Psalm 34 – God’s Plans – His blessings

Happy Tuesday,

Today we will be reading Psalm 34.  There is a back story in 1 Samuel 21-22 that you will have to go back to when you get an opportunity.

You see, David had to live much of his life on the run hiding from Saul.  Today, when we read David’s words while on the run he decides to hide with the Philistines.  Yes, the Philistines. Remember the story of David & Goliath.  The last time they had been around each other was when David took care of Goliath.  This probably wasn’t an exciting moment in history for the Philistines. Still, David decided this was where he needed to hide on this occasion.  David went to a priest named Ahimelech in Nob.  Here was the place where the priest Ahimelech put the needs of David ahead of the religious rules by giving him holy food, keeping David safe, and even offering up Goliaths sword.   Make sure you go back and read.

In Psalm 34, David had just finished pretending to be crazy as a way to get away from being captured.  David’s crazy plan succeeded, and then He shares with Ahimelech the blessings God promises.  These verses are timely reminders for us today.

We are all active participants in God’s plans, with the trust in His perfectly timed blessings.

  • 34:4 He will deliver us from fear
  • 34:6 He will deliver us from trouble
  • 34:7 He guards us 
  • 34:8 He shows us kindness 
  • 34:9 He supplies our needs
  • 34:15 He listens when we talk with Him
  • 34:22 He redeems us


Do we do our part? 

  • 34:4 & 10 Do I seek Him?
  • 34:6 & 17  Do I cry out to Him? 
  • 34:8 Do I trust Him? 
  • 34:22 Do I serve Him? 

As I reflected on this story I know there are many times when I have forgotten to do my part.  I think God will just appear when I’m in trouble.  When I’m trying to figure it all out on my own without His looking back to scripture.  Do I seek Him?

When troubles happen at home, school, kids, work, family, financially. I can occasionally throw a pity party for myself or complaining about my circumstance forgetting about the molding God does in our lives.  Do I trust Him?

When I race through the day according to my own agenda. Only serving my to-do list.   Do I serve Him?

God, Today I commit all of my plans to You. Please have Your way with my life. Do what only You can do through my family, job, relationships, and future.  Align the desires of my heart with Your desires.  God, I’m sorry for my times when I lack trust.  We love you.  Amen