Alone with Jesus

Have you ever endured suffering, heartbreak, disappointment, sickness, confusion, pain, and unsure where to go? That’s where Jesus can meet you. Being alone with Jesus can often be felt most in our highs and lows.  Most importantly, you take these moments to let Him teach us.  This practice is essential for us and something that Jesus did Himself.

Luke tells us that Jesus often found time to be alone with His Father. Do I seek this time?

Luke 4:16  But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

It’s not easy.  Many things can get in the way.  This past weekend, when listening to a sermon at Eastview, I reflected on my time spent truly alone with God.  I can easily be distracted by everything that is around.  Check out the sermon here.  Martha was distracted by all the things to do and by what others were doing.  That can feel familiar today.  So many things vie for our attention from the time we awake until we lay down to sleep.  The enemy will distract, distract, distract.  Make things more important than they indeed are.  I can easily say this is where I can be reminded to fight the good fight.

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Spending time alone with God is a time of renewal, refreshment, and obedience. We all need it.  Taking time just to read this will hopefully allow you a moment to pray, seek Him, and not be distracted.

Today, rearrange your schedule and MAKE alone time for God!

God, we praise You.  Help us in our days to prioritize time alone with You in prayer for our own sake and for others’ sake as we interact with others today. Amen