Tween Week

Psalm 23

When I was young, I went to church camp.  They had a special name for kids that had graduated 8th grade and were headed to high school; “tween week.”  Tweens are not quite high schoolers; neither are they middle schoolers.  Tween’s are “in-between.”  The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is another “tween week.”  It’s not really 2023 anymore, but it’s not quite 2024 either.  This week, if we choose, can be a gift.  Don’t delay;  we only have a moment.  Next week, the pressures and problems of work will reappear.   

Truth is, I don’t know how to respond to this time in-between.  I have nothing to run to and nothing to run from.  This morning, I found myself hurrying down the beach.  It is my habit.  But it should not be for today.  Today, I am not trying to win, and I do not need to run for my life.  I need only to be.  Pausing my walk, I glanced across the still water and suddenly noticed the cool mist in the air.  As I yielded my spirit I realized that God has done exactly what he promised.  “He has led me beside peaceful waters.  He is renewing my strength and guiding me along paths of righteousness, bringing honor to his name.” (Psalm 23:203)

God is faithful, indeed.  He has given us the gift of in-between if only we will stop to experience it.