
Did you like school growing up?  Some years were better than others, but overall I remember generally liking school.  Often times whether the year was good or bad simply depended on the teacher I was assigned.  I had one or two with whom I never really made a good connection, a few that made the class tons of fun, and a few that truly inspired me to excellence / to love the subject matter / to love learning.  Inspiring teachers had a lasting impact on my life by getting me to engage in the learning process.

During the season of remote learning we are currently enduring, one of the things my kids are missing out on is the opportunity to connect with others, in person, on a daily basis.  Personal interaction enhances friendships and I am convinced it enhances learning.  While my kids’ teachers are doing all they can to increase the effectiveness of remote learning plans, it cannot completely replace the value of personal interaction.  These teachers don’t have the same ability to influence the lives of their students because it is so much harder to get students excited about/engaged in learning when you never see them in person.  It is sad, both the students and teachers are missing out!

Merriam-Webster defines teacher as, a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue (conformity to a standard of right).  This is a pretty high standard.  Every teacher who had a lasting impact on my life took this responsibility seriously.

In the New Testament, Jesus was often called, Rabbi or teacher.  He helped his followers acquire knowledge and conform to the ways of the Lord.  He inspired his followers to engage in the learning process and thereby had the opportunity to make a lasting impact on their lives.

Do you consider Jesus a teacher?  Are you allowing him to guide and influence your life through personal interaction?  While Jesus is not physically present, by accepting him and Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit will come and live in your heart.  He will be with you always.

An inspiring teacher + a willing learner = life change