Genesis 43-44, Psalm 108 and Galatians 1
Is your heart steadfast? What does that even mean? When I read Psalm 108 today, this is the first sentence of the chapter. Usually I just keep reading and don’t take time to really think about each verse, but for some reason this word got me to pause and take a deeper look.
steadfast – firmly fixed in place, immovable
firm in belief, determination, or adherence, loyal
“Steadfast has held its ground for many centuries. Its Old English predecessor, stedefoest, combines stede (meaning “place” or “stead”) and faest (meaning “firmly fixed”). The word was first used in battle contexts to describe warriors who stood their ground, which led to its “immovable” sense. That sense gave way to the word’s use as an adjective implying unswerving faith, loyalty, or devotion.”
So what does it mean if my heart is steadfast? It means that my heart is firmly fixed, immovable and loyal to God. My heart is not capable of of being moved or diverted from God.
My heart is steadfast, God! I will sing and make melody with all my being! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn! I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.”
Psalm 108:1-4 ESV
This chapter opens with King David making the statement that his heart is fixed on God. We know that David faced many challenges in his life, so he had reasons to doubt God or question why he suffered. But, this verse tells us that he CHOSE to keep his heart firmly fixed, immovable and loyal to God, no matter the circumstance that he encountered. He was determined to praise God. Why??? Why would David continue to praise God through his struggles?
Your love is so extravagant, it reaches higher than the heavens! Your faithfulness is so astonishing, it stretches to the skies!
Psalm 108:4 TPT
David chose to praise him through his struggles because he knew that God never changes. His love is extravagant. His love reaches higher than the heavens. His faithfulness is astonishing.
God’s love for David is the same love He has for you and I. His love for us is steadfast. His love for us will never change. His love for us is extravagant. When life is good it is easy to praise God, but when life is hard we have to fix our thoughts on God and praising Him. We have David to remind us to be steadfast in our praise.
When I face challenges in my life, I have to make a conscious decision about my thoughts. I can go down the road of fear and what-ifs, taking my worries into my own hands and trying to figure it all out. Or, as I am called to do by God, I can make the choice to praise God for Who He is. I can tell Him how great He is. I can thank Him for All He has done previously in my life and in the lives around me.
I know from experience that this choice does not come easy. Even just this week I got lost in my own thoughts and fears. I knew in the back of my mind that God was in control, but I unfortunately did not choose to praise Him through the circumstance. This chapter of Psalm 108 reminded me to praise Him through the storm no matter what. And the best part is that I get to try again and again. God is the God of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 100th+ chances. And that is a good thing, because I seem to take a long time to learn certain lessons. I can praise God that He never gives up on me. He loves me to the ends of the earth, and that is worth praising Him.
No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39 NLT
I am a warrior. I am steadfast. I will keep my heart steadfast and praise Jesus for Who He is, What He has done, and What He will do.