Today’s reading: Jonah 3, Proverbs 27
The God of second chances. This third chapter of Jonah is the epitome of the second chance. God tells Jonah (for a second time) to “get up and go to the great city of Ninevah, and deliver the message of judgement I have given you”. Jonah was still feeling like he didn’t want to, but after witnessing the power of God through the storm and the giant fish he couldn’t attempt another trip to Tarshish. The second chance was not to fulfill Jonah’s plan. It was the chance for God to fulfill His plan through Jonah. Again, Jonah had the choice. In his mind the people of Ninevah didn’t deserve God after all their violence and evil. But God, in his mercy and grace had plans for Ninevah beyond what Jonah could comprehend. God asking the same request of Jonah a second time is so powerful. He didn’t give up on Jonah. He pursued Him with a storm and a giant fish until he realized the power he was running away from. Jonah finally submitted to the authority of the Almighty God. He didn’t understand but he said “yes”. And because of his submission to a plan he didn’t understand, the people of Ninevah repented. They didn’t just say they were sorry, they expressed their repentance by turning from their evil ways immediately. Submission. They got a second chance too.
Do you have a Ninevah you are running from? Is God pursuing you with obstacles and struggle as you run towards Tarshish? Stop running. Rest, pray, submit. God will give a second chance to His people. And His plan is always bigger and better than ours.
Thank you Father for the gift of forgiveness and second chances.
Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend”