Never let them see you sweat. That line was made popular by the Gillette company. They promoted a line of antiperspirants that would ensure you wouldn’t get caught sweating. If you are a leader, you’ve probably thought about this too. It’s important to project strength and confidence. After-all, nobody wants to follow a weak or timid leader. Even worse, we definitely don’t want a a leader that fakes confidence. Today in 2 Chronicles 32, we get a good look at courageous leadership.
There is nothing in this chapter that reveals leadership weakness in Hezekiah. He consults trusted advisors, they set up a plan, organize a huge work crew and take action. Hezekiah reminds the that God is on their side encouraging them to be strong and courageous. It’s amazing to me. How can Hezekiah be so unflappable? Was he just faking it? Did he have sleepless nights worried that he was doing the right thing? The answer is no. He did not. His confidence was real.
The secret to Hezekiah’s courage is probably obvious to you. It’s God. In fact, Hezekiah was quick to remind the people that their strength comes from God and God alone (v8). The result? Hezekiah gained the trust and confidence of the people. They remained steadfast even throughout the verbal onslaught and lies spewing from King Sennacherib. They remained faithful. Hezekiah, was not done. He had one last act of courageous leadership. He prayed. I don’t think that this prayer was birthed from desperation or worry. No, it was from disgust and insult. Sennacherib had gone too far, making a mockery of God. Hezekiah’s prayer, therefore was a call to action. He was seeking God’s wisdom and guidance to fight; an act of courage, not fear.
As I read through this account of Hezekiah, he exemplifies the kind of leader I want to be. He lets God lead every step of the way. He puts his faith and confidence first in God. In return, God provides him a platform of peace and wisdom from which to lead. That is why Hezekiah doesn’t sweat. And, God is why Hezekiah prevails.