Something For Nothing

2 Chronicles 34-35, 2 Corinthians 6

I often meet with people that are getting their real estate license.  As we talk, their eyes gleem with anticipation of the possibilities.  Maybe it’s the opportunity to be your own boss.  Some talk about helping families find the perfect home and others dream about becoming millionaires.  All of these are possible in the world of real estate sales.  Unfortunately, most will never make it.

I recently interviewed a young prospect.  After our conversation, my colleague asked, “do you think she will make it?”  “If she works hard, she will” was my reply.

Christians are like realtors.  They want all the rewards without any of the work.  Give me health and wealth and security, right?  I want to walk the streets paved with gold too.  Give me salvation and eternal life.  It’s easy to focus on these promises, then become disappointed when they do not arrive.

Not so fast, says Paul.  “You are not restricted by us.”  Meaning, your misfortune is not because we have not taught you.  In fact, we have led the way.  The problem is that “you are restricted in your own affections.”  In other words, you would rather get in your fancy car and go party then stay here than alter your plans and change your desires.

So, “If your emotional life is off kilter, if you feel far from God, stressed, anxious, and chronically mad, and you’re not becoming more of a person of love, then the odds are that something about the system of your life is poorly designed.” ~ Mark  Comer

Comer, John Mark. Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did. (p. 180). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.