Don’t Give Up On Joy

Today’s Reading: Ezra 3-4, Psalm 92, 1 John 1

Oh, to have abundant joy. As I reflected on my current state of joy I came across three points shared by David Jeremiah about joy written through John. John writes to us today in 1 John 1 about our joy. I can tell you there have been times when this joy has been lost. This loss of joy is my fault. When I forfeit this joy, John will say it’s based on a few things.

  1. Deny the power of sin (1:5-7). We often claim one thing with our words, yet our actions show something else. Thankfully, walking with God continually cleanses us from our sins.  When we are cleansed from the guilt of this sin, we can once again have this fullness of joy in Him.
  2. Deny the presence of sin. (1:8-9) The cure for sin is not denying our sin but relying on the faithfulness of God to forgive us based on Christ’s death on the cross. To confess our sins and remain in fellowship with God is the way to maintain the joy of salvation.
  3. Deny the practice of sin. (1:10-2:2) The person that denies they have sin is probably sinning. This can cost us our joy and cause us to lose that restoration with our Heavenly Father.

If you are losing your joy in your Christian life, examine these 3 points. Maybe it’s time to reconnect with the source of all joy, and your spirit can be restored.

Take some time right now to find that joy.

Peace & Joy!