
Do you have the same dilemma that my husband and I face every time we try to agree on a movie to watch?  He chooses the intense war movies and I always go for the movies set in the 1700-1800’s.  Downton Abbey and many other PBS shows are my favorite.  I am enthralled with the history and the way of life.  

I am always amazed at the delivery system in which the people receive messages.  A messenger rides horse back through the beautiful green scenery, jumps off his horse and strides into a castle as the butler opens the door.  He walks in a room without saying a word and places a plate in front of the intended person.  The plate contains a letter with a seal on the outside.  The messenger quickly disappears as the person proceeds to slice through the seal and read the message.  

The scene is always dramatic because the message contains very pertinent information for the receiver.  The sealing wax on the outside of the letter was used to verify that the document had not been opened and to verify the sender’s identity.  It is always exciting to see the person open the seal and read the contents.

Do you realize that you and I were marked with a seal when we believed that Jesus is the Son of God?

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation.  When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory.

Ephesians 1:13

When we receive the truth by faith, we immediately are marked with a seal (the Holy Spirit Himself).  This seal identifies the believer as belonging to God.  

Not only is the Holy Spirit our seal, He is also our guarantee.  The Holy Spirit is our “down payment” (arrabon – Greek word, meaning initial payment as security for the rest).  God the Father gives us the Holy Spirit as His down payment that ensures to us that the rest of His blessings are on their way.  We know heaven and eternal life will be ours because the Spirit has been given to us!

Thank You Jesus for placing your seal of ownership on our lives.