

Is 8:14

Are you tired this morning? Do you feel mentally and physically weary from trying to finish a project, land a sale, fight a disease, prep for an upcoming event, stay positive for a never ending need for discipline, work on a difficult relationship, or help in a hopeless situation? Are you exhausted from living in fear of the future, being “chased” by a virus, having to change careers (teaching your kids) or searching for a job to support your family? We all know how it feels to be at the end of our rope. The ways that we get to our ”ends” look different for each of us, but we all know how it feels to not be able to put one foot in front of the other to begin the walk out of a tough situation. We have all felt too worn to continue the battle and longed for a break from our circumstances. God offers relief. He tells all of us in Isaiah that, “He will keep you safe.” His name today is Sanctuary.

The definition of Sanctuary is protection or a safe place; a place of refuge or rest. If you are in the middle of hard stuff, does this not sound like the sweetest relief? This promise of rest, refuge, and safety looks in my mind like falling into a soft fluffy cloud or running through the door of the fortress with the gates closing behind me as my pursuers stand outside in frustration at their missed opportunity. (Maybe I watch too many movies!) God offers us rest and reprieve from our troubles. He doesn’t offer to remove the troubles or to pull us out of the situation. He offers rest and refuge in the midst of our struggle. So what does this “rest” or “safety” look like? Have you experienced His “place of refuge” in your life? For me it usually comes while I’m spending time with Him, praying. I usually organize my prayer time with confession first, concentrating on who He is next, and then pouring my heart out and asking for help third. Last I thank Him for who He is to me and what He has done. The place where I experience His safety most often is when I am praising Him for who He is and concentrating on His attributes. In theory this time is set aside to worship Him with words. It is time to praise Him and honor who He is, but for me it becomes the time where I recognize that He loves me and has all ability to handle whatever situation I am in. When I verbalize who He is and how fiercely He loves me, I am changed from worry and fear to rest and peace because I realize that He knows my circumstances, cares that I am in the circumstances and has power and ability to change the circumstances. I am reminded how much bigger than me He is. Instead of being overwhelmed by my circumstances, I realize that because of Him I am not alone in my situation and I have hope where on my own there is little or none.  The truth is that my circumstances have not changed during this time of prayer. My mind changes when I give God time and space to be my sanctuary.



I wonder how you experience God’s gift of sanctuary in your life?