Who Inspires You?

Matthew 14

I watched a video last week of Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger.  It has over 135,000 views on YouTube in five days.    This HBO documentary about Buffet boasts nearly 3.5 million views on YouTube.  Why are people flocking to this?  Why did I watch it?  Simple.  To get well.

A quick review of my YouTube history suggests that I don’t just want to get well financially.  Mentally, I need some help too.  John Maxwell, Tim Ferris, and David Goggins also appear.   They are experts at imparting worldly knowledge and confidence.

How about you?  Where do you get the inspiration that you need?  If you don’t watch YouTube, look a little harder.  Maybe you are into TED talks.  What about podcasts?  Books?  All of these are legitimate and useful resources for us, and yet, not quite enough.  They just aren’t working.

Today, in Matthew 14, we see countless examples of the same thing.  Simply put, it’s people’s quest to be well.  Maybe they suffer a physical disability or sickness.  It could be depression or oppression.   It could be that their lives were just train wrecks!  Whatever the cause, they heard about someone that was helping,  healing, and restoring.  His name was Jesus.

They gathered in mass to see him, hear him and touch him.  They followed him everywhere, even to places that had no food.  It was worth it.  He fed them.  He made them well.  All of them.  No exceptions.

Who will make you well?