Fishers of Men: Answering Jesus’ Call

When Jesus first called His disciples, He found them as fishermen, casting their nets into the sea. Yet, He saw something greater in them. “Follow Me,” He said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19). With this simple yet profound invitation, He transformed their purpose from gathering fish to gathering souls for the kingdom of God.

In John 21, after His resurrection, Jesus once again meets His disciples by the sea. They had returned to their old ways, fishing through the night but catching nothing. At dawn, Jesus appears and tells them to cast their net on the right side. In obedience, they pull in a miraculous catch of 153 fish, more than they could handle. This was no coincidence. Jesus was reminding them of their true mission: to trust in Him and bring people into His kingdom.

Just as fishing requires patience, skill, and perseverance, so does sharing the gospel. Sometimes we cast our nets and see no immediate results. At times, we may feel like failures. But Jesus shows us that success in His work comes not from our own efforts but from obedience to His voice. When we follow His guidance, He provides the increase.

Jesus’ final words to Peter were, “Follow Me” (John 21:19). This command echoes through time to all who believe. To be a fisher of men is not just a call for the disciples, it is a call for us. We are to go where He leads, casting the net of His love, truth, and salvation into the world.

If we trust Him, if we obey, He will fill the net. The harvest is ready. The call remains. Will you follow?

Published by

Chad Bandy

I am a Jesus follower, husband, and father. I am a work in progress who tries to be better each and every day, with the help of Christ.