Songs of Deliverance

He has Risen…He has Risen indeed!

Happy first day after celebrating the resurrection of our risen Lord.

What do you do when the world seems to be crumbling around you? Do you exercise, read, journal, or perhaps meditate?

Stress and anxiety are certainly emotions many of us are feeling during this season of our lives. Whether it is the loss of a job, reduction in pay, the anxiety and fear of becoming ill, kids at home 24/7, or just the inability to leave our home.

As I have thought about stress reduction, I found an article on WebMD that lists ten techniques to assist with stress. “10 Relaxation Techniques that Zap Stress Fast.” Here is the author’s top ten suggestions.

1. Meditate
2. Breathe Deeply
3. Be Present
4. Reach Out
5. Tune Into Your Body
6. Decompress
7. Laugh Out Loud
8. Crank up the Tunes
9. Get Moving
10. Be Grateful

I count at least six of the ten where focus on our faith can be included. Meditation, breathe deeply, be present, and decompress can include prayer. Crank up the tunes and get moving can include Christian music.

Music is THE medium that moves me and relaxes me. Songs move my heart and reach me at levels that words do not. I am brought to tears many times during our services at Cornerstone Chapel by our amazing worship band. As Psalms 32:7 says “…You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.”

I have become a big fan of Christian singer Jeremy Camp. His life story has been chronicled in a riveting movie that can be streamed online called “I Still Believe.” During this pandemic, Jeremy wrote a song called “Whatever May Come” (click link to listen) that I have listened to several times over the past few days. Jeremy and his wife, Addie, posted the song on You Tube as they sang the song for the first time! So simple but so good at explaining our Savior and how “He holds us” during the tough times and “the King will make things new.” I would encourage you to take a few minutes and listen to the song.

Bring your worries to Christ and as Philippians 4:7 says “the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

Whatever may come of these difficult economic times, this incredibly fearful disease, closure of school, sports, and extracurricular activities, separation from family and friends, this emotional and trying time like no other that the majority of this population has ever had to bear witness…may You be the brightest light, a pivotal guide, our everlasting strength, the source that we all seek for comfort and peace, and for all non-believers to be brought to You and become the shelter that they seek. I fall to my knees and ask you to make all of us new in You and strive to follow this awakening that we will persevere through. Please continue to hold me, my family, and friends in your hands and may we always feel your ongoing presence in our hearts and minds. Amen. (Prayer by Kimberly Bandy)

Published by

Chad Bandy

I am a Jesus follower, husband, and father. I am a work in progress who tries to be better each and every day, with the help of Christ.