Passover Lamb

This week marks the milestone of a major company project we’ve been working on for nearly two years. The result is transformational for our manufacturing facilities in Europe and it is both relieving and satisfying to witness the solution in motion, running the business.

Early on, I made the mistake of introducing the project without clearly sharing why it was necessary. Without “why”, people only bought in to the project because they were forced. They committed verbally but not in their hearts, and this kind of commitment typically doesn’t last long, especially when the going gets tough.

As we all matured together, the reasons why became more transparent, and now as the solution is in place the reasons why are crystal clear. What started out as mysterious, vague, daunting, and perhaps seemingly unnecessary is becoming something we cannot do without.

For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. (1 Corinthians 5:7b)

Today’s name for Jesus is the “Passover lamb”. The Passover also ties back to “why” in my own faith journey, and perhaps yours as well. Hearing that story as a child and even into adulthood, until fully opening my heart and soul to Jesus Christ, the story was someone else’s story. It was merely something scary that God did a long time ago for some people I didn’t know. Standing on its own it is still significant, but the deeper meaning, the why has eternal consequences.

The Passover as described in Exodus 12 is a spiritual allegory leading us to Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, our savior. God gave us this story in order to more clearly see Jesus woven throughout the entire Old Testament. The Passover required a spotless lamb to be sacrificed and the blood from the sacrifice to be placed on the doors of those who followed God. Without the blood, there was death to all firstborn people and animals. Similarly, the why in this story, the blood of Jesus as the passover lamb is the only thing that can save us from eternal death and separation.

Is his blood on the door to your heart? Ask him to reveal himself in a new way today. Seek him with all your heart and he will show you, it is a promise that only he can keep. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)