Have you ever been to court and stood before a judge? Have you been the one who is under investigation and waiting for judgement? About a year ago I had my first call for jury duty. I was selected for a certain case and got to watch first hand how the day unfolded. The two people that were in front of the judge were fighting for their rights. They wanted to persuade him that their words were the truth. I was nervous for both of them as I sat and listened to the details of their testimony all day.
In today’s reading, Acts 26, Paul stands before King Agrippa and gives his testimony. Instead of recounting all the reasons why he is innocent, Paul tells the King of his miraculous conversion to Christianity. He was more concerned with the King knowing Jesus than he was of his freedom.
Paul’s main focus was Jesus. His life focused on the message of the cross. He focused on Jesus and the eternity He offers rather than the temporary consequences of this life.
“I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.” Acts 26:29
In this moment Paul shared the Gospel instead of begging for his life.
If you were standing before a judge, what would be your focus? Yourself and convincing the judge of your innocence or sharing Jesus? I have to say that I would probably be overwhelmed with the immediate circumstances and the personal beliefs of the judge would be far from my concerns.
But, Paul understood that momentary trials achieve an eternal glory that far outweigh any hardship we face.
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 2 Corinthians 4:17
When you are in such situations, maybe not even in front of a judge, but maybe a family member or friend, who do you defend? Are you all about making a case for yourself and why you are innocent and right? Or do you make much of Jesus?
Paul was in chains and had the chance to plead his case in front of the judge, but he instead took this opportunity to tell the person in front of him about the love and freedom found in Jesus. Today, I challenge you to tell the person in front of you about what Jesus has done in your life, just as Paul did this day.