Safety, Danger, and Ridiculousness

1 Kings 17-18, Psalm 119, Jude

I am a Christian.  Maybe you too have said that before.  It is a statement of belief.  In general, it means that you believe in Jesus.  Maybe you would add the Trinity or the Bible to the list of things that a Christian believes.  What about baptism, or tithing, or attending Church?   Many people would call themselves Christians but not engage in those things.  So, some Christians differentiate.

Instead of simply “Christian,” many choose the more descriptive label of “Christ-follower.”  Christ-follower turns belief into action.  Christ-followers use Jesus’ instruction to order their lives, thoughts and activities.  I’ve used this term to describe myself too.  There is however, one term that I have not used; slave.

Jude begins his chapter with it.  He says, “I am Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ.”  It’s a powerful word.  A term that carries a heavy burden.  Slaves have no rights.  Slaves have no personal identity.  Slaves are fully surrendered.

Being Christian brings us safety.  Christ-followers is dangerous but becoming a slave, now that’s ridiculous.  Just like Jesus.