Several years ago, the state of Illinois changed the title printed on real estate licenses. Way back when I earned my license, it was titled “Real Estate Salesperson.” Today, we get the more prestigious title of “Real Estate Broker.” For some, this is a setup for heartache. It happens in the first couple of trainings where newly minted licensees learn how to sell. “Wait a minute. I’m NOT a salesperson,” is the decree. A shocking 50% of real estate agents drop out within the first year. Why? They become disheartened when they learn what it takes to be a successful salesperson.
The same is true of Christ-followers. Today, in Mark 10:16-22, we read about the rich young ruler. He came to Jesus excited. So excited that he ran up to him. He even knelt down in front of Jesus so that he could learn the secrets of eternal life. Unfortunately, he got an answer that he didn’t like. Jesus told him, simply and lovingly, go and sell all your possessions. This, sadly, was not something the rich young ruler was willing to do. The Bible says that upon hearing Jesus’ words, he went away disheartened and sorrowful.
Before you begin thinking that this does not apply to you, take a minute to reflect. What, exactly, are you willing to endure to follow Christ? In today’s world, it is not unfathomable that you could lose your job for declaring Christ as king. Is that why you keep quiet? What about prison, or death? I took a trip to Morrocco once where there was a real possibility for sharing my faith in Jesus. It definitely gave me pause!
This was not the case for the disciples. Instead, their amazement (Mark 10:32) of Christ led them to push through their fears and successfully live Christ-following lives.