Restore Us

Today’s readings are Jeremiah 47-49, Psalm 80, and 2 Peter 2.

The title in my Bible for 2 Peter 3 is “The Day of the Lord Will Come” speaking of the 2nd coming of Jesus. Our reading for today, 2 Peter 2 is titled “False Prophets and Teachers.

Here are some verses from 2 Peter 2…

And many will follow their sensuality and because of them the way of the truth will be blasphemed.

2 Peter 2:2

For speaking loud boasts of folly, they entice for sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.

2 Peter 2:20

Be whatever or whoever you want to be. Do whatever what every you want to do. Do whatever you feel you want to do. It’s your choice. Follow the science…until it doesn’t fit what you want or how you feel.. or the agenda.

These are common themes of the world we live in today, and this world sounds an awfully lot like what Peter describes in 2 Peter 2…especially in the United States.  I’m not going to try to predict the end times will happen soon even though it may seem like it based on Peter’s description and what’s going on in our world. Most can a agree though that regardless of when it will occur…each day we’re getting closer in same way that we don’t know the day each of us will die, but we know today we are closer than we were yesterday.

Our readings in the book of Jeremiah from chapters 47-49 describe the judgement on or fall of the Philistines, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, Hazor, and Elam. Most all of these were caused by them turning away from God and His truth. While one could say the United States is not mentioned in Biblical end times prophecies due to not being near Israel geographically, others say it’s because it’s because we don’t exist then which could be as a result of our turning away from God like the aforementioned peoples or cities.

However, there is hope for the United States and us as Christians.

Let us learn from the Psalmist who cries for help for Israel in Psalm 80  where we read in Psalm 80:3.

Restore us O God;

Let your face shine, that we may be saved!

Psalm 80:7 and Psalm 80:19 say nearly the same. We can see where God has protected Israel through thousands of years and even through tumultuous events in the just last few months which could have brought Israel’s end, despite all of Israels flaws and mistakes throughout generations.

We can also read in 2 Peter 2:9…

Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgement,

As a Christ follower in the US, I will pray for our country to turn back to Jesus and the truth He gives us in the Bible which is the only real truth on how we are to live, and we know that in following Jesus He will protect us and our souls through His saving grace and Resurrection.

And while we wait, I can only borrow the words of Joshua…

..But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Joshua 24:15

Published by

Chet Bandy

I live in Bloomington, Illinois with my wife Shannon and 4 children. I grew up in Central Illinois with Lutheran roots. We moved to the area in 2011 and began attending Eastview Christian Church where I now lead a Small Group. It's been awesome to see God's plan for our lives and our growing thirst for knowledge of His Word and a closer relationship with Jesus through our move to Bloomington. Professionally, I'm a wealth management advisor with Northwestern Mutual.