Today’s reading has me thinking about paralysis. Miriam Webster defines it as being powerless or ineffective. Today’s story illustrates Jesus miraculous healing of a man that is physically paralyzed. I picture him lying in a bed, or on a stretcher immobilized, unable to move at all. I imagine him thinking about things that he would like to do with his life and wonderful things that he wants to experience. I’m sure the doctors told him its impossible to change. Those words led only to disappointment and depression. Yet, something inside of him was still alive. I think the same is true for us. No, most of us don’t deal with physical paralysis, but we do struggle with mental paralysis. think back to the definition. Where in your life are you powerless and ineffective?
When we are honest, there are many things that we feel powerless over. I’ll bet that careers, finances and families are among the top answers for that. We know that our powerlessness is not right. Intuitively, we know that something is wrong. That’s why we continually reach for solutions. Hopefully, we seek out something positive like a book, a friend or a support group. Unfortunately, we often seek out less beneficial options like a bottle, a pill or isolation. I wonder how long the paralytic in today’s story sought options like that? My guess is that he did so continually, until he heard of this man named Jesus. At that moment, he knew that nothing else would satisfy.
Little did he know the obstacles he would encounter when seeking out Jesus. In fact, he was completely blocked. The crowd was so thick and Jesus’ room was so full that not one more body could fit nearby. And, so it is with us. The instant we listen to that still, small voice telling us that a better life awaits, obstacles appear. Maybe it’s an old habit, or perhaps the people we are surrounded with. Truth is, there are so many things that will block our path of Jesus. But, like the paralytic, we must find a way. If we really believe that still, small voice, we will do whatever it takes. The paralytic found himself on top of the house, being lowered next to Jesus through the roof! Yes, that sounds extreme. I believe with all my heart that if we really want to discover the life Jesus has waiting for us, we too must take a seemingly impossible risk. Ironically, the risk isn’t what we think it is. The risk is not about blindly taking a leap and hoping things work out. The risk is about evidence. Evidence of our faith.
Verse 5 shows us exactly how it worked. It says, “when Jesus saw their faith.” Do you know what that means? It means the actions they took were the evidence of their belief that Jesus was who he said he was. This happens over and over in the Bible. Check out Matthew 9:27-31, for example. Jesus miraculously heals two blind men and cites their faith (v29) for the victory. My friends, this is not different for us. The only thing left to evaluate is ourselves. What actions are we taking that suggest Jesus is our answer to everything? That is the evidence of our faith.
Father give us a clear picture of who you created us to be. allow us a glimpse of what our life would look like if given over fully to you and provide us with the courage we need to act accordingly. Your will be done.