols of nations are silver and gold,

The work of men’s hands,

16 They have mouths, but they do not speak;

Eyes they have, but they do not see;

17 They have ears, but they do not hear;

Nor is there any breath in their mouths,

18 Those who make them are like them;

So is everyone who trusts in them.

What do you think of when you hear the word idol?  Perhaps you think of a statue or alter with weird images or depictions of a god.

Idol is defined as “an object of extreme devotion, a person or thing that is greatly admired, love or revered.”  The passage today caused me to think more broadly about the definition of an “idol.”  In modern day, it seems a bit out of touch to think about worshipping a physical idol but what are the “idols” that we worship today?  My thinking today is that anything that takes us away from worshipping our God should be considered an idol.

“Idols” come in many shapes and sizes.  We may idolize money.  We may idolize success.  We may “worship” and devote our lives to our career.  Perhaps recognition and attention through social media has become an addiction or “idol” for us.  Guilty as charged on all the above.

What I know is that when I spend time studying, reading, learning, and listening to the Word of God, I find more application and understanding for God’s purpose for my life.  The scriptures are packed full of guidance and application how God has asked us to live our lives.   The opportunity to sing, pray, learn, and worship our Lord each week at worship service is a small sacrifice to offer to our God after He continuously preserves and loves us throughout our daily lives.

I understand that the routine and busyness of life can pull us away from attending worship and communing with God.  Raising children to be active in sports or hobbies can conflict with spending time with God.

Say no to the Sunday morning golf match, running club, tennis match, or whatever the “idol” is that prevents you from attending church with your family.  Say no to the sports team that offers your child practice on Sunday mornings.  Say no to the biking club that insists that the only day of the week to meet is Sunday morning. Preserve time to spend time with God.

Don’t let the “idols” of this life prevent us from recognizing our God, who has shown us more love and mercy than we could ever repay.

Published by

Chad Bandy

I am a Jesus follower, husband, and father. I am a work in progress who tries to be better each and every day, with the help of Christ.