Acts 3
Every person, let alone Christians, have heard at least one of the miracles that Jesus had performed while he walked on this Earth. Albeit there are no miracles without faith in Christ. Just because he wasn’t physically present didn’t mean there weren’t more instances.
In Acts 3 Peter and John are walking up to the temple for mid-afternoon prayer. A man crippled from birth was also being carried to the temple gate where he was put every day to beg of those going into the temple. Right before Peter and John entered, the beggar did what beggars do and asked them for some money. Peter and John acknowledged him. Surely, he thought, they were going to throw some change his way. That isn’t what happened here, instead, something much more. “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk”, said Peter.
He helped the crippled man up to his feet, he was crippled no more. He went into the temple with them, jumping and walking around and praising God. Everyone turned to look and recognized that this was the crippled beggar that sat at the gate every day. They couldn’t believe what they were witnessing.
In verse 12, Peter in a way calls the people out. “Why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?” That’s the key! That’s it! Everyone looks at Peter as if HE did this?! NO! Peter reminds everyone of their ignorance and self-righteousness that it is because of his faith and in the name of Jesus that this man walks.
It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to get busy. It’s easy not to believe. These onlookers not that long ago heard of Jesus’ crucifixion. They had heard of the miracles and healings that He performed. So now what? Since he is dead miracles can’t take place? Peter says quite the opposite! Repent. Turn to God. The crippled man is proof. Peter didn’t heal this man just because his name is Peter, his faith in Jesus did. Acts 3 is a reminder that just because Jesus isn’t with us in the flesh, he is and will always be with us in the Holy Spirit!