I know I am on vacation when I am surrounded by Palm Trees. My idea of a vacation is sitting around a pool or on the beach relaxing with family. My Mom and Dad have had a home in Florida for the past 18 years of which I have had the blessing of visiting at least once every year. When I am there, I picture myself sitting around their small community pool where the palm trees are all around us. There are around 12 different varieties of palm trees in Florida, and NOT one of them is the Palm tree mentioned in todays reading of Psalm 92.
In Psalm 92, David speaks of thankfulness. We all have days when we can thank God endlessly for the gifts and blessings in our lives. But, then there are other days when we are rushed and stressed and are too overwhelmed to see beyond the burdens of life. These are the days we need to most read a Psalm like this one to remind us of how much God loves us.
In verse 12 of the 92nd Psalm we learn of the Date Palm tree. This palm is famous for its beauty. This tree can grow to 90 feet tall. It is said to be the most useful tree on earth. There are desert places that would be uninhabitable if it were not for the date palm. It can grow where no other useful plant will grow. The date palm tree is a tree of the desert. It sinks its roots down deep to draw up the scarce water from down deep in the earth.
The date palm is a long lived tree. It can still bear fruit when it is more than 100 years old. This beautiful and useful palm tree symbolizes the beauty and usefulness of believers who have heir roots in God.
Yes! Look how you’ve made all your devoted lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength!
Psalm 92:12
This Psalm ends with such a positive and exciting verse.
Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully.
Psalm 92:14
As I have rolled passed the half century mark in my life, this verse gives me such hope and life. Just like the Date Palm tree, I want to continue to produce fruit until the end of my days. I want to flourish, continue to grow deep roots, and be productive all of the days of my life.