Boldly and Clearly

In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas were sent by God to some places to spread the word of Christ.

First, they made a pit stop in Cyprus.  There, they met a Jewish sorcerer who Paul confronted and called him a child of the devil.  Because of the sorcerer’s deceit and trickery, Paul explained to him that the hand of the Lord was against him, and that he is going to go blind, and so he did.  The proconsul (governor of the area) watched all of this take place and he became a believer in Christ right then and there.  They made quick, BUT good work of Cyprus!

After another stop or two they made their way to Pisidian Antioch.  Whilst there on the Sabbath, they went into the synagogue to worship and were invited to do some teaching and preaching.  Paul states very clearly that forgiveness of sin is found in Jesus when someone truly believes in Him. Paul also uses a bunch of the Old Testament to prove to everyone listening that Jesus is Christ.  Now, this message that he delivers starts to create great enthusiasm and excitement amongst the Gentiles that are there.  So much so that they invite him to come back the following Sabbath to speak again.

Fast forward a week and the turnout is greater than it was prior.  The Jewish leaders of the synagogue weren’t used to the presence that Paul was getting and appeared rather jealous of him and even started to contradict some of the message that Paul was giving.  The Gentiles, on the other hand, were eager to hear more from Paul.  Verse 46, Paul and Barnabas said boldly, “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles.”  Then in verse 48 and 49, “When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believe.  The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.” In other words, a lot of people were saved.

One of the pastors that my family watches online has been teaching about a few of the chapters in Acts recently which has helped my understanding of much of these passages.  I realize that when the leaders of the synagogue began arguing with Paul and Barnabas about what they were teaching, instead of the 2 of them being intimidated, they boldly doubled down and people were saved because of it.  If I learned anything from this, it is that NOONE is saved when we are silent.  People hear about Christ and some of them choose to believe and become followers when we are bold enough to speak His name and do it clearly, then God does the rest.

A prayer that I have heard and worth sharing, “Father forgive me for the times I have been silent, and fear has won in my life.  Give me boldness to speak Jesus’ name and help me do it with clarity”.