That’s Ridiculous!

The battle of Jericho is one of the most ridiculous stories in the Bible. You see, God called on Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land. But, to take possession of it, they must first conquer Jericho. This was no easy task. Jericho was fortified with stone walls. At this time, the city was shut. None went in, and none went out (v2). Surely Joshua understood the problem. How could he take a city that he couldn’t even get into? Of course, God provided a way.
The way, according to Joshua 6 was for the army to march around the city on time, every day for six days. Then, on the seventh day, they were to march around seven times followed by a blast of the priest’s trumpets and a great shout from all the people. Once complete, God tells Joshua, the walls will fall flat (v5). Problem solved.
Is that weird? Why would God ask them to do such a ridiculous thing? I’ve come up with two answers; faith and obedience. Consider first faith. We have to assume that Joshua exhausted all of his options as any good leader would. He knew that the strength of his army could not overcome the walls. At some point, he gave up reliance on his own wisdom and strength. Faith was all he had left. If this was going to happen, he must rely on God’s promise. Second, comes obedience. He must have felt silly after walking around the city on the first day, let alone the 6th day! To make it tougher, his mighty men would have provided plenty of ridicule. One of the toughest things a leader faces is an interrogation from their own team. Yet, Joshua persisted, allowing his faith to drive his actions.
What obstacles are you facing, right now? Perhaps the solution is as ridiculous as Joshua’s seemed. Perhaps God is asking you to let go, to lay down your weapons and rely on his strength and power. This can only happen when we give up our own agendas and willfulness.  We are being called to submit to his perfect plan. Even if it seems ridiculous.