3/4/25 – Acts 2
Jesus had risen into the heavens, and the apostles waited together to receive what Jesus had promised them. Ten days go by and finally there comes a rushing wind. Tongues of fire appear and rest upon them. The Holy Spirit, which Jesus had promised, came on the day of Pentecost. The power of this spirit flooded into them. They began to speak in many tongues, and all the Jews of many nations dwelling in Jerusalem were bewildered at the sight.
Acts 2 is the spark that ignites the explosion of the church, the beginning of a body that would be Jesus’ mechanism for spreading his name across the world. The Holy Spirit is here, and the apostles have been empowered to be witnesses to the truth that is Jesus. Though he is not with them in the flesh any longer, he has left his spirit with the apostles to do mighty works in his name.
Following Pentecost, Peter provides clarity to the confused audience that has heard the many tongues produced by the spirit. He explains to them that this Jesus that they had recently crucified had been raised up by God, and that he was indeed the Christ. “… Therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” (Acts 2:36). Peter encourages them to repent and be baptized so that their sins may be forgiven, and also that they may receive the Holy Spirit.
The crowd was “cut to the heart” with the words of Peter, and they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching. With this devotion came many fruits, and the Lord added to their numbers day by day. The fellowship of believers was growing, and it was all possible due to the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Look at the mighty power of the Holy Spirit! Look how quickly it grasped the apostles and launched them into spreading the good news among the unbelievers. Look how it empowered Peter to address the crowd with such conviction. The Holy Spirit has now given ordinary men the power to proclaim the name of Jesus and be his image here on earth.
This text reveals the importance of the Holy Spirit in us and the power it gives us to be witnesses for others. If we have faith in Christ and have received his Holy Spirit, we too have been empowered like the apostles. The living spirit of God has come to dwell in us and reign over our souls. We are no longer who we once were, we now have the spirit to guide us in everything we do.
When the spirit goes to work within us, it manifests itself in many ways. As we live in the spirit we cultivate traits that make us more like Jesus. It gives us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). We also may receive gifts from the spirit such as the tongues that the apostles spoke in on Pentecost.
All of these traits and gifts that we receive from the spirit make us better fit to be witnesses of Jesus, because they make us more like him. This spirit lives in us right now, and by listening to it and being guided by it we can make a difference and show others the light of Jesus in this dark world. It is now our job to be like the apostles and go out into the world and live boldly in the name of Jesus Christ. Let Acts 2 be a reminder of the power that you have in Christ!