Cereal all down the front of the nice shirt – the only one ready and clean. The dog’s surprise accident right as you need to walk out the door. Breaking up a bickering argument between siblings. Every red light. Agh, the realization you forgot your wallet at home. Slamming on your breaks, spilling coffee, to avoid the vehicle that just cut you off 3 blocks away. Ding – a notification on your phone that you click on and learn bad news.
Does anyone else’s Sunday mornings ever feel like this? When Paul tells the church in Ephesus to be aware of the wiles of the devil, he’s not joking! Satan seems to pull out all the stops on the sabbath and throw us off physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It really does take the full armor of God to get out the door, and a mental reset on that walk into the building. The times I’ve had to ask my family and God for forgiveness for losing my patience on the drive in: E N D L E S S. Anyone else with me?
Our crazed trek into town and “up” Towanda Barnes Road to get to church hardly feels like what David is talking about in Psalms 122. This actual ascent to Jerusalem to come together and worship is one of joy, anticipation, and desire. They’re excited to worship together and pray for peace. There are fifteen psalms written about this Ascent, each laced with a contagious desire to be together. They were climbing physical elevation to get to Jerusalem, which was no small feat. But they did it with joy, together singing all of these psalms.
In the spring of 2020, the instant loss of physically gathering for church was really felt. It was another blow and change we were dealing with. Then as summer came it seemed like a lot of us had almost gotten used to this form of church. And don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful we had virtual church and everything made available to us to try to bring community into our families and homes. But… It’s definitely not the same.
Like everything pandemic related, we all had a difference experience. I talked to some people who liked doing it at home as a family and avoiding the wiles of Satan on those crazy Sunday mornings. I talked to others who felt really lost and out of sync not having that physical community. Some were torn – really missing the normalcy of church but not ready to come back yet.
So, does it matter?
As employees everywhere are showing how they’re able to do their job from home, it might be easy or tempting to make the leap that we can continue church at home as well.
From the beginning of humanity, God put in our heart a desire for community. He knew it wasn’t good for us to be alone, and provided a way for this physical gathering. All throughout the scriptures we can find examples of believers coming together, worshipping together, learning together and encouraging each other. And yes, there were seasons of improvising – like when Paul was in jail, he was sending off snail mail. But, oh how his heart desired to be back together with fellow Christ-followers!
I believe it does matter. I believe we were designed to come together, pray together, worship together, learn together. There’s something about the physical presence of being joined with a body of believers. It’s not about the bricks and mortar, but about the fellowship. The first time back to in-person church was an amazing experience. My heart was overflowing and I didn’t realize how big the impact would be. I hope I never take for granted the opportunity to gather – especially when brothers and sisters around the world do not have this privilege. And how much of this opportunity is actually a responsibility? What maturing of my faith does God have for me, that’s possible through church community? And how would the Lord want to use me if I were present?
Here are some themes that inspired me this week to make our Ascent an anticipated event:
Jesus went to church regularly and participated. Luke 4:16 What an example for us!
Stir up each others hearts, don’t neglect meeting together. Hebrews 10:24-25 Be encouraged and be an encourager!
We are all different parts, but come together to form one body. 1 Corinthians 12:12 We all have a designed role!
Gather together in Jesus’ name when issues come up. Matthew 18:15-20 He guides us through troubles together!