Silence is Golden

Silence is golden. This is a staple that became popular in the late 80s to early 90s in many movie theaters. It was a statement to respect others so that everybody could enjoy the movie.

As we are continuing to prepare for Christmas, one of my favorite hymns is silent night. It is important to understand the importance of silence and that’s what we have in today’s reading.

At the beginning of Luke, the story starts with  the birth of John the Baptist. In these first verses we are introduced to Elizabeth, which is Mary‘s cousin and Zachariah. It sets up the lineage and the background of John the Baptist and Christ. It tells us that Zachariah is a priest that is in one of the highest orders during this time. This priesthood is a priesthood that originates when David builds the Temple, the order of Abijah.  Next Elizabeth is shown to have a direct descendent from Aaron and Moses. These two connections are very important to show that the priesthood that was established by ancient times from both Moses and from king David continues through with John the Baptist and Christ.

Zachariah and Elizabeth were both advanced in  age.  Some text and references state that Zachariah and Elizabeth were in their 50s.  While others show that by the time that John was born they were in the 80s and 90s . This also shows  their wisdom and earthly experience.

The next item is Zachariah has been randomly chosen during his time at the Temple.  This is  the only time in his life that he has been granted to enter the Holy of Holies and is doing this time that the angel Gabriel speaks to Zachariah. So this setup is showing us that with advanced age, wisdom, family lineage, being in the right time in the right place things lined up and we should plan accordingly and act in a certain way.

While Zachariah is performing his priestly duties, the angel Gabriel presents himself and Zachariah stands in awe as he has been given a message from God.  Instead of accepting it or reveling in the acknowledgment of it, Zachariah questions God‘s revelation for
him. Number one:  In the presence of God we need to be silent when he speaks to us. So from this visit Zachariah has been given a great gift, but how many times in our life have we been granted a special gift or special items or a blessing and we question it?

Not accepting God’s blessing in the manner in which it was exhibited, it was presented that Zachariah was given a consequence.  Zachariah is made to be silent for 9 plus months to up to a year.  We know that after his visit he goes home and Elizabeth conceived and has a child. We do not know exactly how long between him leaving the temple and her conceiving so nine months probably a year. During this time he cannot speak to anybody. He cannot communicate. So he has this knowledge and he cannot convey it to anybody. He has been given the opportunity to reflect and pray and meditate to God daily about the new joy that is coming into the world. Number two: sometimes the silence is not a punishment but a time for reflection and preparation.

As we have journeyed through these last several days of Advent we are preparing our minds and bodies for Christmas and the Christ-child. In the same way the anticipation of the early church and the Jewish people were expecting a change. During this time there was so much chaos and hurt strive that the world was so noisy. The Spirit of God was not awakened for everyone to experience and the Spirit did not dwell in us. This was a time of a lot of noise, a lot of chaos, and a lot of disorder. But when Christ came, that moment when Christ was born created a new silence for the world. This silence was one that had not been seen or experienced since the creation of the world. That’s why we can sit in reference to the song silence night. It is to this story of Zachariah and Elizabeth that we are able to grasp the meaning of silence in a better way. We are able to adventure and take some time and silence and prepare.

May the continuation of this Advent, allow you to have some silence for yourself. May this silence be a time that God can connect to you. May the silence bring you closer to your loved ones and acknowledge how much they mean to you. May you be blessed.

Lynden McGriff