If you have been around the church for any period of time, it’s likely that you have heard the parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin and, of course, the lost son. These are powerful stories that allow us to experience God. That’s right, Jesus reveals God’s character, generosity and love through them.
First, we see that God is relentless in his quest for relationship with us. Consider for a moment that you are that lost sheep, or coin or wandering son. God will stop at nothing to regain our trust, attention and love. While we may attempt to pause our relationship with God, or even hide from him, rest assured that it is not possible. The parable of the lost coin explains it clearly. The old woman will not stop until she finds it. Neither, will God stop seeking you.
Second, God is not seeking us for vengeance. He wants to give us love. Note the word “rejoice” in the parables. If God is going to rejoice with us, he must be giving us first a full measure of grace. As I recount my own failings, I find myself questioning how forgiveness is even possible. Why would a sovereign, all-powerful God want to rejoice and celebrate with me? The simple answer is revealed again in these stories. It is his love for each of us.
There is no greater evidence of God’s love than his own son. It is his death on a cross that assures our salvation. No, that is not a story or a parable. It is real life. He died, was buried and rose again so that we can live, reunited with Him. Now is the time to rejoice with him and with each other.