Today’s reading is from John 18:28-19:16.
Pilate was the Roman Governor of Judea. After Jesus was captured by the Jewish leaders for claiming he was the Messiah he was put on trial before Caiaphas. Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus to Pilate to be crucified because any death sentence had to be approved by a Roman leader. Pilate tried to avoid executing Jesus. He made attempts at sparing Jesus life.
First he tried to put the responsibility back on the Jewish leaders. In John 18:31 Pilate says, “Then take him away and judge him by your own laws”. But the Jewish leaders quickly reminded him that only the Romans are permitted to execute someone. Next he tried to find a way of escape so he could release Jesus. In John 18:39 he offered to release Jesus as it was a custom to release a prisoner at Passover. The Jews chose to release Barabbas (a known criminal) instead of Jesus. From there he tried to compromise by having Jesus flogged and humiliated rather than handing him over to die in John 19:1-3. Lastly he tried to appeal to the sympathy of the accusers in John 19:15 “Away with him,” they yelled. “Away with him – crucify him!” “What? Crucify your king?” Pilate asked. “We have no king but Caesar,” the leading priests shouted back.” In the end, even though he thought Jesus to be innocent, he sentenced him to death because the crowd was so loud.
John 19:16 “Then Pilate gave Jesus to them to be crucified”
Pilate stated 3 times to the crowd that he found Jesus to be innocent. (John 18:38, John 19:4, and John 19:6). He recognized the truth but he failed to act on it which led to Jesus crucifixion. He was so worried about the politics involved that he missed Jesus all together.
I am so thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Where am I recognizing the truth about Jesus but failing to take action? Where am I missing Jesus?