A big component of Advent is the anticipation of our Savior’s birth; every year as our country engages in the usual festivities, we reflect and wait excitedly for the celebration of Christ’s birth. But whereas the other Gospels begin with the news of Jesus and His birth, Mark’s Gospel is notably more centered on Jesus’s works and services, focusing on Jesus as servant of God. Beginning with Jesus’s baptism and the start of His ministry, Mark writes in Mark 1:1-3 a recollection of the prophet Isaiah’s words in the Old Testament, saying: “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way, the voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’”
John the Baptist had been preparing the way for Jesus very literally in this scenario – by preaching of the forgiveness of sins and baptizing the people in Jerusalem, he was preparing the hearts and minds of those around him for Christ’s arrival, when He could share His good news. In living this life of asceticism and committing himself wholly to teaching of the Lord, John prepared his heart to welcome and accept Christ when He was ready to appear.
In this season of anticipation, Mark focuses on this as a call to action: actively preparing for the Lord by clearing His way. We’re called to prepare the way for Christ’s return, to make His way as easy and clear as possible for His second arrival, just as John cleared the way for His first. There is much that needs done both within our hearts and shared with the world around us before Christ comes. Preparing His way and making His path straight is something we can all actively focus on this Advent season. By living in His word always (Psalm 1:1-3), continually diving into His word (Psalm 25:4-5), and sharing His word with all the world in need (Psalm 96 1-6), we help ready ourselves and the people of the earth for His return. By outwardly living the renewed lives Paul describes in Ephesians 4:25-32, we show the world a glimpse of Christ’s transformative love and ready it to accept His return.
This season of reflection and excitement centered around Christ’s return is always encouraging, as we marvel at how Christ’s way was prepared for His birth and ministry many years ago, and how even now we get to do the same for His second coming. The actions you take right now that reflect Christ’s impact on your life are important for demonstrating Christ’s redeeming love to the world, and for preparing the hearts of even more people for His return. Are you acting as a stumbling block for your fellow Christians through unloving words and actions, or are you helping His works, helping to keep His path straight as Isaiah’s words encourage us to be? Do you contribute to Christ’s ministry positively as John 13:35 asks us to? Take a moment of reflection this Friday on what you can do to help prepare the way of the Lord as Mark wrote about, and may these blessings of the Lord shine through you today.