Evidence of You

Dialogue. It’s always intrigued me. How conversations play out, who said what next, how did this person respond to that comment, etc. I love studying people through their conversations. I can remember sitting in the backseat of my parents car, maybe around age 2-3, and thinking “Wow, they talk fast. When I get big I want to be able to talk back and forth so fast like they can”.

I love sitting knee to knee and being able to look into someone’s eyes and understand what they’re thinking. What shaped the feelings they have? How did they come to that conclusion? How do they reconcile this concept with that other concept over here?

Learning about people, their “life story”, energizes me. What makes them tick, where they have areas of passion, how they came to know the Lord. What are their gifts, what are they praying about right now, what keeps them up at night.

And I love to share, too! (Who, me?) And I believe we are called to share our testimony.  Lately, I’ve found myself sharing my testimony +. Yes, “testimony plus”. And I don’t think that’s in Revelation 12:11! Nope, it doesn’t say “we will overcome by the blood of Lamb and the Word of our testimony PLUS all of our personal opinions on all the current topics. Oh, and all the facts, stats, and “evidence” that supports my “plus”. You know, all the “proof”.

Have you ever heard that phrase, ”God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason”? Zing!! 

With the world around us in such a heavy place of unrest, political divide, a global pandemic… I feel God continuing to tug at my heart to listen more and talk less about these individual areas. Find ways to point my thoughts, perspectives, and words back to Jesus.

And to be transparent with you, I admit it’s HARD for me to know when to use my words to “speak for those who can’t speak for themselves” and when to zip it and “live peaceably with all men”. And it’s likely that God calls us to both of these approaches in different moments and seasons.

So, I’m in a place of praying for a ton of wisdom, and the Holy Spirit to lead me when these opportunities pop up. And how great that the Lord brings me back to this scripture:

Jesus is over all the Kings on this Earth. Revelation 1:5

If I truly believe this and put my trust in it, then I don’t need to be consumed with conversations on politics, elections, covid protocols, facts, news updates, and all the other debates and divisive topics around me. I can focus discussions back on Jesus, being over every king, president, ruler, around the world. His perfect will, will be done.

I want to share who Jesus is and what he has done in my life. He is over all the topics, people, places, discussions. Christ living in us is the proof and evidence back to him – as the King over all the Kings!

I definitely have work to do in this area.


My kids learned this song through virtual church this summer and it’s super catchy and I just love the chorus! Link at the bottom if you’d like to listen to it.



You blow my mind and exceed my expectations
So every day this will be my motivation
When I open my mouth
I want Your love to come out
And Your glory be seen

I want my life to be the evidence of You
I want the way I live to be somebody’s proof
In every word I say
In all I try to do
I want my life to be the evidence
Evidence of You

This world is searching for a hero that can save them
But if they only knew the power that forgave sin
When I open my mouth
I want Your love to come out
And Your glory be seen

I want my life to be the evidence of You
I want the way I live to be somebody’s proof
In every word I say
in all I try to do
I want my life to be the evidence
Evidence of You

Beyond the music, Beyond the noise
In every season I’ll make a choice
I wanna stand tall and be a light that shines
Like a city on a hill, God, use me still

I want my life to be the evidence of You
I want the way I live to be somebody’s proof
I want my life to be the evidence of You
I want the way I live to be somebody’s proof
In every word I say
In all I try to do
I want my life to be the evidence
Evidence of You

©2013 Dried Rose Music (ASCAP)


Published by

Holly-Rae Van Hoof

jesus follower living in the midwest with husband, kiddos, and pup. i enjoy digital design, root vegetables, creating, running, photography, outdoors, in no particular order. current fav scripture: Rev 12:11 They overcame because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony.