Today’s Readings: 1 Kings 12, 2 Chronicles 10-11, Titus 1
1 Kings 12 describes the events leading to the division of the united kingdom of Israel into two separate kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. The chapter primarily focuses on Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, and his actions as he ascends to the throne.
The People’s Request and Rehoboam’s Response:
- Rehoboam’s Accession:
– After Solomon’s death, Rehoboam goes to Shechem where all Israel gathers to make him king.
- The People’s Request:
– The Israelites, led by Jeroboam, ask Rehoboam to lighten the harsh labor and heavy yoke imposed by Solomon.
- Counsel from the Elders:
– Rehoboam seeks advice from the elders who served his father. They suggest he should be kind to the people and serve them, which would secure their loyalty.
- Counsel from the Young Men:
– Rehoboam also consults his peers, who advise him to respond harshly, asserting his authority even more than his father did.
- Rehoboam’s Decision:
– Ignoring the elders’ advice, Rehoboam follows the counsel of the young men, telling the people he will increase their burdens.
The Division of the Kingdom:
- Rebellion of the Northern Tribes:
– The people of Israel, feeling oppressed, reject Rehoboam’s rule and crown Jeroboam as their king, resulting in the division of the kingdom.
- Rehoboam’s Attempt to Quell the Rebellion:
– Rehoboam gathers an army to fight against the northern tribes, but God sends a message through the prophet Shemaiah, instructing them not to fight their brothers. Rehoboam obeys and calls off the attack. The positive aspect of this story is that Rehoboam listened to God’s Word, and did not attach is Jewish brethren.
- Jeroboam’s Actions in the North:
– Jeroboam, now king of Israel, sets up golden calves in Bethel and Dan to prevent the people from going to Jerusalem to worship, leading Israel into idolatry. Ultimately Rehoboam’s decision to treat the Jewish people harshly, led to their move to worship false idols.
What is your approach when you need to make big decisions? Whose counsel do you seek? What do you pray for when need wisdom?
- Seek and Heed Wise Counsel:
– Rehoboam’s mistake of ignoring the elders’ wise advice in favor of his peers’ harsh counsel teaches the importance of seeking and listening to experienced, wise, and godly advice when making decisions.
- Leadership and Service:
– Good leadership involves serving and being compassionate toward those you lead. Rehoboam’s failure highlights the importance of humility and understanding in leadership roles.
- Consider Consequences:
– Decisions have far-reaching consequences. Rehoboam’s harsh response led to the division of the kingdom. It’s crucial to consider the potential outcomes and impacts of our decisions on others.
- Promote Unity:
– The division of the kingdom demonstrates how poor leadership and unwise decisions can lead to significant divisions. Strive for unity and reconciliation in relationships, communities, and organizations. We could certainly use more of this in our political environment today.
- Obedience to God:
– Rehoboam’s obedience to God’s command not to fight against his fellow Israelites prevented further conflict. Being attentive and obedient to God’s guidance can lead to peace and prevent unnecessary strife. It’s too bad Rehoboam did not listen to wise counsel earlier.
By reflecting on these lessons, we can strive to make better decisions, lead with compassion, seek wise counsel, promote unity, and remain faithful to God in our own lives. When we turn the world for wisdom and not scripture, we will fail. There is story after story, and example after example in the Bible demonstrating the good and back path for decisions. May we turn to our Lord and ask His strength and wisdom.
Written with the assistance of ChatGPT